Game becomes more and more killer sided

Kyntak Member Posts: 1

The event just emphasizes. As someone whose played this game for 6 years we need to recognize how the game defaults to the idea that a killer will face a SWF mfybmmmevery match when I'm reality, most games are randos. BHVR either needs to allow VC or internal communications or stop assuming every match is SWF. THIS EVENT SHOULD HAVE BEEN FUN BUT IT'S BEEN A NIGHTMARE. I'll elaborate more if you want ((which the community will because it's clearly my fault and not the devs or killer or leaders fault it is mine)). But the event is just the tip off of how the dev and game design really thinks every survivors team is SWF. Try solo Q and understand the ABSOLUTLY FRUSTRATION dev team. It's awful. Rebalance THIS GAME

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,536

    I only play solo and in my event games killers win way more than we escape.

    It seems like i play with pretty new players sometimes.

    If i get a decent team we make it but that is not often.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,303
    edited June 30

    3 perks that helps me a lot when im SoloQ is Distortion (and no im not avoiding hooks, but when i have taken my 2 hooks, its nice not to be detected) and Deja-Vu (Helps breaking 3 gens and saves time searching gens on some maps). Windows (This is seriously broken, but ill take it).

    And then i bring a toolbox with extra charges or BNP most of the time, to get the first gen done as quick as possible.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    I use distortion and calm spirit almost constantly. Bond never leaves my perk slot. I've been experimenting with the 4th, or a 2 perk combo if I take CS off. I like Stakeout/Hyperfocus with a good toolbox if I'm planning to just play a stealth gen game, or breakdown/we'll make for altruistic builds.

    Windows is way too distracting for me. It makes my already suboptimal looping a nightmare. lol.

    It's more of a tunneling killer and/or swf teammates who don't care about me issue. I've taken to getting at least one gen done by myself, then taking chases and prot hits so the others can escape. It makes me feel better about dying almost every game because at least I feel useful. I'm almost at my first p100.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Power itself is pretty good, but it's only impactful for higher level of survivors

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I play solo queue almost strictly. Anyone that thinks the game is balanced around SWF I don't think understands the games balance very well. The game is not balanced around bypassing matchmaking much less having coms.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    I'm really sorry you're having a rough time, but this game was clearly designed as a horror experience. That means Killer by necessity is stronger and a threat. That means Survivors by definition must be weaker with limited resources and less strong perks, items, addons, AND event powers. That sadly means SoloQ is intended to be very hard.

    Because this is a horror game. Whether or not you're actually afraid of it is moot, the game is designed as Survival Horror. You sign up to see if you can survive a horror film every round you play Survivor. That's what makes you a Survivor. Actually ESCAPING doesn't make you a Survivor, the point of the game as Survivor is to try and survive long enough to have a shot at escaping. But by design, you're unlikely to escape more than 40% of the time or so.

    This is just how the devs designed it. If that's not the experience you want then IDK what to tell you all. Personally, I have fun with this experience because I play to see how well I can do, not to win. I can see though how, if you're more competitive, this would be frustrating and could indicate perhaps DBD isn't the game for you anymore.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 129

    The event itself is pretty much favoring killers. They get more value from speedboosts, can see survivors interacting with totems (+ time waste for surivors), survivors waste time for event chests, killers get instadowns on heal/exposed, which hurts survivors more often than it helps, and you get an insane free pallet break. This event is almost entirely in favor of killers. And I do not understand how this could have even happened.

    And the game is too. >60% kill rate is proof enough to be in favor of killers. There is no denying this ingloriuos fact. Having a two-sided game not being equally able to win, is the epitome of unbalanced gameplay.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    Maybe I misunderstood what you meant by balanced around. I took it as you saying "in favor of", which is wacky. Because it's definitely in favor of swfs.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Oh, maybe there was some misunderstanding. I'll rephrase in another way.

    The game is balanced so that a "fair"(as fair as DBD can be) match is solo queue. If running in a SWF, it is an "unfair" advantage as the game is balanced around expecting random people, not cherry picking all good teammates, syncing builds, and potentially in coms which pseudo adds many extra perks.

    So you agree with my point? Or saying you disagree with that?

    "Because it's definitely in favor of swfs."

    I agree. Basically what I was saying in my original statement.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195
  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    If you believe EVERYONE healing, even from the slug is a benefit for killers due to single instadown, that's just plain wrong

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    Match making has always been less than great but I do genuinely believe the survivor rate has dropped and due to that higher rank survivors are being paired with lower rank/new players to make up for it. I've noticed in the last few months my matches have been abysmal!

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    It's the truth. Why else were Pop and Pain Res nerfed while DS got put back to 5 seconds (it says 4, but it absolutely feels like 5)? The SWFs couldn't handle the killer's Pop/Pain Res when they only got 5 hooks that match, 2 of those being after the last gen? No, that change was made for teams who can't handle 1 gen's worth of regression. The gigachad teams back in the day could do 8 gens' worth and still escape. We've lowered our standards for solo so much, and then keep complaining when we get matched with them. It's better off to ignore their complaints and let them leave the game, because they're never gonna learn or improve. "Nerf killer or bust!" Well then it's time for that bust.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    It's not a killer talking point, and he's wrong. Of course the game is supposed to be balanced. To say otherwise runs contrary to the years of balancing the devs have been doing.

    Any talk of the events being killer sided is moot; it's a non-permanent, irregular mode. If the survivors have 1 dead before a gen is done, they're just bad. No amount of skill as killer will get you that. The survivors have to not even be trying to have that happen, which sadly is the case because of the players the devs have attracted to survivor. They turn the game on, and at the first sign of trouble, they give up. They don't want to try in order to win; they want the devs to nerf killer hard enough so that the 1-2 good survivors they get luckily matched with can just carry them to an escape. It's all about the matchmaking with solo. Good team, 4-man out. Awful team, 4k. And please stop complaining about Pop/Pain Res. They were decent, not even overpowered, at their peak! Now they're like less than nothing, not even worth bringing. It takes like 4-5 hooks for them to regress 1 gen's worth, used together. Pop used to regress that much on its own, and lasted 60 seconds so that the killer wasn't put on so much of a timer to use the perk they equipped and activated. At this point it's not even worth kicking gens, except when it is, which would be against solo noobs who let gens go from 90% to 0 on the regular.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    Yeah. Yeah. People act like these abilities don't do anything. In a game where half the window loops are so busted they require Bamboozle, blocking the windows is exceedingly useful. And probably the most frustrating thing is hearing dead silence from a survivor and losing them because of it. Having pallets spawned literally all over the map isn't bad either.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,030

    This post post isn't about balance. It's about your team not doing the stuff you want them to do. You could get on voice chat and screech at people that they should unhook, why aren't you doing gens, heal me etc etc but then when they don't do those things exactly how and when you and them you'd trundle back here and make the exact same complaint.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 753

    lol how?? I'm a main killer, and I've been playing mostly survivor only lately because of how easy it is to complete gens... Sure, there are a LOT of ######### tryhard toxic killers, and also really bad teammates, which ruin the game for me. But even then, it's way easier to play survivor. Not to mention that looping as a killer is the most boring thing ever, and as a survivor is easy as ######### (even if i suck at it) because of the red stain...

    Take for example some of my recent experiences:

    I, as killer, kick a gen near one of the corners of the map that was about 75% completed. The third valve was moving really fast, and the 4th was barely moving. I go on a chase, then decided to circle the map, i get in a few chases more, but still I was just chilling so i let them go and continue circling the map until i get to the gen I kicked. And imagine my surprise that, after all that time, the gen was still regressing and it's 3rd valve was moving, just slowly this time. Like, I did so much and that thing had barely regressed??? how? why is it so slow?

    In contrast, as a survivor with no gen repair perks nor toolbox, I'm repairing a gen in shack, bored as hell because i barely get any skillchecks (1 or 2 at most per gen). The gen is about 50% when the killer gets near, so I hide. The killer kicks the gen and leaves. I go back to the gen, and it's been just like 5 seconds when the gen was exactly as before the killer kicked it... Of course I completed the gen like 30 seconds later. Or another example, yesterday I was using the event toolbox (i've been leveling up survivors and I think they have like 50 of these each), and i kid you not, it was me, a meg with no toolbox, and it took us like 30 seconds or less to complete the gen, AND I STILL HAD CHARGES LEFT IN THE TOOLBOX!!! It's ridiculous. And yes, still just like 2 skillchecks...

  • YamamuraVideoRentals
    YamamuraVideoRentals Member Posts: 121
    edited July 1

    I'd say the event has been fun (despite dying over and over again ad nauseum on survivor) but one thing that really stands out as broken to me is the Remote Hook ability. It's just completely, absolutely broken, and whoever thought of shipping this out as is must be completely insane.

    The biggest issues with remote hook is that it makes getting a save impossible. All the killer has to do is pick up a downed survivor and then press Q as fast a possible. Even if someone gets a save, it feels like it glitches out and the survivor still gets hooked. They also can't even use decisive strike, as the skill check takes longer than mashing Q.

    Then followed very closely behind impossible saves are remote basement hooks. I've seen killers go into the vicinity of where basement would be on purpose and remote hook above basement. Survivors have literally been transported three stories down at times straight into the basement. Not only does it save a ton of time and put the hooked survivors in a very vulnerable position, but all possibility of saves and body blocks to prevent going to the basement are impossible.

    SO: while the idea was cool, we need to add a few caveats to this ability next time around.

    1. You can only activate remote hook once the survivor has obtained 50% or more wiggle progress.
    2. Remote hook never, EVER sends survivors to the basement. They are excluded from this ability.
    3. Remote hook still has a maximum range, of.. let's say.. 16 meters? 20? 12?

  • WingerSenpai
    WingerSenpai Member Posts: 48
    edited July 1

    This is what can be called the conundrum of balancing in my opinion. One side has to be balanced from multiple POVs and the other compared to that is simple factored.

    Killers are almost balanced as a whole. If a killer perk gets changes the whole roster recieves them. This is where their powers can be fine tuned to work according to what is sort of balanced and not as an individual but as for game health. If you look at singularity as a whole now (including 8.1.0 ptb) I think overall that locking onto survivors and just slipstreaming to them is just garbage. It removes skill expression, it's almost braindead easy to do. It is a prime example of how NOT to fix issues in this regard. However, if the EMP worked like they want to make it work now from the get go it wouldn't be as bad (maybe a 3x not a 4x speed on EMP printing but that's my personal gripe or having some sort of immunity on cameras after they come back) as it will be with the next patch. It will be overtuned as hell.

    However Survivors as a whole roster gets balanced based on the terms SWF & SoloQ because the two are completly different enviroments as a whole. But for some reason things don't adjust dynamically. Everything has to be fixed via band-aiding and nothing that was balanced [let it be a previous iteration's nerf/buff] gets reverted. They gutted healing in every aspect because it was "broken". No it was not. Circle of Healing was yeah, sure. But nerfing everything about it is overkill. (Just some of these examples: 12s —> 16s heal time default, Med-Kits are now 2 heals at tops [you could achieve waaayyy more back then], Anti-Healing perks are living their best lives (Including heal decay as well), Healing perks are burnt to the ground) There is a fine line between fine tuning and excessiveness. I provided examples for the later one since that is what has been mostly seen from behavior.

    Just a side note on what I think are the currently overtuned/undertuned things in the game:

    • Singularity
    • Healing
    • Skull Merchant (does waaayyy too much with her power)
    • Generator progression (with 8.1.0 in mind gens are gonna fly by without a second glance otherwise just a lil bit too fast)
    • Movements (Speeds & in terms of survivors mechanical needs revisiting)

    Sorry, forgot to mention that Older perks, killers need heavy updates [Think Doctor, Myers for ex. & Premonition, This is not happening, etc.]