Still no plans to nerf weave attunement?

Agreed! Ultimate Weapon all over again.
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It will get nerfed… In 3-6 months.
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I don't even understand why a trash perk with easiest counter has to be nerfed tbh, and it doesn't even work without franklin's
But oh well, since this perk is so bad no one would even care if it gets nerfed
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It doesn't need to be nerfed and there are plenty of ways to counter it or deal with it on top of its own built in weaknesses.
Its not even good on its own, takes up 2 perk slots, its easily hard countered (don't bring an item), its easily soft countered (drop the item in a corner if you know they have it) and takes up half the build for something thats easy to deal with reguardless of what you start the trial with, and only works on the worse killers in the roster because of m1 atttacks.
And all this for subpar aura reading, item disruption, and mid tier debuffs
So compared to 1 perk that provides the same value on its own without 2 perk slots (im all ears) its a joke
Or even better counter it with OoO to use the information for yourself as well
Its basically a noob trap and a clickbait perk for youtubers which is the same as every other new perk and killer for the first 2 weeks after they come out before everyone reverts back to 3~4 slowdown on their favorite killer and forgets it exists after people get used to it.
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I've used it to great effect, not sure what everyone else is talking about. It's definitely not useless.
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The ONLY change i could see them making would be to show the aura of the item revealing you, otherwise it's not a great perk and requires the killer to dedicate two perks to even get use out of it
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Have to agree. Don’t understand why people are pretending this is a bad perk. It’s some of the best information in the whole game for killer.
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Sometimes I think the aura reading is bugged or not doing what the description says but I'd need to see it from killer POV. Sometimes it feels like the aura is being revealed for as long as you're oblivious.
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not even close weave actually has counterplay.
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its fine Do you just want 4 slowdowns?
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If we were forcing a change it’s closer to needing a buff than a nerf. Extremely easy counter play and takes two perk slots. I’d always rather a killer run this over stacked slow downs.
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You’ve used it without Franklins to great effect?
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If you want, I can also play with Pop or Painres. No problem
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- Start the match with an item
- Killer hits you, and your item drops.
- You get the debuff indicating that the killer has weave.
- Run out of range of the item
- Get downed after a chase or escape
- Go back to your item when it is safe
- Pick up the item.
- Spend 5 seconds and run to a nearby corner of the map
- Press R
- The killer now has 2 perks
Why is this so hard for you?
12 -
weave attunement gives the killer several permanent "kindreds" around the map. this is overpowered in itself regardless if those kindreds are in the corner or not.
but the real problem is when this kindred occurs in chase around a loop. it completely nullifies any opportunity for mind games in the loop because the killer has perfect vision. the survivor thus is forced to hold w and leave. either the killer gets an easy down in the loop or the survivor is chased far away from the dropped item. thus even when they return to the item they're spending a lot of time.
and let's not even discuss the differences between the perk being used on the swamp (where to be honest most items are hard to find yet the size of the map nullifies much of the perk's power) and the perk being used on an indoor map where this perk basically just reveals every survivor's location for the entire match.
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People act like it's so easy to counter WA. Tell that to your average survivor who probably aren't here to see your advice.
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It is useless when it's on corner, there is no loop and there is no reason to go there
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"Needs a buff"
Post edited by EQWashu on12 -
Yeah, it warrants some Nerf. I see it more and more ingame, which speaks against it being a bad Perk.
And I also think that the counterplay is pretty lacking. I can pick up my own Item, this is true. But even if I pick up my own Item:
- The Killer gets Aura Read to me when I pick it up.
- I become Oblivious
- The Killer gets Aura Read again when I drop it in some corner of the map
- And while I am doing all of this, I am not on a Gen, meaning it also acts as a tool for Slowdown
This already sounds good and it IS good.
It becomes even worse when it is not my item which was dropped (which is usually the case, since I normally dont use Items). Because then, I dont know where the Item is, even if I get an indicator that Weave Attunement is in play. So should I perform some kind of triangulation to measure out where the Item might be?
It is especially miserable against Hag, because she can just trap the Item, which removes the Counterplay because she either returns once seeing the aura of a Survivor crouching there (or teleports with Mint Rag) or the Trap will be triggered.
IMO there are two ways to nerf the Perk:
- Make the Aura of the Item visible on the ground
- Additionally, maybe only let the Aura read be present when the Survivor is running and walking, meaning crouching counters it. This would be counterplay, which wastes more time.
- Only let the Aura Read be active when the Item has charges. This means that the Killer will get value out of it with Franklins, but will not see the Aura for an unlimited amount of time (of course Weave Attunement would need to have an additional effect when the Item is dropped, maybe add 5 seconds of flat Aura Read to it or something like that)
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Oh, I have a pretty good idea why people are doing that
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This assumes all survivors on the team are doing this and are somehow still being efficient on gens (searching for items and running to corners wastes a lot of time). As a solo q player, I have yet to see this happen. More often than not, at least 2 items are left where they are and as such the killer gets aura reading almost all game.
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It's funny how so many players assumed this perk would be terrible during its PTB and look where we are now.
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so, balance it for those, who don't bother to counter it?
If every survivor takes care of their item, there is no need to search it, since they can (and should) remember, where they dropped i1 -
To be honest, you can't expect your fellow soloQ teammates to know that. I bet most probably don't know like what 50% of the killers perks do.
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Pretty nice noobstomper, probably even needs a full rework, not a buff, not a nerf
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
You are so biaised… It work with franklin and work with every add-on who force the item drop… Or, you never try it, or you know the effect but you don't want your toy beeing touched
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Force drop addon is not that common and you are still wasting addon slot just to use a perk
It's pretty good against those who don't know anything or don't care (pro tip: literally everything is pretty good against those people), it literally is an waste of perk slot for those who know what they are doing
Perhaps you don't know the fact countering it is easiest of all perks, I guess
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The arguments of 'it takes two perk slots' and 'it only works in combo with one other perk' are completely disingenuous and irrelevant here.
Those same arguments applied to buckle up and background player and those perks were nerfed because the synergy was considered too strong. Background player is literally useless unless you combo it with something.
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A couple of times, yeah.
I generally pair it with Franklin's since I don't mind not running 4 slowdowns.
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BGP is far from useless. Even without a flashlight or toolbox, it's also good for pallet saves.
Post edited by Rizzo on4 -
I understand your frustration. But it's not needed to be nerfed. It is pretty counterable. As long it is on a outside map. A bit stronger on inside maps, but not too bad.
I have played lots of matches with franklins and weave with other perks. And mostly survivors don't know how to do against this. This is pretty new. But there are survivors who knows to bring the items to edgemap.
Btw Object of obsession counter this. Both you and the killer see eachother infinite if you are inside the weave range.
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Here is my personal solution:
If you bring an Item and you find out that this perk is in play, remove your item to the edges of the map. That way, the Aurareading-Radius is as minimal as possible.
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I guess it’s necessary for me to point out the errors in relying on stats so blindly. Should we also be buffing nurse since her rates are lower? No, it’s because we have the ability to realize how much lower mmr and bad players influence those stats. Should we also point out the F tier perks in those stats that show high kill rates even though they’re awful? You really shouldn’t be mocking towards people when you’re not understanding stats correctly. We can have a normal conversation without that.
Post edited by EQWashu on6 -
Yeah I was looking some of the stats on nightlight for perks like their overall kill-rate:
I bet the reason why a lot of perks in dbd weren't getting buffed or changed in the past is because… for some reason they have perks like Thwack!, Hoarder, Gameafoot with like 62%, 64% and 65% kill-rate which is like same kill-rate as like Pain res+Pop. As we know, dbd dev loved to balance around kill-rate stats. It is no wonder why the bottom half of killer perks are so extremely useless because the stats show that these perks are as good as the most common perks. either way these stats really do not showcase the efficacy of any perk.
while these stats not official stats for said perk, it is likely that bvhr's stats are likely similar where many perks are shown to have high kill-rate despite having little to no use rate.
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I'm running Object of Obsession.. Couldn't care less about Weave + Franklins
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Sure, a perk combination having the highest kill rate by a mile across a variety of killers has no significant implications at all. I'm sure you would feel just as skeptical about a new survivor perk having even a 60% escape rate!
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People really want killers to run 4 slowdown perks
Like, really, even in SoloQ it is counterable, as long everyone bring their items to map corners.
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Yes, I would. You imply a bias without even asking my opinion first and just assuming. I wouldn’t blindly go by stats as I understand how flawed they are. It’s also not the highest kill rate by a mile, that’s hyperbolic, it’s just high. As I already stated there’s also multiple other very bad perks that are also “high kill rates” that further dismisses the value you’re placing on those stats.
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If the only way killers won't run 4 slowdown perks is if they have infinite perma wall hacks on multiple tiles, perhaps slowdown perks are too strong?
And it feels so fun and interactive to invest a bunch of bloodpoints in an item and add ons, bring it into a match and find that you immediately have to dump it in a corner or lose. It would feel just as bad for killers if survivors had a perk combination that instantly deleted whatever add ons were brought into the match.
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I know how to "counter" weave, but it's not as easy you say
An area of 24 meters where your aura is revealed to the killer without cooldown, it's insanely huge
Add this than with this perk, you got two bug, first one, some chest and some first item who get drop let the area of the perk permanent (so even if the survivor take back his item, the effect is always there) and, strangely enough, the aura of the item dropped by franklin are not showed to the survivor
So, even if you get some map like the game or whatever, a ground without grass or ######### like the swamp, you can alway find easily the item, but otherwise, no
And it's just blatant lying from you to say that "this perk is bad" you know how it is powerfull to always getting an big area where you can always see the aura, a zone where survivor cannot hide, where in some map, it's practically 1/4 of the map itself, and where you can see on different floor the aura
Knowing where you can find instantly a survivor, is one of the best regression perk, because you are always chasing, always making pressure, and if you got (not really) lucky, you can mindgame pretty easily the survivor who CANNOT mindgame you, because is aura is always seen by the killer
Playing with wallhack on all the game, it's all it is4 -
The kill rate is 5% higher than the next closest perks, most of which hover much closer to what the devs consider balanced, and 23% higher than actually balanced. That's at least a kilometer.
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Balance is aimed at 60% not 50%. 5% also isn’t the crazy of a difference.
You didn’t refute any of my points either that pointed out the fallacies in your arguments.
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You didn't make any that were worth refuting but ok. Kill stats for killers vary more based on differences in skill requirement than perks that are used across all killers. This makes perk stats a more accurate reflection of strength than individual killers stats. 5% above the cluster of other perks, 13% above what the devs think means balanced, and 23% above actually balanced is absolutely significant. That's what is called an outlier, an anomaly, an overpowered stupid perk combination, etc.
From a gameplay perspective its stupid to have a major portion of the builds one side brings to the match be completely deleted by these perks. If survivors could do the same to a killer's add ons we would never hear the end of it.
From a swf/solo perspective, its massively unfair to solos. With a swf the first person to drop or pick up an item can communicate it to the entire team. Not to mention, being able to pinpoint for a teammate where the item was dropped. As solo, you get to play Marco Polo with the perk icon, all the while revealing your aura and wasting time looking for where Dwight dropped his medkit.
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12 meter infinite aura reading if survivors drops a item… oh and they also become oblivious for 30 seconds if they pickup the item just for fun
Pairing it with franklins makes this perk incredibly obnoxious
Doesn’t matter if it’s not good on its own a lot of perks are mediocre when it’s by itself but when you pair it with other perks they become broken lets talk about MFT and Hope or FTP and buckle up I bet you can talk about all day how obnoxious those combos used to be but noooooooo if we talk about something obnoxious on the killer side it’s not a problem it’s so evident in these up votes too lol
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I don't think Weave Attunement is miserable to go against, it's just that Franklin's is so damn annoying with how fast it eats your charges.
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It's only an wallhacks when survivor makes it to be, you are so biased and intentionally ignoring the important fact, I don't even know what to say when you don't know the fact it's all in survivor's control
All that things doesn't matter when survivors can literally disable perks within at least 20 seconds from the start of the match, "it is pretty strong when it works best" is stupidest take for every perks
Devour hopes can mori survivors, with your logic that perk is most broken perk ever and should be scrapped already
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You do not need to be on a team to do this. You literally see the debuff when weave is in play, so you know when it happened to you.
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So, pick up the item and do that. But if we are balancing the game around "Average solo queue teammates" then when does nurse get buffs considering she has one of the lowest kill rates in the game? or are we only allowed to balance for average "survivor" players but when it comes to killer balance it has to be "top tier" players?
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killer perks are not suppose to be fun for the survivor. they're suppose to be fun for killer. I don't have fun when the survivor hold-w with lithe or uses distortion to block aura perks. Perks shouldn't be nerfed or balanced around the other sides fun.
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I mean, yeah, but there comes a point where a perk becomes TOO annoying for the other side. Does Franklin's cross that? I don't know, I just personally hate it with a passion.
Fun for the other side is always part of the balancing when it comes to dbd. Things that are really unfun generally get attention.