Players who don't bring cakes during the Anniversary event shouldn't receive the bonus bloodpoints


I've been in too many matches where players either bring BROWN offerings or no offerings just to spite other people in the lobby.

Players who don't bring cakes DURING THE ANNIVERSARY shouldn't receive bonus bloodpoints.

As soon as the anniversary ends, that should no longer apply, so players can bring cakes and everybody benefits from them after the event.

You can choose not to bring a cake during the anniversary, that's fine, but you shouldn't receive bonus bloodpoints from other players' cakes.



  • Anci___ent
    Anci___ent Member Posts: 5

    I think players don't take Cake because matches can end quickly. That is, if a team of survivors had arrived and quickly repaired all the generators, the killer would have gotten nothing. And if the survivors take the Cake, then the killer will try to kill the surviving inexperienced players as quickly as possible for the sake of a quick victory. I don't think a survivor or killer can be happy that they got nothing and their cakes were wasted. (Sorry for the bad translation, I'm using Google translate)

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    If you implement something like this, it'd better have protection to recognize Bloody Party Streamers and past anniversary cakes as well.

    Though if someone has neither, you're locking them in a situation where they're going to struggle to get bloodpoints. This is especially bad for survivors, who don't have as much cake in their bloodwebs as killers and can get killed early with low scores even if they do bring cake.

    Like… I'd like to manifest a rolled-up newspaper and bonk the players who go "I won't bring cake because screw you all", but it's kinda hard to actually do that and not hit the people who aren't being malicious and are just trying to do a daily, forgot to switch their offerings, or don't have anything good on the character they're playing.

  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 622

    I rather them bring no cake then a selfish BP offering like an escape cake or yellow envelope.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Don't blame them for using that item, blame bhve for letting such offerings exist... Like how are the players to blame for using a BP offering?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Actually, players who burn a Cobbler in event mode get double BP for some event stuff, like finishing a gen, hooking on an event hook, grabbing a party totem, and probably opening an event chest (I haven't tested that last one myself). You have to burn the Cobbler yourself to receive double the points for the event stuff.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    I bought 3 survs and a killer to lvlup to prestige 3 during anniversary... There was not single instance of me NOT having a cake in a bloodweb to buy. And I really can't understand how one can't bring a cake... Especially if one is using map or mori

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    no one knows about that.

    Yeah, I didn't know about Cobblers doubling event points for the burner until I tested it. I am baffled as to why it's not in the item description or at least in the event write up.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    They will remember anyway, because they also want to have the additional bloodpoints, what is your point of being so petty about it? Maybe they have a daily and no offerings on that character, maybe they don't want to spend bloodpoints on that side/character but on something else they are working towards, no matter what it is none of your business and whether or not someone brings a certain offering like that should not influence the bp gain, this is one of the pettiest takes I've ever heard of…

    It is not like people are obligated to bring such things, because if that was the case, why even bother with offerings? Why not just make it so every game gives you +500% bp? Also no you are not whatever rude word you said if you don't bring a cake, because there is no obligation to do so…

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Rather than trying to judge what BP bonuses other players deserve to receive based on your opinion, how about…

    An event offering is required in order to pick up invitations.

    Without a cobbler, you can't pick up invitations, and therefore can't use: quiet mode, party pallets, remote hooks, remote pallet breaking, etc.

    You still get the tryks effects, which might give you one invitation charge, but that's it.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If only that was not linked to the community challenges… Why do we need any restrictions there in the first place? There is no reason to change anything here.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited June 2024

    Well previous events have tied the offering to event participation. The old chinese new year events wouldn't give you the bonus for completing event gens/hooks unless you brought a red envelope.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I'm not fully aware whether or not those events had community goals similar to the current ones? And even if they did it would still have been a bad idea, given that you would require players to use a specific offering to participate in the goal..

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    At this point, just add a special offering slot which is locked in a cake and forces you to use it, way smarter than anything like this

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    It's the point of anniversary is to bring cakes for yourself and others. Why else we would celebrate anniversary?

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Yes I was thinking something like that I think not bringing cakes should not give you any extra bp from anniversary category. Good idea remove the event abilities as well.

    Currently you get bit less bp from gens and hooks if you don't bring cake I think it's half without one but I would remove the extra totally. It's fine still get the multiplayer from normal categories. I think the OP wants to punish players too hard as it's still easy to forgot sometimes.

    I would be even fine to add requirement to bring cake for anniversary mode and automatically it would give you free cake if you don't have any well this could be even third game mode just for bp.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    The anniversary isn't just the event cakes.

    I think being too focused on what other people are getting out of the event and not just enjoying the event for what it is, is doing yourself more harm then good.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Well if there would be no cakes bringing bp I would not play anniversary it's big reason why we celebrate it. If everyone would just think themself and bring puddlings and escape cake then what is the point?

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    If one want to participate in a party, they do participate (brings cake).

    If one don't want to participate, they don't have to (brings maps, hatch, Mori).

    But if one do not participate in a party, why should they get party rewards. It's like not participating in a wedding because one was more willing to play lol, but received wedding souvenirs and piece of cake

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    How is that celebrating then? The point is the special event, event tome, event abilities, the changed visuals to match the occasion... I mean probably a lot of people only play for the bonus BP, but that's not really the point of it... That would be like saying you like going to other people's birthdays to get free food and not to actually celebrate their birthday with them...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You participate by queuing up for the event... Not by bringing a cake... The requirement to participate is using that queue not using an event offering, that's just the neat little bonus you get. Like the goodie bag you get for going to a convention ;)

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    I disagree with that.

    Cakes are great items especially to show your participation in the event, but are not the main point of it. I would participate in the anniversary without cakes, tho it would not be full experience. But because of that I think people who don't participate with the cake should not get bonus from cakes. It's like this one guy on a party who havnt brought anything but ate the most...

    Someone said that anniversary mode should have cake requirement and give one cake free. But I think cakes should be shared between all player characters

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    Kinda, yes.

    I do participate in a birthday party even if I did not brought any gift.

    But imagine this scenario. Everyone was asked for something. All guests payed a little to buy cakes, gift, decorations, food and other. And everyone was tasked to do something. Some was decorating, some was cooking, some was doing other things, and five was tasked to bring those cakes. 5 smaller cakes but made that every guest can take a good bite of it. But one person did not delivered this cake because he was busy playing his games, he kept withdraw code so he can take this cake whenever he wants and eat it alone. This is how I feel seeing killer bringing Mori or map while all survs brought cakes.

    Those people are playing their game. They will get all participation rewards - Tryks tricks, invitation abilities, event tome, anniversary cosmetics and bonus bloodpoints from cakes at the same time increasing their chances by using other offerings.

    So maybe just don't give them cake if they don't want to share their own? They are welcome to play as they please, but if they value mori more than BP from cake, then why gives them those BP?

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 999

    Do you play in the normal modus or in the modifier? I feel like in the normal one players bring less cakes than in the event one.

    However, the problem on the survivorside is that they get less cakes than killers because the cakes share the same spawnplace like the eventitem (which look fancy but besides that nothing special). A killer prestige gives you like 70cakes while a survivor prestige gives you 30 - 40 cakes due to the eventitems. As a result, I think many players can't bring a cake because they don't have one. Of cause some players might be a little bit stingy or they safe them to use them when they play with their friends but not everyone is like this.

    BHVR just likes missing information. For example: Trickster has a combo when using throwing knifes and an Addon that increases this combo but the description does not tell you anything about it. You either have to check the wiki or a YT video to find out what the combo does that this Addon increased. There so many other examples. Idk why they do this but they do it.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,579

    If players can stop playing so sweaty, maybe I'll consider bringing it.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But if they want to use those cakes other people will get the BP bonus? So where is the issue? They cannot "eat their cake alone" in that sense... And unlike a birthday party you are not obligated or you did not agree to bring a cake in the first place...

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    but if they dont want BP from cake, why should they get it?

  • LuckyJewel
    LuckyJewel Member Posts: 128

    I like the way of how you judge the situation like this one, that's fair 100% tbh

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    With that reasoning why should you get BP from any offering that someone else brings in? This has to be one of the most petty view points ever... With that logic why should anyone get anything?

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 488

    I paused my offerings for a few rounds to get chased by the killer

    It worked 😎

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Well we have different opinions on that for me it's just the main point getting lot of bp and have some fun. Bp grind is what addicted me to this game so I would play much less if I get barely any bp.

    I still say not getting any bonus without cake would be too much penalty. Because people can forgot and some people want to bring old cakes and bloody streamers as well. Maybe those bringing selfiss cake should not get any... But just reducing the extra anniversary bonuses would be enough.

    I suggested that mode requiring cake so because it is requirement you should be able to always play so free cake would help for example if someone happens to have zero bp. Your idea is fine as well but it would reduce grind so I don't think it will happen.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    I think game birthday is not comparable to actual person birthday that way. Because we as players get the presents and those are the cakes. Imagine your birthday and you get no presents... So I think main point of anniversary is the cakes and getting lot of bp and have fun.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean if you care about your birthday party because you get free stuff and not because you get to spend time with your friends and family then that is kind of sad... I think what makes it special is the game mode and not the BP bonus, as there are many events with BP bonuses...

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Like I said they are not really comparable. Let's just say cakes are the present and friends. Someone not bringing cake is like invited friend not showing up on your party.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    A friend not coming is something you can be sad about, but not mad... You don't want them to have disadvantages for not coming, you are most likely not going to exclude them for not coming... Comparing it to not bringing cakes in that sense is fine, but saying it is comparable to the measure some people want for not bringing cakes is a bit off...

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    t's not the same. During anniversary one have more than enough cakes. It's not difficult to get one. I use almost exclusively auto pick in a bloodweb and there was not single instance of me not having cake. Exactly opposite is for streamers party and envelope, since those are rare, and you can get few from whole prestige. Cakes are much more common, you can have AT LEAST one in every other level of bloodweb.

    But yes actually. If someone havnt brought any BP offering, even brown one, it's means they most likely (not sure) don't want additional BP, so maybe streamers party should works only for those who brought ANY BP offering?

    But if someone havnt brought the cake during event, and in event mode, means they definitely don't want bonus BP from cake. Thus cake bonus should be applied and add for those who brought their cakes.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    I don't think it would reduce grind, you still would need as much BP as you can get to prestige characters, but having cakes in shared inventory would help with using variety of characters instead of only those who already have cake

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Everyone wants bonus BP... This assumption is lackluster on so many levels and denying people bonus BP for that reason is ridiculous.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854
    edited June 2024

    If one wants BP bonus, then why is not using cake?

    And what is wrong with this assumption? Just saying "on so many" lvl contributes exactly nothing:

    Player have cake + player is not using cake = player don't want BP from cake/player value something more than BP from cake.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That is none of your business, let them use whatever they want... It is not like those cakes go to waste... Whenever they decide to use the cakes later people will still get the bonus BP then, so what is the issue??? You get hundreds of cakes during the event, you are never going to use them all until next year, so why are you being so petty about people not bringing cakes now? They can still use them later...

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    Yes, exactly:

    Player have cake + player is not using cake = player don't want BP from cake/player value something more than BP from cake.

    1. There is no guarantee others will bring cake, so not bringing it means potentially no additional BP, if one is willing to take this risk also means they do t want this additional BP.

    2. Additional cake give additional bonus BP, if one don't want this additional BP from one cake, means they don't want this additional BP. This one is quite straightforward.

    3. You get hundreds of cakes, which means it's not because they don't have those.

    4. You brought here another question. If one have so many cakes during event that they can't use them all before next event and another cakes (those are your words) then why not use it right now? There is no advantage of storing them since there is abundance of those.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Players can also decide to not use an offering at all, either because the character does not have offerings, because they only got the prestige level through the prestige update some years ago or because they don't want to or just forgot to put one in, trying to read their intention just by that is really far fetched.

    1. Makes 0 sense... What do you even mean by that? People constantly run BP offerings, be it during the even or at other times... So why would you limit BP bonuses to others to only apply when they bring one themselves?
    2. They also give this additional bonus BP later on? Limiting it now is ridiculous, people can still use cakes later...
    3. In general, maybe not on that specific character... Still none of your business when they use a certain offering...
    4. Because they don't want to, their reasons are none of your business... Either they will never use it or they will use them eventually, either way there is really no reason to be so petty and stingy about it... Where is even the issue of other people getting bonus BP out of it?

    This just feels like you are really jealous of people not bringing cakes "because they did not do their fair share for the BP bonus", which is utterly ridiculous... Where exactly is the issue? Why is there even a need for the change? All your reasonings go down to people who don't bring cakes don't deserve the bonus and that is just petty.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    Issue is that they bring things that helps them in their own game and parasite on offerings other brought instead of caring just for themselves. If everyone would think the same, in each game we would have map, hatch and Mori offerings, and noone would get those BP. You got it because I brought the offering, and I feel cheated that you instead brought Mori to quicker finish the game, not only not contributing to bonus BP flow, but also ending game quicker, giving less BP additionally.

    All other issues you said there are actually explained in the very same post you quoted... And since you are not even try to read with understanding I don't think any ways of explanation have sense. You just don't want to understand... And this is another reason why cake bonuses should be applied only to others who brought cakes. If one wants to be selfish, it's not a problem, nor my business, you are right. But make them at least not being parasites. Each one offering that is not a cake is actually -100% BP ona trial since cakes are so abundant. So at least make this +400% apply to only those who contributed for this 400%.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Jesus, can you be any more petty? These offerings give bonus BP to everyone for a reason... So you don't only give yourself something but also treat others to it... You want 108% bonus bp? Sure, go for it but everyone else also gets it, just prevent from being so childish about this stuff... What you could argue for is that bp offerings should always apply to everyone, just so you cannot get this feeling of betrayal... But in the first place it would be great, because overall more bp.

    I tried to understand what you wrote, but all it came down to pettiness... So no, I don't try to understand your reasons, because they are just not reasonable.

    Those additional cakes are going to be super useless later on when they only apply to people who don't have cakes...

  • Sudoxxed
    Sudoxxed Member Posts: 34

    Good take, I forgot that items don't apply to killers lol, but it takes like 2-3 levels max to get a cake in your bloodweb if you're REALLY unlucky; most just keep them for when the anniversary ends, which is bad because the bloodpoints they will get from that cake will not be able to be used to buy even more cakes, and I think that's the most devastating part about cake hoarding.

    I clearly mentioned in my original post that after the event, everyone should get the bloodpoint bonus, because you can't get cakes after the anniversary event ends (ofc).

    As soon as the anniversary ends, that should no longer apply, so players can bring cakes and everybody benefits from them after the event.

    I think people that don't bring cakes during the event just to hoard cakes for after the event ends is boring, unfun, makes the grind for everyone longer, and there will be less cakes after the anniversary event ends because everybody who cake hoards leaves less bloodpoints during the event for more cakes.

    For example, today I played a match as survivor where 4 cake offerings were brought and ONE (1) White Ward, and at the end of the match, it was revealed that the survivor who brought the White Ward didn't even bring an item.

    That example and others who bring Survivor Cakes and brown offerings shouldn't receive more bloodpoints for trolling people who try to reduce some of their future grind like I am. That's what this whole thread is about: trying to lessen the grind and have fun during matches.