How I would Rework the current Freddy

Brutha Member Posts: 195
edited June 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

No this won't have Freddy be reverted to his original power this is meant to be a Rework to how he works currently. My goal was to make him more fun to play as and against so balancing wise idk how good this is.

New: Dream Delusions

These include Dream Generators, Dream Totems, Dream Breakable Walls, Dream Pallets, and Dream Hooks.

  1. Dream Generators:
    • When a survivor is asleep, completed generators will appear incomplete with a random amount of progress on them.
    • Two additional Dream Generators will spawn in available generator locations.
    • Asleep survivors can repair these generators. Upon reaching 30% progress, the generator will melt, revealing the already completed generator inside, followed by Freddy laughing to notify the survivor they were interacting with a Dream Delusion.
    • If one of the additional Dream Generators reaches 30%, it will explode, injuring the survivor and putting them into deep wounds if they are already injured before disappearing.
    • Freddy can project to Dream Generators as if they are real generators.
  2. Dream Totems:
    • Four Dream Totems will randomly spawn in available totem locations.
    • Upon being cleansed or Boon'd, the totem will disappear permanently, and the survivor will hear Freddy laughing, notifying them they had interacted with a Dream Delusion.
  3. Dream Breakable Walls:
    • Freddy can place Fake Breakable Walls in already destroyed wall locations. Freddy can walk through these walls, while asleep survivors cannot.
    • Asleep survivors can get rid of these walls by interacting with them for 3 seconds. Upon completion, the survivor will hear Freddy laughing, indicating they have interacted with a Dream Delusion.
  4. Dream Pallets:
    • These are unchanged.
  5. Dream Hooks:
    • Four random hooks are changed into Dream Hooks at the start of the trial.
    • Hooking an already asleep survivor on a Dream Hook will not wake them up, unlike real hooks. If an awake survivor is hooked on a Dream Hook, they will immediately be put to sleep.
    • Once the hooked survivor is unhooked, the Dream Hook will turn into a regular hook and permanently remove that Dream Hook from the trial.
    • Dream Hooks are shown to Freddy with an orange aura.

New: Dream Transition

Freddy can now perform a Dream Transition to all Dream Delusions except Dream Generators and Dream Pallets. This transition will take 6 seconds, and each delusion would have a special animation for when Freddy teleports (e.g., Freddy would 4% off a Dream Hook or he could open a Dream Breakable Wall like a door and walk through it).

New: Sleeping Body

Once a survivor falls asleep, their body will fall asleep wherever the survivor was upon entering the Dream World. Awake survivors can no longer see asleep survivors; however, they can find that survivor's sleeping body and perform the Wake Up action. When a survivor is put into the dying state, they will return to their sleeping body, and Freddy can Dream Transition to them for 6 seconds. Freddy gains killer instinct on them for 10 seconds when they enter the dying state.

Change: Waking Up

Survivors now have only two options to Wake Up:

  1. Asleep survivors can use their Alarm Clock to wake up. Interacting with a Alarm Clock takes 8 seconds and requires the survivor to hit constant merciless storm skill checks for the duration to Wake Up. The survivor will Wake Up back in their sleeping body. Failing one of these skill checks will cancel the interaction and allow Freddy to Transition to the Alarm clock for 5 seconds.
  2. An awake survivor can locate the sleeping body of an asleep survivor and wake them up by performing a 16-second Wake Up interaction.

I'm too lazy to make addons atm if I get time I might make some. Feedback on this would be appreciated
