Some perks need to not synergize at all. Franklin's and Weave Attunement

Some perks shouldn't synergize and these 2 shouldn't work together. Weave Attunement should only work when the survivor item is depleted by or dropped by the survivor. If Franklin's is used it should just depleted the item and not activate Weave in anyway unless someone picks it up then it will make them oblivious. Another issue is the aura reading it is too much it shouldn't read above or below people on two story maps or parts of maps like Badham houses. It should only show the auras if they are on the same level as the item.


  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,030
  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,536

    This new combo of WA+FD is insanely strong.

    This has to be tuned down in some way or another.

  • CleanseThis
    CleanseThis Member Posts: 124

    Run distortion

  • cruelb
    cruelb Member Posts: 110
  • CleanseThis
    CleanseThis Member Posts: 124

    I agree im just making a point that Franklins and Weave are fine and instead offering a suggestion since theres more than enough counter-play when you face this.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,045

    So you guys just want to go against 4 slowdowns?

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,536

    Maybe the usage will slow down after the event.

    At the moment i see this constantly in my event games. And as i am mostly playing with normal players most games don´t end well. I can´t say but my escape rate is really low. Players dropping like flies.

    And simple rule - if u see something constantly it is probably strong.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,536

    Play killer and see auras very very often. Then go chase the - trying to hide - surv. The chases don´t last long.

    Imagine as surv player - with Kindred - seeing the killer leave the hook straight to you. BBQ maybe - nope. You sneak away but the killer just continues to run straight at you because there is somewhere a medkit on the ground and he just sees you.

    And most players i play with are no cool YT guy juking the killer very long.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,030

    That's funny. I was watching JRM earlier trying to get value out of Object vs this and he was complaining about never getting the combo.

    Go put your items in the corner.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185

    Hell no. I'd rather play against 4 slowdown than Franklins let alone Franklins + WA.

    It's an emotional response but getting hit with Franklins tilts the HELL out of me. Like I have to physically resist the urge to DC on the spot.

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 108

    It can be strong without needing to be changed. There's plenty of perks in the game that are clearly strong and impactful but nobody reasonable would suggest changes to them. I think WA+FD will just be like that eventually.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 618

    I don't really understand why players claim that this combination is too strong. Yesterday I had a few survivors matches and two killers used that combination. The first one was against a Pig (WA, Franklins, Pain, and Pop) which only got one kill. She could have gotten more kills if she had GE, Corrupt, Bamboozel, or NWO instead of this combination. The second match was against a Myers and he got three kills but not due to this combination - it was on Haddonfield and we had SoloQ issues that coast us the match. However, I saw him randomly looking for survivors which means he got no/little value from the combination. In both cases I had a Toolbox and once the Toolbox was empty, I realized WA and picked up the toolbox and walked to the edge of the map and droped it there. Year, it wasted some time but in the end these killers had no value from these two perks which is a great trade. If the killer hits me with Franklins during a chase, I would relize Franklins and would pick up the item later to deny the WA.

    In general, survivors will use their toolbox at the first generator which means you will get no value from Franklins and if you are a little bit aware of what is happening, you will notice the WA → pick up the item and be a bit careful/look around when you're oblivious and no other teammate is in a chase. If you use a medkit, you can drop it at the start of the match and come later back when you need it → no Franklins or WA value. I've already saw some survivor that did this. If you have a Flashlight, Flashbang or Firecracker you must be a little bit more careful. However, if you lose your item, you can sit on generators to pressure the killer on this way (the killer can only have two genperks) or if you really want to rescue, palett-saves are still possible. You can also use OoO to get value from the killers own perk or run Distortion to prevent the aurareading and when you notice the Perk due to Distortion, just pick up the item.

    Overall, you can counter this combination on so many ways.

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185

    Franklins + WA is fine in the same way a lot of pubstomper characters are fine in other games.

    People say they're fine because high level players have no problem against them. While ignoring the fact they absolutely massacre low-to-average skill players.

    So if something is bad against good players but overpowered against average players, I firmly believe that's something that's broken at its core and probably needs looking at.

    Or maybe my visceral hatred for Franklins is coloring my view and I would very much like to stop seeing it every other match.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,536

    Yep, good summary.

    I often say that all the "it is not difficult - just do xyz…" here in the forum completely forgot how "normal" players are.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,030

    What a weird generalization. Any game with as much variance between characters and their accoutrements as this one or your favorite moba/looter shooter/hero shooter is always going to have stuff that's more effective against less invested players. Legion for example is way less effective vs good survivors because they're naturally doing their counter: splitting up on gens and not healing. Because that's just good play and they are good players. Conversely something like unforseen is going to be better vs more casual players because it pushes against their natural behavior: run as soon as you hear the terror radius.

    You can't hamstring your entire game for the sake of one or the other. Weave attunement has clear and easy counterplay. If someone doesn't want to invest themselves in the game that's fine, but they shouldn't expect the game to cater to them. That seems pretty fair to me. More than fair, to people who put in the effort to learn in the ins and outs of the thing.

    Theoretically MMR evens out these discrepancies but what are ya gonna do

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 618

    I get your point but it is still weird. Survivors get a notification when WA affects them. They just have to pay attention. Of cause, in the first few matches they will make mistakes (ignoring the notification, Franklin's, droping the item at the stat ect.). However, as in every other game, players will improve and they will also improve in this way. Paying attention to this also improves them in other parts of the game (Paying attention to the HUD, environment). Also making mistakes is completely normal since they're learning the game. If they don't pay attention or take the time to deny WA value then it's their fault.

    I also don't get the point why this combination massacre these players because they get the information. It's not like NOED or Knock Out that often surprise the average players in a mean way.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    There is a difference between a 2 perk combo being good and a 2 perk combo being a terrible meme combo

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185

    I'm not sure we should be using infamously hated killer Legion as an example of what this game should strive for in the future.

    But this is something I don't get. I agree with you that Franklins/WA has clear and easy counterplay. So why do you care if it gets nerfed? Hmm? What's it matter to you? Why you wanna defend it so bad?

    If BHVR nerfed… I don't know, Territorial Imperative because they don't like the fact that Demogorgon can abuse it to remotely camp the basement, I'm not gonna be jumping to defend it. It's a bad perk that I don't use before the nerf and it would continue to be a bad perk that I don't use after the nerf. The only people who use it want to use it for a playstyle that's extremely unfun to play against and basically only works against uncoordinated teams, so good riddance I say, keep it in the garbage where it belongs until they can think of a total rework for it.

    The reason wouldn't happen to be because Franklins/Weave actually is extremely effective against the majority of the playerbase and so it actually is good in most games and you don't want it to go away, right?

  • Zakon05
    Zakon05 Member Posts: 185
    edited June 25

    It's because of solo queue.

    First off, to bring up the example I used earlier, people still heal against Legion. Legion has been this way for years and people still haven't figured out not to heal or group up against Legion. People are never gonna learn.

    So basically every freaking match now, I have to drop my item the moment I load in. If I see Vecna's stupid face in the bottom of my screen, I sigh and run to the edge of the map (after telling him where I am and making myself oblivious) and leave that item which I might have needed for whatever archive I'm currently doing.

    Okay, cool, so I've done the counterplay.

    My allies haven't, though. And I have no idea where they've been hit and dropped their items.

    So I get chased, or hell I'm just looking for a gen, and - whoops! There's Vecna's face again, the killer sees me, there is nothing I could have done to avoid or predict this.

    So time to tell him where I am again and search for my team mate's item and then make myself oblivious and put myself in the corner of the map again, gee this sure is a fun game you guys I am so glad I decided to queue up for survivor today.

    But you know, this miserable unfun unintuitive counterplay is fine to stay in the game because a SWF can drop their item at the start and then open coms to be like "Oh killer has Franklins/Weave, put your items in the corner" and now the perk combo is completely useless.