Event Tunneling

Well, it's finally happened. I've become so frustrated that I made an account here to vent.
I've been playing since 2016, and the amount of tunneling I've seen in this event needs to be discussed. It has been, without exaggeration, 9/10 games. When confronted in EGC, they always just say "Calm down, I'm just playing the game". I don't play an anti-tunnel build because it shouldn't be this much of an issue. If I have to waste 1 to 2 perk slots each game on anti-tunnel perks, it's a bigger issue in general that should be dealt with. I don't get BNP, toolbox add-ons, or even toolboxes in more than 50% of my bloodwebs, but I can be tunneled out of 90% of my games. I've even taken to playing gentle killers who chase and release during the event just to spread BP and let people have fun, because they might not otherwise given how toxic killer mains have been lately. It's just a bummer. As I said, I've been playing a long time, but it's just ridiculous lately.
Just read the killer thread. They are loving that you are upset.
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You'll survive. It's part of the game. BHVR ignores reports of tunneling lol. It's part of it.
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The point is not that it is ok the point is that the game is not enjoyable for many. You play killer side we get it.
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If you aren't enjoying the game, don't play it. You're spending too much energy on hating other players.
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If it's not enjoyable then don't play? Nobody is forcing you to play. It's a PVP game. I'm going to kill you when I queue as a KILLer.
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Funny I wonder how much money they have spent in the games life time paying some one to follow up on camping/tunneling/slugging reports. My advice is that number is clearly to small and because they ask for it send feed back support tickets in. Make sure they don't mention any info in the title if there is one with 100s coming in weekly it would beg the question if fixing the game becomes worth the cost of reviewing tickets/reports and if the argument is well they were paying that individual any ways and it just slows the process of proper tickets and reports that makes them look even worse as a company
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Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, the sweat is strong in this game and many people will not stop just because it's an event.
Tunneling, much like camping or the survivor equivalent of gen rushing is not really toxic but it's a way to play the game in a more efficient and ultimately more win oriented manner. There is not a whole lot you can do to avoid it but some things that can help with a tunneling killer are:
- Playing with friends and coordinating unhooks and chases. If someone else comes for a bodyblock or you are unhooked while the killer is far away, that will make it a lot harder for them to successfully tunnel you out.
- Perks like DS and OTR. Yes, it sucks having to run specific perks pretty much every game but it's still better than being tunneled out early.
- Enduring this unfortunate situation and using the extra attention as a way to practice chases and make it harder for killers to tunnel you in the future.
Either way, I wish you some more enjoyable matches soon.
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I showed how the OP was stating something already advocated. The side that is creating the divide showing up to harass more just shows it off more.
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I see harassment is your chosen path both in game and out. Good day to you.
Post edited by BoxGhost on2 -
I wish gen rushing was a actual real thing outside SWF. The simple fact is that it's a boogie man created by killers. Having 4 people working on gens isn't gen rushing and I doubt you come across builds with tool box hyperfocus deadline and no mither often or any other limited gen speed perks. Especially with weaver franklins being really powerful right now. The issue is behavior has allowed a system where getting it to 3v1 q ASAP is the optimal way to win. Killing some one out and being on two gens left is way easier game state to win then 4 at 2 any day.
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Like I said, I'm trying to take a road that leads to more fun for players overall by playing as a more generous killer to balance, but as one person, the result is going to be insignificant. When genrushing was the main killer complaint, measures were taken to lessen that strain on an in-game, non-player level by rationing bloodweb parts and add-ons, as well as by nerfing BNP. OK, maybe that balanced fun for killers and if so, it was a good call. I'm not trying to be a cryvivor. I play the game because it's been fun for a lot of years. If it devolves into something completely unfun, of course I'm going to be sad. "Just stop playing" a game that I've really loved for 8 years, especially when that phrase comes from newer players who are part of the problem, is pretty gross. Why shouldn't it be fun for everyone who plays? Why isn't that a main community concern?
Edit: "ho plays" lol
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Gotta love entitled bait posts that clearly dont paint you in good light….
Where in their statement, did you feel any sort of change in tone or disdain, distaste towards OTHERS?
I believe, OP's post is solely to vent and note about the ridiculous amount of tunneling during this event, which is a valid point since generally everyone (Except for the people who are graced by the gods of not being tunneled, or killers.) that this event has seen the GREATEST uptick in tunnelers ever dated so far.
To say that they're "Spending their energy HATING on other people." is a reach out of left field and is completely disingenuous to OP's intention. Find your purpose elsewhere cause clearly, this isn't it. 🙏26 -
This is what happens when the game is balanced in such a way that is necessary at a high level. People see comp matches, and they emulate what they do there. Wouldn't it be better if the game was balanced around hooks and chases instead of kills?
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Absolutely agree. Having the "win conditions" be 4k/escape, hard stop, definitely breeds a very specific play style, on both sides. And the odd, arbitrary score system doesn't help.
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I think there was some confusion that I was the one you guys were talking to and not the other poster.
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You’re barely worth a response but you enjoy your day too. You’re just rage baiting people on forums lol
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you miss the point is ben getting so bad that i kid you not for me to queue killer for the event takes around 5 to 7 mins at peak times it's getting really bad it's not just mindless complaining it's affecting queue time really badly they need to address it because futures event are gonna be dead it's legit getting to that point
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Queue times are variable depending on region, mmr, and time of day. Your personal experience with long queue times is not the same everywhere as I personally have not encountered long queues as either role.
Not to mention the claim that DBD is going to die over tunneling has been said for years and here we are.
Some of you guys just need to learn when to take a break when you find yourself not enjoying the game.
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my dude you the exception im north america all the ppl i know have that queue time issue both in prime time and late in night times even that ppl that i've watch streaming have ling queue times you're the lucky one
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they did and in the post they would keep changing the subject and rambling about nonsense, but somehow people were "proving their point"
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I wish more of us understood that there are literally huge subsections of people in the gaming community who literally get serotonin and dopamine hits off of being jerks and upsetting other people. Even moreso, they’re proud of that. Nothing you can do about people like that but cut off their dopamine supply. Stop reacting and giving them what they want.
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But Then Survivor side gets all sorted amounts of ways to genrush, and the like, but call out on a Killer "supposedly tunneling" just to keep up. While Windows give you ample OPPORTUNITY to escape the killer, hide your aura from killer, quickly and quietly jump into lockers out of sight from a Killer. Flash them, (and not in the fun way). But because a killer is chasing you, who I will assume is looping a killer instead of escaping their capture. Want to claim Tunneling because you got caught in their sights to be chased. A requirement a Killer must do in order to catch a survivor?. Savvy?
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The sad thing is, I just recently came off of a break that was due to a slugging epidemic. I've definitely taken breaks when needed. I love the game, genuinely, which is why I always come back. I just happened to notice a sharp increase in tunneling during the event that really bothered me.
It's possible that making an account here has exacerbated the problem, since now I'm seeing a lot of posts with "I tunnel the weak link because it's a legit strategy lol", and "It's not my problem if you're not having fun!" attitudes. It's a sad way to behave, and sad to see.I'm older (43), female, and love horror games, and I always avoided online gaming when I was younger for just this reason. The toxic attitude of TRYING to ruin someone else's experience is frustrating. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but when I play, I want it to be as much fun for everyone as possible. Is it even fun to play a match in 8-10 minutes due to tunneling? Is it actually fun for people to slug to bleed-out for a 4k to ensure without a doubt nobody gets that hatch? I can't imagine having that level of main character syndrome.
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I’m a Killer main. I play 60/40 Killer but sometimes 50/50. On one hand I agree with you about trying to give Survivors a good game. My secret? Survivors are my weakness. I honestly just want to give them as good of a time as possible. I see myself less as the Killer and more of a Dungeon Master. Survivors want to bring back a 50% KR? Okay, if that’s what they want, they’re my weakness. I love Survivors too much. I like the KR at 60% for theming reasons but again, Survivors are my weakness.
On the other hand… This game only works if it is scary in the sense that you actually can be eliminated quickly. It’s a really tough rope to walk because the Killer has to be threatening enough without being too imposing. So as much as I hear about tunneling, unless the devs change the game even tunneling has its place in a high stakes elimination game. I’ve said it before in another thread but I think it’s so cool that a Killer like Nemesis can have a vendetta against a RE character and only goes for them during the match.
It’s a tough situation because Killers were in a bad spot prior to 6.1 and Killer has to be fun to play right? In a horror game like this the Killer is often times the main attraction. But on the flip side Survivors have to have fun too. It’s tough finding a place where people playing both roles can be satisfied.
Thanks for sharing! And welcome to the forums! 💀🔪🩸😊
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I absolutely agree, although I’m not a killer main, I love seeing the beef that survivors have with the killer prior to the match. That’s just me. And most of the time it’s intentional with people having their names as their fav killer, etc. Just the name of the game, again I’ve been tunneled out more times than I can count, but again, it’s part of the game.
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events shouldnt award pips. Period. No sweaty tryhards on either side and the mode would be just for fun, as it should be...
tbh, this event has been the most miserable experience on both sides
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I definitely have seen significantly more tunneling than normal during this event.
It was actually fairly uncommon for me. Maybe once in every 5-6 games. Now I feel lucky to have a game where I can actually enjoy myself.
I actually enjoy being tunneled personally but when my ally gets tunneled, they probably aren't ready for it and then I'm stuck in a 3v1 at 4 gens and it's just an enormous waste of time.
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At this point, I fully expect to be tunneled during the event. I run a complete meme build and just go in, grab some invites, throw some pebbles, and sometimes chase the killer around to force them to see me play the lute.
That's my event. Killers can play for real, but I don't have to go hard just because they do. I've had some killers try to force me and one other remaining survivor to stay in the match (most recent one put everyone one the ground, bled my friend out, hooked someone else, then tried to make me and the other remaining survivor do five gens), and Plot Twist is super handy in those situations. Last person can have the hatch, I don't care that it's not me; if one of the last two remaining survivors asked to be hooked telling them "no" is the opposite of nice and I bring the counter to that.
And I do have fun in some matches, it's not like I don't. But then there are the matches where the killer wants to end it with 5 gens left, and I'm just gonna make a mockery of that with my nonsense, because it's ridiculous to take this event seriously.
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This makes my day! Great attitude.
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You are not alone, my friend. I have had this exact issue. Yesterday was BRUTAL. 90% of games it was just hard tunneling at 5 generators, and I'm not even playing the Event Mode because it makes it easier for killers to tunnel since they have insta-hooks and break pallets at a distance. It didn't matter which killer it was. Nemesis, Deathslinger, Huntress, Knight…
I have literally put on Reassurance to give my teammates more time on the hook and perhaps do more generators with the extra time and it gave me easier matches. Half of those were even won with 3 of us left. I guess I got lucky with my solo queue teammates.
Though other days when tunneling was the exception and not the norm, it just caused long and prolonged 3 vs 1 situations, which are boring as hell since there are too many generators still left to do, so it's just a waste of time since the match is lost anyways, and if you try to give up, you either get slugged or feel bad for your teammates that are actually still trying. Luckily yesterday everyone seemed decent at looping and helping each other, and generator speed was decent enough to get to one generator or two before that person got killed.
It just shows how little skill do you need to play killer when you tunnel someone off right from the start. Killers complain about generator speeds but spend half the match chasing one person instead of patrolling and disrupting the other survivors. I can consistently get 3k whenever I play killer without running full regression and without tunneling, you just need a little brain, that's all. And sometimes you lose, it's normal and it happens in every game. But some killers seem like they are forced to 4k every match.
As a solo survivor it's just sad that I have to play full meta or go full anti-tunnel/support just to have a chance at surviving a single match. In the matches we lost of course the killer slugged for the 4k, and I also had a skull merchant bleed my teammate and me out for the full timer for no reason. Our other two teammates threw themselves at her and of course got killed. I was doing a challenge (which I completed) and messing around since the match was lost anyway and my teammate was playing normally, yet we both got slugged and I got called a ######### in end game chat. It's insane the lack of empathy some killers have.
When I play killer and survivors are toxic or teabag me, I don't even care, since survivors can't realistically do anything to me. What really bothers me is when killers actively try to ruin your experience of the game by keeping you hostage or purposedly waste your time by bleeding you out, letting you wiggle so you don't die, etc etc. Humping survivors on the floor is the most no ######### behaviour I have seen in any game so far. I just spin around or go on my phone and it happens way too often recently.
What I'm trying to say is some people need to learn basic human decency and it shows. Everyone wants to win, but you are not going to every time. Get over it and stop being scumbags to everyone you come across. End of rant.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Lmao no it's better that people who don't enjoy the game because of tunneling and camping speak up and give their feedback. These forums are there for feedback in the end. And the game should be as fun as possible for as many people as possible who like the core gameplay of DBD.
Tunneling and camping are cheap tactics that are simply very unfun to go against. The "don't play" suggestion is pretty pathetic and will just lead to long killer queue times.
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To be fair, I think its fine to admonish Killer and Survivor 'mains', because they lack the understanding of both sides to have a nuanced discussion on most things of merit. (Some people say main though to indicate a preference, so they are fine.)
We aren't playing with 4 other tournament caliber players in standard matchmaking, just fellow Long MMR players (since top MMR is ~25% of the playerbase in one bracket), so tunneling isn't remotely near 'required', especially in what is supposed to be the equivalent of an 'unranked queue'. Standard queue is supposed to be where people who want to sweat should sweat whenever events are active. I'm also not saying every match needs to be an 8-hook farming match, just that the need for turbo-tunneling at 5 gens is nonexistent in the event (as well as normals to be honest).
Exactly, I also see the Killer as more like a DM role. When I have a DM that says 'you break your weapon/spellcasting focus on Nat 1s', I either only use save spells, or quit the game. When I have a Killer that turbo-tunnels at 5 gens, they are that Nat 1 DM.
I love playing stealth Killers because (imo) it is the only last vestige of horror in the game when played correctly. For me, nothing feels better than getting jumpscared from seeing Ghosty or Myers stalking you from behind and barely reaching the pallet/window in time.
I love doing the goofy slow turns at lockers, or slug races at the gates (but I sacrifice or fake the sacrifice of the loser of the slug race, gotta be a punishment for failure). I tunnel S.T.A.R.S. as Nemmy, or Chris as Wesker. I only need a photo of all Survivors as Ghosty, so if they photobomb a Mori I let them live. When people figure out the 'mini-game' they have a lot more fun than the bog standard gameplay.
I do think that the threat of being eliminated quickly can be accomplished with quick chases, not necessarily the chases being back to back though. Nearly all good horror movies have tension and relief, and permanent tension typically isn't enjoyable.
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Sorry that you're having a rough time. Killers are clearlyOP in this event, so I'm just chilling and not sweating the event too much. Sadly, others do not feel the same some people see this as an opportunity to play with the other side as if it's a single player game.
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niether is teammates giving up on first hook and being able to circumvent the dc penalty yet its still a thing
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But what if your first hook isn't until there are 2 left with 3 gens to go and the other person has 2 hook states? Then it's a tactical choice to allow the other survivor a chance at hatch. Happens all the time.
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I don't think you could truly 'take out your frustrations on a person' on a forum, but to be fair I didn't see whatever alleged post they made in the other thread.
I mean by your phrasing, I too would fit the description of Killer main, I just don't self-report as such. It provides much more value to provide arguments and supports for those arguments than just planting your flag for a tribe and calling the other tribe evil, especially when both tribes are members of the same 'nation' (both players of DBD and wanting it to be better).
When people wave a flag, they rarely are defending the merit of their points, they are just dismissing their opposition assuming they are merely waggling a different flag.
I tend to want to minimize the worst experiences, rather than fix multiple smaller things (I tried that once, it was largely ignored). That means the big issues (which tend to be suffered by Survivor) are the ones I complain about most. For example, the most someone can waste your time as Killer is exit-gate T-bag, which lasts 2 minutes max. The most someone can waste your time as Survivor is 4 minutes of Bleedout, twice as bad of an experience (not even exploring that Killer has agency to end it early, and Surv doesn't). I've also tried suggesting catch-up mechanics for Killer when the match is clearly not going their way, but people discarded that because they misread/didn't fully read the limitations. I've reported bugs affecting Killer and Survivor disproportionately. Put simply, I too want the game to be fun for everyone.
I just think that if someone starts off waving a flag on forums, they never intended to actually discuss a problem, they just want people to rally with them against the other flag holder. Saying the equivalent of "lol bro's waving a flag" makes them learn that it provides more value to make a coherent statement/argument, instead of just waving the flag.
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They are just playing the game. Turning the match into a 3v1 instead of a 4v1 as efficiently as possible is the best way to win.
You're basically asking for them to play poorly on purpose.
We don't expect survivors to do that so we shouldn't expect killers to do that either.
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I mean we most certainly expect both sides to play sub-optimally for both sides' enjoyment. We expect Killers to not tunnel, we expect Survivors to heal, we expect Killers to not camp, we expect Survivors to return to the predictable gen in a deadzone, all so both sides have a chance to further interact with one another, which I would argue is the prime source of enjoyment.
We expect Survivors not to t-bag at the gates, we expect Killers not to bleedout the 3rd seeking a 4k, because we expect each other to have the basic human decency to respect one another's time, and chastise them (either in chat or here on the forums) when they act disrespectful.
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Everyone is being awful this event. Not just killers tunnelling, though I've honestly had only a few of those. I've got team mates farming off hook in front of the killer, teaming up with the killer and griefing, leaving each other to second stage on first hook or even to die on hook.
I just had a game where the killer had literally moved to the opposite side of the map from where I was hooked (could see her kicking a gen with Alert) and I still got left to second stage. Then, same game, no one is touching the last gen so I end up doing it despite being injured on death hook and I die for it, just to watch my team mates fast vaulting back and forth in front of the exit to annoy the killer. I regret doing that last gen. I should have just twiddled my thumbs like they were. Don't know what they were showing off about, they were useless.
Also, in all my years of playing I have literally only twice gone to the effort of uploading a video to report players griefing and today was my second time. I don't know what is wrong with people this week. Grow up.
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this why I don't play anniversary cakes that much anymore now as survivor I play the crappiest offering or offering that only good for me and as killer a mori now.
when I do play anniversary cakes as killer I get genrushed like 3 to 4 gens done before I get my 2nd hook or I play one in survivor I get tunneled or camped or both.
both side are playing like they life really depends on winning or they getting they giggles making this event the worst it ever been for both sides.
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Well, it's finally happened. I've become so frustrated that I made an account here to vent.
I've been playing since 2016, and the amount of gen rushing I've seen in this event needs to be discussed. It has been, without exaggeration, 9/10 games. When confronted in EGC, they always just say "Calm down, I'm just playing the game". I don't play a gen regression build because it shouldn't be this much of an issue. If I have to waste 1 to 2 perk slots each game on gen regression perks, it's a bigger issue in general that should be dealt with.
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I’ve had the same issues. I’ve had so many games (partly because for some reasons my random mates are really bad at the game) but the killer will end of killing everyone within 5 mins or less. It’s just like “bro, you had the upper hand…. At this point Mr. Killer just drag the game out so we make good use of the event and cake bonus points”
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"Gen-rushing" has been nerfed a million times. People doing gens is not the same thing as gen-rushing.
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In 90 seconds 3 generators pop. You're always forced to bring boring gen defence perks. 4-5 minutes the game is over vs a good team, you won't be able to get 9 hooks in that time.
People doing gens is not the same thing as gen-rushing = Killers killing people is not the same thing as tunneling. (They're just doing their objective, they're killers not hookers)
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You're just being silly now
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Me being silly:
- Saying that it takes 90 seconds to repair 3 generators (1 survivor is in chase, 3 are repairing a generator).
- Saying good survivors can repair 5 generators in 4-5 minutes (remember, 90 seconds for 3 generators, I'm being generous here).
- Saying you won't be able to get 9 hooks in 4-5 minutes vs good survivors.
- Killers killing survivors is them just doing their objective.
Good counter argument.
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I meant it's silly comparing doing gens to tunneling. BNP is a finite resource that spawns in the bloodweb extremely infrequently. Let me reiterate, this is a consumable resource. It's rare. Frustratingly so. As are toolboxes and toolbox add-ons. Running gen perks is an option that some people choose and others don't. It sounds like you're mad at coordinated swfs, which is a separate issue. As a soloq, I also have issues with coordinated swfs, but that's not what's being discussed.
Tunneling is available to every killer, every time, with no perks, addons, thought, etc. It's not the same thing at all. There's 0 risk to tunneling unless you commit to a pointless chase, which is 100% a killer decision.4 -
Not sure wht my reply didn't post, but here's the rudown of what I typed originally.
It's not even close to the same thing. Doing gens or "gen rushing" requires consumable parts, equipment, and addons. It usually also requires perks to be efficient. This is something the player has to weigh against other perks, equipment, or addons that might be more helpful to the overall game. It takes a lot of finite resources, many of which are extremely rare and rationed. Tunneling is available at all times to all killers without any resources being spent or perks being used. There's literally no risk. Nothing gets used up. Nothing has to be rationed or considered.It sounds like you're mad at coordinated swfs. A valid complaint, but not what we're talking about.
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You've been playing since 2016 but are somehow surprised at tunneling?