all the maps need reworked and stop being survivor sided.

What is the purpose of downgrading and updating the maps if all you do is make them more survivor sided by adding more loops and pallets . How can this company say that this game is fair but in all reality its not. This is why no one can play killer anymore because of these maps. Honestly stop making this game survivor sided. like how hard is it to update a map to make it equal to play both killer and survivor. I honestly think a map that has conecting loops is so stupid like by the time you get 1 hook the killer is down to 1 gen.


  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 417

    How delusional you must be to think all maps are survivor side and the game in general is survivor side lmao

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    Most Maps are too big, have too many pallets, and most are painfully dark.

  • WitchWalpurga
    WitchWalpurga Member Posts: 128

    especially after the newest reworks we see the following pattern:

    maps get smaller, half of the map is empty from the start, loops are insanely unsafe and the map gets cluttered with random objects.

    I really like how the new haddonfiled rework was disliked by even a large portion of killer players because how weak it was and it still went through :D

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Have to say having maps with huge amount of pallets but all being weak sucks, unknowns map is the prime example for that, they should really go back to how McMillan and autoheaven maps are designed, those are just far better, and haddonfield could be easily reworked, just add some medium sized fences with vaults closer to the streets, add some more pallets especially on the side of Myers house, and also a hook there because that thing is such a dead zone... Clutter is also terrible, especially if we look at toba landing, that map hurts to look at.

    Map sizes are an issue and making maps smaller is a good idea, but they also should not be too small, Haddonfield might already be too small...