Singularity does not deserve a buff

Backmon Member Posts: 318
edited June 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

This character is already one of the strongest killers in the game. With these buffs he will be impossible to play against. I am surprised by the logic of the developers, they overbuff already strong huntress and singularity, but the weaker and more difficult to master pig and knight were simply destroyed

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    Finally, someone else that understands.

    His chase power is A tier at worst. It's honestly a skill issue if a singularity's chases aren't 30 seconds or less. EMPs do next to nothing in chase for someone's survivability. In fact, the only situation where an EMP is useful is preventing him from cross map slipstreaming when he's protecting generators. Good singularities don't bother setting up pods before their first chase. They set up one good pod in a central area, but place pods in chase because marking a survivor is almost instant, and the penalty for coming out of pod mode is nonexistent.

    The biggest issue I have is that when a pod is disabled, he can recall the disabled pod and can immediately place another down. That entire time a survivor spent going out of their way to either print off an EMP or grabbing an EMP to help a teammate in chase is useless because all the singularity has to do is this: click the pod to destroy it, click again to place another, use pod, within half a second mark the survivor again. All of that can be done in under 2 seconds. So his only counter, EMPs, are effectively useless in chase.

    This same design plagues other killers like skull merchant as well. The survivor counterplay involves going out of your way to disable the power, but the killer can immediately turn it back on with next to no time involved. And on top of all that, adding "quality of life" changes, which realistically should be called "training wheels" changes, to autoaim to the nearest survivor only means that we have yet another killer with low skill/high reward gameplay, which will make already good singularity players that don't need the help that much more effective.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    legion/pig/trapper/freddy cry in the corner watching singularity

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    singularity is overrated by difficulty. nurse/cenobite/artist much harder than him. singularity have to much in his base kit (map presure /teleport/fast pallet break and window vaulting and passive game delay (survivors need to shut down your camera))

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    And yes knight is much harder to master than singularity at lest he doesnt have that much in his base kit. And there is much more killer who deserve buff instead of this overpowered trash can (legion/freddy/ghostface/trapper/nemesis/pig/trikster)

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 768

    Nurse is one of the easiest killers in the game once you actually get a sense for her power and have decent game sense. Artist just has to drop a crow at a pallet and viola, you're playing like a pro. The only thing difficult about Cenobite is mastering his chain and getting a sense for where the box is when it spawns. He gets free slow down for just existing.

    Singularity has to micro manage and set up. To be effective you need to put in three time as much effort than any other killer just to get the same results.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318
    edited June 2024

    So you dont care it makes him more hated than skull merchant for exactly the same reason. Huge effort with little downside and 0 counterplay from survivor side. Photo being basekit is guranteed hit on 90% of situations

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949
    edited June 2024

    That's a stretch. Skull Merchant guarantees her results while Singularity will no longer be disoriented by its own power.

    Some players would play like that anyway and they still weren't unbeatable. Because the hard part is not to find the survivor while you control a bio pod (and it shouldn't be) but to actually mark them without them getting behind cover. And even then, what happens if that survivor is slipstreamed? Nothing. You don't magically injure them.

    Instead you gain the ability to teleport to them and activate overclock, which still has the same issue it had before. Just worse because you can't prolong it by slipstreaming multiple survivors anymore. You can outrun the overclock duration without having to vault or drop a pallet and you will still be able to even with the 3% haste effect (which is not Soma Family Photo base kit). If you need me to, I'll do the maths and explain in greater detail. But right now, I don't feel like it.

  • YamamuraVideoRentals
    YamamuraVideoRentals Member Posts: 222

    Pretty good breakdown of the situation.

    If EMPs used within Hux's vicinity at least just disabled his power for like 10 seconds, that would at least give them more use in chase.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    isn't it ironic that Gabirel Soma was a survivor in a chapter where his perk granted 3% haste and now the killer is getting 3% haste for activating his ability. Oh how the tables turn.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,950

    Freddy watching from a corner seeing everyone else receiving reworks:


  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    Nurse is easy are you joking? She is the hardest to play as. Singularity is caring by his busted base kit and yes its indeed difficult to just spawn camera on the map and just watch survivor on them (no)

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Things you have to learn with Nurse:
    * How long to hold a blink to travel a certain distance. → Muscle memory
    * How long to wait until both blink charges are ready again. → Muscle memory / slight awareness

    Things you have to learn with Hux:
    * Where can I place a biopod? Any obstacles in the way? Places for survs to hide? Strategic Places, etc → Knowledge, Prediction, Mircomanagement
    * How to orientate when switching between Hux and biopods? (THATS REALLY HARD!) → Experience
    * Marking a surv during chase → Experience, Split-Second decision, Prediction
    * Slipstream duration, Do's and don'ts → Experience

    But sure, nurse is harder than hux /s.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318
    edited June 2024

    You forget a part with nurse that you need to know how long you can hold the blink before fatige, learn what objects block your teleport, learn where survivor trying double back you, predict where survivors go after a blink cause in fatige your view is very limited and you need to doing these always cause she is slower than survivors. Hux get free map pressure and information because of his cameras plus insanely strong chase ability on slipstream mode (base kit brutal, superior anatomy, spirit fury) and hes also 4.6m killer so if survivors outplay hes m2 he still very fast just doing m1. Singularity one of the easiest killer cause he has so many in his base kit that no other killer have

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    "Hold the blink before fatigue" → You know that after playing two rounds.
    "Learn what objects block your teleport" → Sure, but it's just a handful of some major objects you have to be aware of. With hux, every twig of a tree can screw you over.
    "learn where survivor trying double back you" → Will take you five rounds to adept to this.
    "predict where survivors go after a blink cause in fatige your view is very limited" → Changing from biopods back to hux is WAY MORE disorientating!
    "you need to doing these always cause she is slower than survivors." → Yes, you need to use her power constantly to get results. So you WILL use, eat dust the first couple of rounds, and get reasonably good with a tiny bit of dedication. No one' saying nurse is easy, esp. at the beginning. But when you put some dozen hours into Nurse, you will be reasonably good. Just bc there's not so much to know about her power, and she ignores survivor defenses completely.
    "Hux get free map pressure and information" → His "map pressure" is only usable at all when survivors are careless, and let themselve be slipstreamed by a pod! If they make sure to disable the pods, and/or do not get themselves infected, then good luck trying to prevent a gen being done when you are on the other side of the map. Info is meaningless, if you don't have the means to get there in time.
    "insanely strong chase ability on slipstream mode (base kit brutal, superior anatomy, spirit fury)" → Yes thats strong, but STILL hux can be looped quite easily, if you do not time your slipstream right in a loop. Also, breaking pallets or vaulting fast in overclock is STILL significantly weaker than just ignoring them like Nurse.
    "Singularity one of the easiest killer cause he has so many in his base kit that no other killer have" → Thats just plain wrong. Killers are easy (to play) when they have straightforward abilities. Nurse is easy (when you learned to blink), Wraith is easy, Huntress is easy. Hux has no straightforward power.
    Lets just look at a chase (assuming you get everthing right):
    Nurse: Blink to survivor, hit, fatigue, blink again, hit, survivor down
    Hux: Place Pod, Track Survivor, Slipstream to them, hit them, attack cooldown, slipstream again, hit them, survivor down
    Thats two preparation steps just to get in a state were you can chase efficiently. Nurse can just do it right away. Slipstream can be removed via EMPS, so you have to prepare again. Nurse blink cannot be disabled. Which power is easier?

  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Member Posts: 148

    I like the threads that are "I dont like change" and then proceed to provide no argument or evidence to their reasoning.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    It's honestly a skill issue if a singularity's chases aren't 30 seconds or less

    Ok, how the hell you get downed under 30 seconds against Singularity?

    It sounds like skill issue on your end instead.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    Reread my post. Based on your response, it's clear that you either did not comprehend it, or you just didn't read it past the first sentence you disagreed with.

    His chase power is A tier. There is almost nothing a survivor can do against it if the singularity knows what they're doing. Having a pod placed on you happens in 2 seconds or less, even if he has to place a new one down in chase. From there, the singularity spam clicks the survivor and either gets a free hit or wastes valuable map resources with no time investment.

    Please read a post fully before trying to contribute to a thread.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I read it and it doesn't change reality.

    If singularity downs you from healthy state under 30 seconds, you are doing something wrong. That's it.

    It's just funny to try call out killers on skill issue, when you are lacking in that aspect yourself.

    I don't consider myself good Singularity, because it just requires me to focus on macro gameplay way more than any other killer and I am too lazy. But I at least know how to play against one...

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited June 2024

    I did get smoked the other day by a Singularity running No Way Out, Remember Me, NOED and Terminus.

    Man had podded up far apart that a single EMP couldn't hit all the Pods, meaning he could always maintain vision of the gates. We couldn't reset heal cause of Terminus, the time for us to find NOED gave him ample time to set up his pods… we were basically stuck as he just kept teleporting back and forth until we were all out of resources. The remote hooks of the event really didn't help with our time efficiency…

    It was kinda demonically genius… I mean screw you man… but I couldn't even be mad with how devillish it was…. all I could do was lament the fact I wasn't the obsession :(

    In any case regarding the OP, I feel like the improvements are mostly fine being changed… my gut feeling for what will happen in the PTB:

    QOL or buffs/nerfs that don't change the play of the character enough to matter:

    • Auto target biopod slipstream.✔️ Helps console Larry's a lot, and doesn't really change his upper skill ceiling potential.
    • Glow only for taggable survivors. ✔️This sucked and should have always been a thing, is a nice buff to make things clear to avoid wasted tag attempt time… however also makes it so a quick look can not see a nice white aura for info, so it evens out.
    • Destroy currently controlled biopod. ✔️Doesn't make a difference really beyond just slightly easier to manage biopods.
    • Last controlled biopod yellow aura 5s → 10s ✔ Quality of life improvement that doesn't really offer much advantage.
    • Aim Assist. ✔Since you're mostly just waiting for the cursor to change on the target survivor and you spam shots until you get it anyway, not really much of a "skill" element here, just a cleaner experience for console.
    • Decrease aura of creates 32m → 28m ❌ Dunno why this is needed… seems a pointless change.
    • Decrease slipstream immunity after EMP. 2s → 0.35s✖️Very unlikely to ever meaningfully come up… kinda struggling to think when this would ever occur actually…


    • Slipstreamable cooldown 3.5 → 3.0 ✔️Buff: Fine, rarely comes up for a ranged TP, usually you tag on the move, but does make a good biopod placement more rewarding.
    • Hear audio from biopod. ✔Buff: Actually a nice change. Will make him stronger for information gathering, but is a sensible change that isn't going to over buff him by any means.
    • Killer Instinct when survivor is slipstreamed.✔Buff: Fine, a little unnecessary with the biopod aura time increase, but doesn't really affect his upper skill ceiling potential.
    • 3% haste while in overclock mode ✖️Buff: Not convinced he needs this, he is strong already when played well, which these other changes should aid a lot with more… but since everyone ran Soma family photo anyway 3% is better than 5% every game... Will see what Soma change brings.
    • Stuns Cause Overheat.✖️Buff: Also not sure on this one… I can see some potential problems if he can TP to a slipstreamed survivor healing a downed survivor and endure a Decisive Strike Stun, Head On or a flashlight save… but in the same breathe the stun resist is kinda his thing, and maybe its too niche to matter… especially since survivors can this possibility take into account and use an EMP to ensure safe pick up?
    • Passive EMP print cap + aura✔Buff: Little more interactive for survivors and mostly unchanged anyway. Literally takes 0.75s to print the EMP when its full. (3 charges left at 4 c/s), but does stop the "on the go" problem.
    • Switch back from biopod 1s → 0.5s and near hook 5s → 1.s ✔Buff: Little faster of the chase, but since he'll be using his overclock TP anyway, the difference will be largely inconsequential most interactions. Hook difference is much more sensible.


    • Overclock duration no longer scales with slipstreamed survivors ✔ Nerf: I always support removal of passives with varying values. They make it much more difficult to get a consistent "feel" for the killer.
    • Pulse on disabled pods to warn survivors it's coming back online ✔Nerf: Allows survivors to ensure they can react to disable the pod coming back online with a EMP.
    • Increase range of EMPs 8m →10m ✔Nerf: Helps survivors deal with "heavy watch" setups like 3gens and gate camping. Since this is a radius, this is 2m either direction, which is a pretty big buff….

    Overall I feel like the buffs are largely benign and fine, outside a couple of outliers than I think are a bit much/problematic… but we'll see what happens with regards to add ons…

    I think the nerfs compensate for the buffs nicely; the extra 2m on the EMPs is bigger than we think, and I also appreciate that we know its a standard 5.7s for his overclock now, rather than having to remember to check how many slip streams are out to understand the situation. The pulse on the biopods is a nice change so you can preemptively start charging your EMP to keep a pod knocked out if you need to.

    The changes overall look promising to me, and have a few things that should hopefully be ironed out in the PTB.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    Saying "you're wrong" with legitimately 0 reasoning or logic behind it really doesn't sell your argument. I'm sorry but you're incorrect about singularity for the reasons I listed. It's really that simple.

    I play against high mmr and comp players daily. I am in high mmr playing against high mmr singularities when I do see them. All of these games are the same. There is nothing a survivor can do in chase. Be thankful that you have the luxury of playing against the low mmr singularities that still don't know they lose bloodlust when they go into pod mode.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited June 2024

    I play against high mmr and comp players daily. I am in high mmr playing against high mmr singularities

    Of course you are. Like majority of the players on forum. Well, they claim that at least....

    Be thankful that you have the luxury of playing against the low mmr singularities that still don't know they lose bloodlust when they go into pod mode.

    So you are losing against Singularity that use bloodlust on you? Lol, how is that 30 seconds chase then?

    It's funny to complain about lack of arguments and then use invisible MMR instead.

    Unless you are playing wrong and try to pallet stun singularity, there is no way you get chase under 30 seconds, but that's just skill issue at that point.

    And I highly doubt you play against Singularity that often anyway with ultra low pick rate. But of course you have definitely all those in your "high" MMR, because singularity players are known to perform well and get anywhere close to it...

    If his chase was so insane, Singularity would be very popular in 1v1. 30 seconds is really good result. Well, he is not...

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    So you are losing against Singularity that use bloodlust on you? Lol, how is that 30 seconds chase then?

    Let's take everything I said and put it out of context from my original point. No I'm not losing to singularity because of bloodlust. I'm losing to high mmr singularities for the reasons I said above. His chase power is not counterable. I said what I said about bloodlust because one of the first things you learn about his pod mechanic as a new singularity is that it clears your bloodlust. Please try to practice good faith reading comprehension.

    Singularity would be very popular in 1v1

    Bringing up 1v1s in the context of actual matches has to be the biggest and most laughable straw man I have ever seen.

    I don't know what more you want me to tell you, you're simply just wrong. As I said in my original post, it takes less than 2 seconds to place and replace pods and to mark survivors with them. If you're prethrowing pallets, he eats through them because of overclock. If you have any distance, he teleports on you and you have 2 seconds to make it to a window or pallet before he catches up. If you have a teammate with an EMP clear your slipstream, it doesn't matter because 2 seconds later he can mark you again by placing a pod in chase, and the cycle continues. There's only so much distance you can cover with all of this happening without also taking a hit trying to run away. With dbd's new design philosophy, windows are becoming increasingly rare on any new tile or map. Dead zones are everywhere. Unsafe pallets are everywhere.

    The only reason he doesn't stomp every game is because of the EMP's only useful purpose: to stop cross map slipstreaming. He'll have to walk across the map to contest gens. If he had more reliable map mobility, he would be easily top of A or even an S tier killer.

    I explained all of this in my original post, but again, if you would have read it and actually took the time to comprehend it, I wouldn't have to reiterate all of this.

    In your opinion, what's the "correct" way to loop a singularity?

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257
    edited June 2024

    In your opinion, what's the "correct" way to loop a singularity?

    In 1v4 it comes down to using EMPs as much as possible. Preferably always have one with you for chase.

    Work on gens in spots where you break LoS with camera, or can hide fast. Unless there is multiple cameras pointing at one gen, you usually have a spot like this. Otherwise EMP ready.

    In 1v1, you can see where camera landed and in many loops break LoS, then just hold W to gain as much distance you can.

    If Singularity teleported to you, unless they use movement speed addon, you can run quite a big distance and outrun the duration with just one window vault.

    Of course it's best to drop pallet before singularity teleports to you and don't let him teleport to instantly break the pallet, that's not very effective...

    Even if you predrop the pallet and singularity kicks and teleport again, you can reach next loop on most maps. It's simply not that strong in 1v1 situation. Singularity won't get guaranteed hit from using his power and it's also not that fast.

    After you get injured, try to break LoS as long as possible to deny teleport. Depends on map...

    There is a reason why singularity is so easy to beat on indoor maps.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    So your counter is:

    1. Pray that the map is indoor for a slight advantage (according to you)
    2. Pray that LoS exists based on where the singularity places the pod (almost impossible against good singularities) (hiding behind a rock does not grant you any more distance on the singularity)
    3. Use an EMP that you already have equipped to buy 2 seconds of time because he will place another pod down and mark you right away
    4. Have your team spend 25 seconds or less to print off an EMP (100 seconds if nobody accelerates the print), then run around the map to find you instead of progressing the game on generators to remove your slipstream, just to have it reapplied in 2 seconds.

    All that to say what I initially said: if the singularity knows what they are doing, there is nothing you can do in chase.

    Preferably always have [an EMP] with you for chase.

    This is literally the whole point of my post. It does not do anything meaningful in chase. Singularity will mark you again within seconds.

    If Singularity teleported to you, unless they use movement speed addon, you can run quite a big distance and outrun the duration with just one window vault.

    His tp animation and wind-up take 2 seconds total. You will get minimal distance because you're forced to a tile or you are accepting a free health state by just holding W across the map. Good singularities hold their teleport until after you vault a window. Until you commit to a vault, they just hold their launcher until they're either close enough for an m1, or you vault and they teleport after you, putting them on the same side of the window as you. Even if you make it to the next tile by prethrowing pallets or vaulting, he is shredding through pallets, and most windows are ineffective against him to get any sort of meaningful distance for the reason I just stated. Even if your chase lasts 60 seconds, now half of the map has 0 resources, and it is much easier to down your teammates.

    "Breaking LoS" as the only "counter" is not an acceptable answer when talking about healthy balancing. Guess which other killer only has "break LoS" as the only counter in chase? Nurse. I'm not saying singularity is anywhere near oppressive to a good nurse, but it's just a funny observation.

    If you have any other tips on how to counter singularity, I'm sure they would be useful for the discussion, but the previous ones you listed are ineffective at best, detrimental at worst against good singularities.