Tombstone addons solution

Backmon Member Posts: 319
edited July 2 in Feedback and Suggestions

Tombstone addons for Myers one of the most debatable because you can kill survivors without a hook. I actually like this addons cause they are unique and actually became a remember that you still play a horror game. The main problem is Tombstone piece feels overpowered and Judith feels underpowered. So this is my solution for them

Tombstone piece:

Nerf: You can kill only one survivor

Nerf: After mori you locked in tier 2 till the match end

Judith's Tombstone

Buff: Reduse speed penalty for 6% (from 9)

Buff: Now Myers can kill survivors in the lockers

Quality of Life: Unique animation for killing survivors in the locker . Survivors that being killed in the locker stay in them and living survivors cannot use this lockers to hide.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,105

    I think the best option is to remove tombstone piece and make tombstone do what tombstone piece does and make the achievement to kill 1 person not all 4.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,176

    Infinite T3 + Tombstone takes forever to get and half the time you lose the match before you can even really use it, and because it takes so long to get, it acts as a "tell" to know if the Killer has Tombstone or not. Each addon by itself does not take long to get, but the addon paired with one another does.

    I think the compromise should be that if you use Tombstone Piece or Judith's Tombstone, your Stalk Speed cannot be modified. It should roughly keep the balancing for Infinite T3 + Tombstone the same, while making the Stalk Speed for normal Tombstone Piece and Judith's Tombstone in check.

  • MikeyMyers666
    MikeyMyers666 Member Posts: 41

    Why is tombstone piece an issue all of a sudden? It still takes a long time to get to T3, you only have a short period of time to use it, and then it drains significantly after you use it. It's also very difficult to get back to T3 before all the gens are done. I haven't had much luck with it. It doesn't need a nerf.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319

    Cause you can delete 1st survivor in less than 2 minutes from the game, plus it makes judith tombstone useless (cause why use it if tombstone piece do it better and without any downside)

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Tombstone piece was always an issue, but it's not overall weak killer so it gets away with it...

    It definitely doesn't take long with stalking addon.

    I am fine with Judith's, but piece is definitely broken.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    Tombstone hate is way too common and unwarranted most of the time. Tombstone Myers is one of the few things that make dbd feel like a horror game again. Its always a tense match and it does have counterplay such as going into lockers and forcing hooks.

    Due to this I 100% disagree with your locker change suggestion as I believe it is a critical strategic counter to Myers and creates dynamic gameplay relating to his power. I do like your Tombstone Piece suggestions though.

    The main issue with Tombstone Piece add-on since it can be too easy to get a survivors out very early. In addition to your suggestions for it, I also think survivors would feel better about Tombstone add-ons if the mori required at least a decent amount of stalk from a survivor in order to activate on that survivor.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319
    edited July 2

    Thats the reason i think Judith version needs a buff. Cause how long you need to stalk it should be some more rewarding. Thats why i think allowed Myers to kill in lockers is good change for this addon. (its not okay tombstone piece is better in every way)

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    The problem with tombstone is that it is not balanced around an objective based 1v4 game like this. If there was a respawn mechanic for survivors then it would be, but then the whole game would have to be changed.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319
    edited July 2

    Its not a problem. It creates alternative way to kill. You can hooked survivors or very long stalking them until they became morible. And many people say it punish survivors for nothing. Well no, cause survivors feed Myers that much stalk points so he can kill them

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Its a problem. An ADDON, not a perk or power, allows this killer to eliminate survivors with or without hook states. This should have never been added to the game.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319

    It creates unique and fun game changing element so its okay.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079
    edited July 2

    The Tombstone Piece is probably the worst Rework-idea I have seen so far. It does not solve the core problem at all, which is removing one Survivor early for a 3v1, which is then not winnable by the Survivors unless they are way better than the Killer (it makes it even worse because Myers would not need to care which Survivor he kills, because he cannot stalk them anymore anyway). And it would make the game boring for Myers at this point, because while the Killer will most likely win, being stuck as an M1-Killer without power is boring.

    And buffing the Tombstone is also not really the way to go, especially if you remove counterplay.

    In general, the concept of killing a Survivor as Myers is heavily outdated and should just be removed. There is not really any redeeming factor while this should be in the game, it is from a time where a lot of broken stuff was in the game and almost all of it got removed. The Tombstone-Add Ons should have been removed/reworked years ago as well.

    They also dont require that much stalk, at least compared to the benefit they give.

    Obviously, Myers also needs buffs, since he himself is heavily outdated as well. But alongside Buffs to him the Tombstones need to be reworked.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319
    edited July 2

    It creates fun and unique game changing mechanic so insta kill addons should stay. My solution to make Judith more rewarding and Piece less cheap to use. Plus it has counterplay just dont feed Myers that much stalk point. So if survivor get tombstoned its only his/her fault for feeding Myers. Plus let killing survivors in the locker is good change for Judith Tombstone cause how long you need to stalke survivors, escaping death should not be that easy (by hiding in locker). So if Myers bring Tier 3 with Judith Tombstone it should feel like a great reward when survivors cant escape death.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited July 2

    Those "unique and fun" game changing elements give this killer a power boost that could literally be considered cheating if it wasn't part of the game. This addon replaces this killer's basic attack with an instant kill ability that can also last the entire match when paired with the other addon that gives infinite tier 3. We're not talking about an instant down. This is literal game over you're dead because this killer pressed M1 next to you. Its beyond ridiculous.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319
    edited July 2

    He only can kill you if you or your teammate feed Myers that much stalk. So this addons just punish survivors mistake. And infinite Tyer 3 Tombstone takes almost entire game so if you gave it to him on 3 gen its only survivors fault.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Have you ever played Myers? I have. With no perks or addons I can get tier 3 from 2 survivors on a gen in a matter of seconds. It doesn't take as long as you think to get tier 3 evil within even with this addon. This isn't punishing survivors for making a mistake. Evil within doesn't go down over time. Survivors cannot hide indefinitely from his sight and still progress the match. Once he gets tier 3 its game over if you have more than 1 gen left to do. I've seen many Shape players get tier 3 with this addon at 5 gens still up. This addon is a problem.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    "fun and unique"… Not really. Unique, yes, but it is not used because it is fun, but because it is strong. There is just too much of a power difference between Myers with and Myers without Tombstone. And this is not ok and needs to be fixed. He should not auto-win the game with Tombstone (Piece), but he should also not be one of the weakest Killers in the game.

    And well… "just dont feed Myers that much stalk"… I have been killed by Tombstone Piece without seeing him before. Someone else fed him stalk, got downed and I was found next and killed. I have had contact with him for like 10 seconds and died, without ever being stalked by him.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319

    And thats why i said Tombstone piece should be only 1 use cause it fells cheap. And also talking about buffing Judith version cause how unrewarding it feels some time. Thats why i think locker kills would be a good idea.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    Would not have changed the situation I described in the slightest, since I would have still been dead without feeding him any stalk at all, since he did not kill the Survivor he stalked.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 914

    Honestly, my opinion is:

    • Buff Myers to a state where he can keep up with survivors that use their brains.

    • And then change Tombstones.

  • MikeyMyers666
    MikeyMyers666 Member Posts: 41

    It is fun when you are the killer. And when I'm a survivor and it happens (which is very rare) it is exciting. As others have said, it is one of the few horror elements in the game and it is core to the character.

    Maybe I'm not that good with it, but I have much more success with vanity mirror Myers. I'm lucky to get one or two kills when I use tombstone. I personally don't think it's that strong.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited July 2

    Tombstone Piece only looks strong when the survivors are really bad and have no idea what they're doing, but that's anything. It's not even strong. It's so easily countered.

    If I was on survivor and playing for a million bucks I would rather the Myers run Tombstone than even a normal build as that's an easy win. It takes forever to reach tier 3 and he gives up all his map pressure since he's not injuring or hooking anyone. You're literally just left to pump gens.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    Both the instant kill addons need to be reworked. They are outdated and don’t belong in modern DBD.

    Remember what happened to Pig, because her head trap kills were considered unfair….

    1. Inactive head traps no longer trigger at exit gates
    2. Head trap addons nerfed, which also involved completely removing the addons that could require the survivors to make more than 4 searches
    3. An extra box was added to the game, so Pig can’t camp the last box anymore
    4. Pig can’t see box auras anymore

    …Meanwhile, Myers can just stalk some of the survivors, then walk up to a different survivor that is healthy and never been hooked, and instant kill them with two button clicks. It’s the most unfair mechanic for solo q survivors in the entire game.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319

    Just revert all this 4 pig changes then and make headtraps actual threat again

  • yukiday
    yukiday Member Posts: 39

    It should be incorporated into the base kit and have conditions attached to it like Sadako and The Executioner.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    I don't think we'll see Tombstone reworks without changes to Myer's basekit. Which also doesn't seem to be a priority either.

    Also not sure where the idea that Tombstone addons are a "fun" mechanic. Like even on the killer side you just build up a bar and then kill someone. Not really interesting gameplay to play as.

    Likely they'll end up like majority of other killer moris where they only work against survivors who are already on death hook. The only exception being Pig, but survivors can remove the traps to prevent the mori.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    it doesnt matter Tombstone takes ages to stalk. If Myers reaches to it early, the first survivor cant tell if he can instant kill. Leaving 3v1 is already a biggest reward on killer side. There is no need for more reward after that.

    Plus just using an addon should never mean to give one side easy win. I would argue to bring back original BNP, that I should get reward just to put it in my loadout.

    Now tell what rewards do you want for Tombstone? Mori 2 and Entity kills the remaining 2 or what? Whats more rewarding than press M1 and delete a survivor?

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 319
    edited July 2

    Fast stalk only possible for Tombstone piece. For Judith you need a very long time to reach Tier 3 (even more with infinite tier 3 addon). My point is tombstone counter is very easy (hide in the locker/ stay on the gen/ bait for lunge attack). So with Judith Tombstone survivors shouldnt escape death just by hiding in the locker. And old bnp is not the same (press one button vs fully stalk at least 2 survivors and try to catch them before locker and dont give up all gens on that moment)