Something must be done with Skull Merchant



  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 618

    Agreed. Plus it isn't like the killer gets a 4% chance that a survivor trips mid-chase for a free down, so why should survivors have a 4% chance for a free hook escape?

  • MrLollersnakes
    MrLollersnakes Member Posts: 25

    this is what i always do when i want to go next. i keep "trying" but not nearly as hard as i do when i actually want to win…oh i just got hit through the window a second after i was done vaulting? thats so weird my youtube video just randomly started playing and now i cant hear anything in game…oh well!

  • cruelb
    cruelb Member Posts: 110

    No terror radius in drones is the issue with SM. Remove that and I would bet people wouldn't DC or kill themselves on hook.

  • barbabear
    barbabear Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    She is fine! stop complaining.!

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 423
    edited June 28

    Hot take: Revert the rework and change a few things. Like allow a Survivor with a Claw Trap to hack another drone in exchange for their Lock on instantly filling (which exposed instead of injured before) which would allow a single Survivor to remove 50% of Drones from play in exchange for them going down in 1 hit, forcing her to at least take a chase. As well as have the first lock-on which took about 20ish seconds of sitting within a Drone's Active Radius to give a Claw Trap and only Expose when you already have a Claw Trap. With the new changes to gen regression max I think it would be better. Old Skull Merchant wasn't bad because of her mechanics like she is now, where she's just turbo bloated, she was bad because everyone 3 genned with her. I played her a lot before the rework and her chase was easily A tier with Geographical Readout but no one chased with her because her 3 gen potential was so easy. Old Scans were not nearly as punishing as they are now and your lock on ticked down passively so you weren't instantly punished for a single scan. She also had direct interaction with her drones thanks to the "Activated" state of drones that she could manually do compared to now where's it's literally just a "Put down and forget about it" power.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    For the record, that's not how her stealth works. It's not stealth inside the drones' radius anymore, it's eight seconds of stealth after deploying a drone.

  • cruelb
    cruelb Member Posts: 110
    edited June 28

    I did mean that.. but yeah, get rid of that :) … I can't see any other reason why people DC?!

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Well, that's literally only thing she is good at...

    So if you remove that, you would need to buff something else and that is going to become new reason for DC.

    Most of Skully's hate is just generated from her past.

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 190

    Not every SM main is hellbend on making every trial as miserable as they can!

    Now, come, let me pull up my phone to find the nearest pallet you can drop on my head :3

  • DrHyk
    DrHyk Member Posts: 71

    I feel like skull merchant's main issues stem from that one popular person that used her solely to 3 gen [even though he only uses singularity to do it now], now she has a stigma she'll never recover from, then you get the salt farmers that love the hate so they use her solely to be toxic and grief which tarnishes her more. Nothing about the killer (aside from some of her addons) need to be changed. Her kit is fine, it's the people filled with too much hate within their hearts that need to change. As we all know, when it comes to DBD and its playerbase, you can't tell them anything

  • Lit
    Lit Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2

    The fact is, one does not have to accept it. Simply by giving up/going afk. I for one will never play against SM - its a really bad reworked killer. Hindering survivor into mending state. Sped up killer in drones… she can control 60% of the map by positioning it at any loop.

    Post edited by Lit on
  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    You can prevent yourself from every facing a skull merchant by hosting custom matches.

    If you queue up as survivor, you accept that you may face skull merchant.

  • Lit
    Lit Member Posts: 62

    I accept I will face SM - they can accept I won't play against it. you see how silly the argument sounds.

    The bottom line is, the killer is unfun to play, and unfun to play as. It needs to be changed.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    If you don't want to play against skull merchant, play in customs.

  • DrHyk
    DrHyk Member Posts: 71

    That's a matter of opinion, not fact, I love playing as and against her.

  • Lit
    Lit Member Posts: 62
    edited July 3

    Well yeah, everything is an opinion until it's back up with facts/statics (which can sometimes be misconstrued) - but I think democratically the numbers speak for themselves.

    The win rate is because people don't like playing against her - and my assumption is games are easier for killers because of this.
    For me, which is a matter of opinion, doesn't really need to be said but here we are… whats exciting about dropping a drone, slowing a survivor and hitting them, and if you don't M1 hit them, they're slowed whilst the killer has haste, they get injured.
    Urgh. It actually makes me sick to think this was ok'ed by a group of people.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Literal M1 4.6 killer with stealth and less than average antiloop, if survivor dislike her at this state it's on them, no changes to the killer will fix anything as long as it looks like a skull merchant

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    The exciting part comes from actually using the power to its fullest, I'd argue. It comes from playing against survivors that know how to counter your power, leading to you both trying to outplay each other by playing within the same clear rules of the power, same as most other killers.

    Then on the other side, the people who enjoy playing against Merchant presumably enjoy countering her power.

    Fair enough if the gameplay isn't for you on either side, but we don't gain anything from pretending there isn't meaningful gameplay to enjoy.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Even though it's unlikely to happen because of the effort it takes, if your afk/suicide games has been recorded multiple times and enough reports accumulated, mostly sure you would be banned eventually

    Not participating in normal gameplay is against the game rules

  • Lit
    Lit Member Posts: 62

    normal gameplay like slugging/humping/camping/tunnelling?

    got it.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    Yes? that's all what game is designed to be played and pretty normal and intentional

    Afk or hook suicide is not in slightest

  • Lit
    Lit Member Posts: 62

    Yea, having enough of a particular game/match and being forced to play it sounds like a healthy way to have fun.

    If someone is sitting on a gen until they are yanked off/killed, it doesn't affect your game play in the slightest. It just effects your escape chance only - and yet you still have a chance to escape. You get to experience everything else the game has to offer.

    Enjoy your games dude, because it sounds like a difference of opinions and I think you have a limited understanding of where I'm coming from.

  • Lit
    Lit Member Posts: 62
    edited July 4

  • Lit
    Lit Member Posts: 62

    So all those people that do challenges - like 2 hooking and letting everyone go. Or AFK killer challenges and then kill everyone at the end. All playing the game unintentional and that.

    Suggesting that being forced to stay in a match sure sounds like a great way to have fun.

    If someone is sitting on a gen until they are yanked off/killed, it doesn't affect your game play in the slightest. It affects your chance at escape, and yet there's still a chance after it all.

    Yet you get to experience everything else the game has to offer. So, not sure what the deal is? If you're idea of enjoyment is only escaping/killing 4 people by yourself, time to get over it because you don't get to control other players.

    So yeah, it seems we've got different point of views and you're limited in the understanding where I'm coming from.
    Good luck with your games.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747

    If I were to propose a brand new rework idea for SM, I want it to be bit more faithful like the Dbd trailer for SM. Make the drones more mobile and go on a patrol path, similar to zombies and knight when summon. The drones could spawn by skull merchant summon them in a particular area and it does a cycle around the area with a smaller visible range, not visible by the Survivors. As soon as a drone detects a survivor, it will tend send a alert and notify the killer on the tracked survivor location with a beep on it locator device. The survivor could crouch and avoid being detected around a patrol route, but if they move normal or get too close to the drone location while it motion, they will be alert with alarms and be hit with a claw trap and tracked by the drone.

    Survivor could in theory lure the drones away by baiting it away from a area and the skull merchant will need to chase them down. When engaging with a chase with a tracked survivor, the survivor will get penalized for it by a bunch of debuffs that will eventually make them weaker in chase. Like Exhaustion, hindrance, or even broken; the longer they last in a chase to make it easier for Skull Merchant to catch up.

    Eventually, drones will eventually despawn and will go on a very long cooldown the longer they track a survivor, before SM can summon another one. A good SM will need to secure a down and hook, in order to regain back the claw trap and summon another drone immediately. Skull merchant can have up to 4-5 drones at once; but a good survivor can learn to constantly interact with the drones in order to claim the claw trap and make it less likely for SM to summon more and replace drones for as long as possible. She needs to work and secure hooks to gain them back. Survivor could simply ignore them, by crouch stealthily, but it would be risky if the drones are map spread and patrolling, making any chase risky.

    Also, drones cannot spawn anywhere near gens or hooks that survivor are already on, they will despawn or even come back to SM inventory so they can be place somewhere else.