Wicked not working on endgame (PC)

Lucario576 Member Posts: 53
edited June 23 in Bug Reporting

In two different matches, i have been hooked in the basement before all the gens are completed, when getting unhooked after the gens are completed Wicked doesnt activate.

Both times were against a Huntress with no Undetectable or Blindness addons or perks, Wicked didnt even light up to set the timer of 20 seconds

I was playing both times with this loadout: Strength in Shadows, Off the Record, Wicked, Botany Knowledge.

I suspect it may be somenthing to do with OtR getting deactivated in endgame that causes Wicked to get deactivated too

Post edited by EQWashu on
2 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.
