We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Ok, some people just go to too much effort for the 4k

SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234
edited July 3 in General Discussions

Gonna preface this saying I play both killer and survivor both. Playing a 2 stack against Trapper, partner and I are the last 2 and both on death hook, my partner goes down, I'm running Left Behind, so the plan is hatch. They not only leave my partner down trying to sniff me out, but go back, set a trap, pick my partner up, and internationally step in it so they get free. Tracks me down, death hook, and then immediately back to my partner for the same thing. Again, we were both on death hook, it wasn't a case of showing mercy to my partner. Are some of y'all really THAT hell bent on getting 4K that you will go THAT FAR out of your way for it? Even when I play killer I don't go to that much effort just to get the 4th.

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234
    edited June 27

    I get checking the immediate area anticipating a flashlight save or trying to cover for Unbreakable; I'll do the same thing. But to go to the effort of setting the trap, picking up my partner and internationally stepping in it, instead of just going ahead and hooking them for no reason other than trying make absolutely certain you're getting 4k instead of 3 is ridiculous and asinine. *edited for spelling and grammar.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,374
    edited June 28

    That's the way she goes boys. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't, cause that's the #########' way she goes.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,154

    Let them get the 4k so they complained about losing to stronger survivors.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,203

    I dont encourage giving up on hook?

    I think everyone should try to keep Killrates more accurate, even if I know that it would be impossible to do so, Ill still do my best to encourage it from both sides.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,154

    If someone complained then it their fault for boosting themselves too far. You're essentially asking for sweaty players like yourself.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Considering that most survivors go for hatches and sometime even intentionally go for bleedout just to waste killer's time, yes, people absolutely want to win most

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    I never said you did lol, just telling you that it’s not gonna be accurate not matter what.

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    But bleedouts and hatches are draw states, aren't they? Neither is a "win" in MMR standards, unless I'm working on old info. Tbf I haven't kept up with the officiality of win conditions in a while because it feels super arbitrary and archaic.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    It doesn't matter if it's actually an win, the meaning of "win most" here is that, people will and absolutely try to do the things that feels "most victorious" in every scenarios

    Bleedout is 100% lose, but people feel little more "victorious" when they managed to hide from killers all the time, thus they try to do that, same for hatches, same for 4k, it's all same

  • jezebelthenun
    jezebelthenun Member Posts: 195

    I see, I was just taking it more literally.

    It just feels excessive, I guess. If I kill 3 and one gets away, they can tea bag the gate all they want, I still won lol. If I kill 2 and 2 get away, that's a gg. If I kill 0-1, that's on me haha.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited June 28

    While that's technically true, the killer is trying to win as much as possible and get as much BP as possible and by all accounts they should be getting a 4K but hatch can rob away a kill. It's similar survivors going back to save someone at endgame even though they have 3 out guaranteed or the last survivor hiding even though they already lost.

    The majority of killers would much rather hook someone, then find the last. But since hatch is an unnecessary risk to lose a kill you otherwise would get, they don't. Instead they spend 4 minuets slugging to give themselves as much time possible to find the last survivor. Why would you not? Objectively speaking, there's no reason not to. If you find the survivor great, if you don't well you just end up in the same position as if you hooked the 3rd survivor anyway. It only beneficial to slug in this scenario. You'd be stupid not to if you want to win as much as possible or get as much BP as possible. Which are both things players should be expected to be doing.

    For survivor you have to wait 4 minuets on the floor and wait 4 minuets as the one hiding for hatch. They would much rather not do that. But objectively the best situation is to hide and try hatch for similar reasons.

    Both sides are in a situation where objectively the best thing to do is waste 4 extra minuets waiting around for an RNG mechanic to either rob a kill or gift an undeserved escape. The survivor on the floor is even worse in this position as they just have to wait 4 minuets just to die anyway. That sucks for both sides as clearly the survivors aren't happy and killers aren't happy with the situation either.

    Both sides could just say "whatever" and give up the last kill/escape and move on but they (generally) don't nor should they be expected to. The killer slugs and the survivor hides. So we just end up with mutually ensured boredom.

    All this happens why? Because of the hatch. If you personally think that's fine then that's your opinion, but the situation occurs because of the hatch.

    As @Neaxolotl said, its a "win most" and "most victorious" situation.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,504

    Sorry I make them lower now I let survivors escape after death hook usually 2 sometimes 3. I could 4K all these games but I want to be nice and I don't need my mmr to be super high well probably it still pretty high as I did 3-4K majority of my games for almost 3 years. Im gold IV now so I probably have to do some 3K:s if I want to reach red grade.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,504

    You are actually wrong here on bp gain you probably lose lot of potential bp from prolonging the match that long always. The shorter the match the more efficient you are on bp gain. Let's just say match last 10 minutes when you don't slug you earn 200 000 bp now when you slug you earn 210 000 bp but match last 15 minutes which earns you more bp in long run?

    Actually 3-4 minute match is best I had that kind of match where I had earned 100 000K+ but I decided give survivors second chance so purely from bp gain shortest match is the best and the match took then to end 10 minutes and I only got another 100 000K+. I would been smarter to end it there but im not fan of that short matches.

    So that makes slugging in 2vs1 not smart especially when most of the time you get the 4K anyway. But when it comes to adepts, challenges and pips on higher grades then it's smart play because you need it and longer match is not problem. 15 minutes +2 pip is better than 2 × 10 minutes match for +1 pip. But otherwise you just waste your own and everyones time.

    Hatch is survivor only comeback mechanic and it's fine if we remove hatch we need to rebalance the entire game. Killers already have many ways to make comeback survivors get only weaker longer the match last and less survivors there are left.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,092

    While this can be eyeroll worthy… you never know if that player has some 4k rift challenge up, if they're adepting, if they're going for an achievement, the works. Yesterday I was going "what the feck is this guy's problem" at a Wraith who brought a mori and was tunneling a Mikaela like his family was being held hostage. Played that match pretty pissed… and in endgame chat, I went 'dude, what did Mikaela do to you' and he apologized and said he had a mori daily.

    Sometimes it do be like that. And when it doesn't… well. Always next game.

  • Clinton
    Clinton Member Posts: 348

    Killers in this game are the most tryhard people I have ever come across in online gaming easily. There's no ranked or even a comp scene that's worth a damn Why waste so much time just to say yourself you got a 4k in DBD.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited June 29

    You're not wrong but I was talking about maximizing BP for that match in particular which is how most people see it afaik. If you're just trying to get BP in general yes it's better to move on to the next match asap, but if you want to get most out of that single match a 4k is more than a 3k.

    As for rebalancing the game that might be necessary and I'd be all for it if that means removing hatch. We have EGC already, we could use that instead of hatch to make sure the games end without undermining the match and killers could just get the 3rd kill and the EGC would start. No more slugging necessary.

    Survivors don't need a comeback mechanic as far as I'm concerned. They start out strong and if they waste it that's on them. They already start ahead, they don't need something to make sure they are always ahead in some way. Survivors strong early and killers strong late is fine, as opposed to survivor stronger early and survivors getting boosted later to still be strong. Leaving no space for the killer to be strong.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    It doesn't happen because of the hatch, it happens because of the unhealthy relationship with the game. The killer is trying to get the 4K, not because it makes any distinction in whether they win or lose (Nor that it matters much for BP at that stage, unless the killer camped/tunnelled/slugged, but if they did that, they clearly don't care about BP), but because they've either set themselves an unreasonable standard, or they really want the last survivor to lose.

    Objectively speaking, there's no reason not to.

    Except the frustrations you lay out here are plenty reason not to do this. I don't do these hatch stand-offs, I don't slug for the 4K, and none of this is a problem for me. I just hook the third survivor and go looking for the hatch. If I find it first, I close it and go into EGC. If the survivor finds it first, they escape and I win anyway.

    The problem with the hatch here is an entirely self-inflicted one. Nothing but you is making it a problem.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited June 30

    It's not just about the killer, the survivors also hide indefinitely once they're down to 2 because of what? The hatch. You're going to say the killer going for a 4K is responsible for that too?

    Frustration is purely emotional and therefore is subjective. So that's not an objective reason not to even if it's understandable. Boredom is also subjective. Most people just find the alternative more appealing as I also pointed out.

    Again it's a "win most/most victorious" in most of these cases. You supposed to try and win as much as you can. That is the point of the game, it's not "unhealthy". Unless you just consider PvP games in general unhealthy.

    While you are correct in it's a small amount of players, if you do happen to care about BP for that match a 4K is better obviously. If you care about winning as the game defines it a 4K is a better, absolute, stronger win than a 3K also obviously. This is further evident by the MMR system. You don't get a 3K and that's it you can't get anymore MMR points. You get more for a 4K because it's a stronger win.

    If you personally have a different self imposed limit of how much "winning " is "winning enough" then that's good for you. But the game design is pretty clear that the thing the killer should be aiming for is to kill all the survivors or get as close to it as they can. So that's what players should be expected to do.

    All the reasons to go for a 3K are subjective, main one being to be "nice". It's a PvP game, your opponents are not there to be "nice" to you. Most survivors aren't "nice" in return and many will even be sore winners about it.

    If you personally want to play "nice" for whatever reason that's fine, but that's not to be expected of everyone.

    There is still no objective reason not to try for the 4K in the current state of the game. Which means having to deny hatch as best you can. Slugging is the best way to go about it. So if the thing we're discussing that players are unhappy with on the survivor side of the gameplay is slugging for the 4K then the gameplay components that's responsible is the hatch. For the simple matter of if the hatch was not there, the killer would not slug (outside of toxicity or no hooks available). That is the threat making slugging the best play. That's the thing making the survivors hide indefinitely.

    Idk about you but I'd rather have the killer just hook the 3rd survivor then get their 4K than have to wait 4 minuets staring at the floor just to die anyway because hatch exist. It's a waste of time. Take away hatch and let me get sacrificed and move on please. If we lost to the point the killer got a 4K so be it. We should have played better. I'm already punished by losing I don't need to get punished with time waste on top because the hatch threat is making the best play to stall us for 4 extra minuets.

    On the flip I'd rather just get my 4K that I earned and move on, not have to scour every corner of the map to find the 3rd survivor and then fight RNGsus to see if that last kill just gets robbed away or not.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    It's not just about the killer, the survivors also hide indefinitely once they're down to 2 because of what? The hatch. You're going to say the killer going for a 4K is responsible for that too?

    Well, yeah. Survivors don't really have a choice. The only way they can close the game out faster is by just surrendering. Except this does make a difference for survivor, which it doesn't for killer. Killer will still get good BP and a win, whether they get that 4th kill or not, but survivor won't.

    Again it's a "win most/most victorious" in most of these cases. You supposed to try and win as much as you can. That is the point of the game, it's not "unhealthy".

    If you're ruining the game for yourself because you're chasing a 'win a little more' scenario, I am going to call that unhealthy, yes.

     This is further evident by the MMR system. You don't get a 3K and that's it you can't get anymore MMR points. You get more for a 4K because it's a stronger win.

    Except the MMR ladder isn't even shown, the 4th kill rewards considerably less MMR, and climbing in MMR is only going to give you more difficult matches.

    Again, this is a personal obsession getting in the way of your own enjoyment of the game. If killers would truly, as you said, 'much rather hook someone', then do so, rather than obsessing over an invisible value going up.

    then the gameplay components that's responsible is the hatch

    Also not true, considering there's also bleedout sluggers that don't care about the hatch. At its core, this problem is caused by the killer player's mentality, not by the hatch. But once again, killers ruin the game, and survivors are being told to foot the bill.

    Also, consider the scenario if the hatch was not there. If there's no proper, gameplay way to turn a loss into a victory at that point, the only thing survivors are left with is trying to bore the killer into abandoning the match. Is that better?

    Idk about you but I'd rather have the killer just hook the 3rd survivor then get their 4K than have to wait 4 minuets staring at the floor just to die anyway because hatch exist.

    Or: We can have killers play the game the intended way. I know that's always been an issue, but we should really stop nerfing survivors because killers break the game.

    On the flip I'd rather just get my 4K that I earned

    That fourth kill isn't always earned. If you don't have it yet, you haven't earned it yet. If some survivor loops you for half an hour but the rest of their team isn't doing gens, you don't get to say you bested that survivor until you actually manage to kill them.

    It's not the hatch that's the problem here. It's what you feel you are entitled to.

    You let go of that, and the problem is gone.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Nope, killers go for 4k precisely because they want to win. 3k might be considered a win by the devs, but it still always feels like a loss, unless the escape is you deliberately giving the hatch to the last survivor. Tbagging at the hatch with following "ez" in the chat would not happen if the killer didn't consider 3k as a loss and the survivor didn't consider hatch escape as a win. So yeah, anything but 4k or 3k with hatch given is a loss for the killer, it's just how the game feels for both sides.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,693

    What kind of cherry picking comparison is this?

    The survivor isn't dead, and not only sees, but is actively taking the only steps they have available to them to survive in this scenario.

    Also, in your scenario, the killer has killed 3 of the 4 survivors, and your reaction is 'the 4th kill should be automatic', and the killer shouldn't have to do anything else to pursue it.

    You're expecting the 4th kill to be handed to you because 'you've already put in 75% of the effort, just give me what's mine' or some crap.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    You feel entitled to having the hatch escape. You let go of that and the problem is gone.

    'Just suicide, 4head.'

    Controversial take: Survivors should not be required to off themselves.

    Survivors do have a choice, they chose to hide and prolong the game just as much as the killer does. At that point it's not even a 4K, the killer is just trying for a 3K that time and the hatch is already causing problems.

    What problem? That they're hiding? That they're playing cautious? That they're not throwing themselves at the killer?

     Maybe stop villainizing the killer

    You're the one that insists that killers will ruin the game for everyone, including themselves, because they're obsessed with making an invisible number go up.

    Not trying to achieve what the game is asking you to achieve as a killer.

    The game is asking you to get a move on and hook the third survivor.

    Also what I said meant they would rather hook someone and get their 3rd kill and let that survivor move on then get the 4th if risking it to hatch was not an issue.

    Yeah, that's called 'having your cake and eating it too'. They've already won, they've clearly dominated the game, but according to you, they actually don't care that much about wasting 4+ minutes trying to work their way around an intended game mechanism. Because if they did, they would hook the third survivor.

    Saying that they'd rather 'get the third kill' is disingenuous when they then go on to not do it.

    It's clear, in situations like these, where their priorities lie.

    You did earn the 4K.

    If you don't have it yet, you haven't earned it. Same goes for survivors that get caught in the exit gates. They did everything they needed to, to get the escape, but they haven't earned it until they cross that finish line. Or are you suggesting we alter that, too?

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    Honey, if you see a guy write 'a 3K always feels like a loss (for the killer)', you should realise that that is unhealthy. This person is clearly not going to enjoy the game, but still pushes themselves to play it. That's just a bad habit.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    They win if they get the 3k so no they are not "basically complaining that the killer tried to win"

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    I and others already addressed this if you read the rest of the thread.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited June 30

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited July 1

    You're ignoring the survivors role in it again even though that's specifically what I was talking about. At this point the pattern is clear enough and I'm just talking to a survivor wall.

    You're also misrepresenting what I'm saying on multiple occasions or leaving out very key context to argue a point different than what I'm saying. Even after I clarified further.

    There's not really a point in continuing to try and talk with you when you're refusing to listen enough to even address the points I'm actually making and instead are arguing against the ones you want to hear.

    You're not going to convince anyone doing that and I can't convince someone who won't actually take in what I'm saying.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    I guess I will never understand this line of thinking, that an official win is somehow a loss because you didn't get one person out of the four. Like… you got majority. You won. We don't say that a team in sports winning 5-1 lost the game just because they didn't get a 6-0 result, why would it be the same here… ever?

    The game is not that deep, and sweating for a 4k is not that friggin' worth it. What do you even win out of it besides an ego boost and a few extra, pointless BP you probably don't even need?

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400

    i don't particularly care because a 3k is a win in the eyes of a majority of the community (including anyone i know who has played killer) and any attempt to contextualize it as "not a win" or "not feeling like a win" is just, in my opinion and as other people have said, ego-tripping and focusing more on trying to make sure other people lose, rather than merely trying to win

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368

    You could turn the argument around.

    Why is it so important that you escape, the game is lost.

    You coul aswell go to the killer and give up, as they could give you the hatch?

    I had a game where the pig tunneled everyone, so she moried a guy i tried to save. → (i should not have done this but the tunneling annoyed me, so i BMed the killer during the mori). → They choose to chase me, i manage to pallet stun her a few times and loose them. → I knew they were mad at me, and that was my own fault.

    We are 2 people left and when they come to the gen we are on so we run, they convinces the other surv. that they are freindly, but my instinct says that this is a trick, so i kept staying out of their sight. → after a while they slugs the other guy, but they are using him as bait. but Im not biting, and they ends up hooking him.

    That is just how the game is.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    I didn't say it wasn't a win and that was also already talked about. But like you said, you don't care enough to read counterpoints so it is what it is I guess.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,400
    edited June 30

    if a 3k is a win then it's dishonest to say that someone who is complaining about slugging for the 4k is "complaining that the killer is trying to win." you Must maintain that only a 4k is a win, and a 3k is not, if you want to stand by that point, otherwise you are openly using dishonest framing in order to portray [people who don't want to spend an extra couple minutes on the ground] as bad guys.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,428

    Has BHVR defined 3K as the win condition for this game? No, they have not. Many popular content creators like Otzdarva have defined that as THEIR win condition for their "Kill Streak" videos, but not every player watches them, and even if they do they are NOT those streamers. They can and will define a win themselves.

    Personally? I don't really try to "win" myself, I just play the game, and sometimes I'll got for the 4K, sometimes I'll let the last survivor get hatch, hell sometimes I close the hatch then chase the last survivor to the door and nod to them as they open it, then smack them and let them crawl out (if I think there is time left on the EGC, otherwise I let them run)

    But, if a player feels that only a "4K" is a win for them, then that's legitimate.

This discussion has been closed.