Why 2v8 should be permanent

I think for me as a killer main I love a lot and I struggled so much with playing alone as killer because you’re solo and it’s only up to you to get the job done. I have been wanting to play killer with one of my friends we have been thinking about playing myers and ghost face together and I think 2v8 should stay permanent
I won’t lie, I am so excited about it. I know that there are so many changes that need to happen so that certain combinations don’t break the game but… Idk… I kind of want an “anything goes” 2v8 mode.. At least as just a 1-2 week modifier. Any Killer combination, any perks etc. Let us all help find the busted combinations and laugh while we do it.
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We should probably wait for it to come out before we declare anything.
I can't say for sure cause…you know…it's not out yet but I feel like 2v8 is gonna go the way of "My Lil Oni". It'll be super cool and everyone will freak out over how awesome it is and it'll fizzle out really quick. It'll probably survive a little bit longer than Oni but I give it maybe a week before people wander back to the normal mode.
Cause a few things you need to keep in mind. You can't use every killer in the mode. I don't know if BHVR has confirmed for sure who is going to be playable but the articles I read said only five killers (Trapper, Wraith, Huntress, Hillbilly, and Nurse) will be available in the mode. Second, while the mode sounds like it would be great for killers, I'm not sure survivors are going to be on board with two killers. Tunneling and camping are major issues as it is, now imagine you have two killers that can tag team you. The mode isn't going to do anything if you can't get the survivor player base on board as well…
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I think 2v8 is planned to be permanent. They’re advertising it as a game mode rather than a modifier.
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Meh I'm not super excited mostly bc I would need to play with a pug player. I'm not looking forward to having to deal with potential toxicity when you make a mistake.
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I kinda agree with the point of survivors. They already say "looping is the only thing we can do" and claim it's the only skillful aspect of the game for them. 2 killers should make it tougher for a survivor to single handedly loop the whole match. I don't see survivors being on board with it tbh. From a killer perspective tho, I do look forward to seeing how they go about it. Hopefully a whole new style of play
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2v8 would be way more macro / resource oriented and it's very likely it would also not be balanced in that regard.
i honestly struggle to see how it would be fun
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First have a look at how it will be implemented. I cant even imagine this mode NOT to be a total mess, cause there are so many things that are not meant to be played with two killers. But probably they make it another killersided event, like the previous ones and literally no survivor will play it.
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I don't think it should be balanced, I'm a game like this it should be harder for survivors to escape than it is for a killer to get kills. That's what adds the fear element to survivors.i feel it takes something away from the game when survivors are on par with the killer due to being balanced, literally no fear in circling them and toying with them. Unfortunately survivors don't seem to want that sort of game where its a risk to goad the killer into chasing them, the ones that do end up playing TCM
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personally I'm not stocked for the game mode, for me the main draw of killer is i could fit my playstyle to my own term and only face the consequence of losing but with 2v8 i have meet the other player halfway.
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i dont know at which point "balance" became antonym to "fun", but I assure you, people will start caring about balance somewhat 2-3 days into the gamemode which is usually the time it takes novelty of the gamemode to wear off. Especially when people are already bitter and used to the main game which would generally be the same thing in the gamemode. They won't be "scared", they would be frustrated.
Remember how fast people figured out that Legion or Bubba were OP in Lights out because of how they were enhanced by modifier or how there are no gen slowdown / anti tunnelling perks and then everyone hated the gamemode bc it was just not fun to play due to not having proper balance?
2v8 chase will not be fun because it would be Knight gameplay devs just patched out where you get two teamed by killers not letting you interact with them in chase in any other way that W keying from both of them until you can't.
I have very little faith in this gamemode. 5v5 would've been a way better pick.
Post edited by Toystory3Monkey on7 -
I hate this logic. I've never seen another PVP game where people go through such mental gymnastics to justify it not being balanced. If you want to know how unbalanced game modes are received then look at lights out. It was massively killer sided and the devs admitted no one played it after the first few days. This game mode will end up exactly the same way after the novelty factor wears off if they don't take steps to make it fair for both sides.
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i think it would be more like dbd in 2016.
on one hand it's very killer sided (seemingly) because nobody understands what they need to do in order to win, but once they do, they game is so horribly unbalanced, that killers can't do anything.
survivors who don't understand how to exploit being a team of 8 that's impossible to pressure even by 2 killers will get knight gameplay'ed and won't have fun. survivors who understand how to use their numeral advantage will just speedrun the whatever objective and killers will lose every single time while not having any actual gameplay happening.
there is a chance devs somehow make it so the 2 killers actually CAN pressure the team of 8 and stand fair chance even if the survivors aren't clueless, but in that case the gamemode will DEFINITELY be dead by week one or two.
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Finally killer players can experience the peak of fun, that up until now only survivors could enjoy. These include:
Bad Matchmaking - 4.5 hours Timmy w/ 9000 hours Super Chad.
Betrayal - Killers bodyblocking killers out of spite.
You're On Your Own - Teammate goes AFK or disconnects.
No Info - There's no perk HUD in the pre-game lobby, so good luck coordinating your perks in solo queue.
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IImagine walking up to M1 your teammate whenever they do a bad play:):):)
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Think it all depends on how popular it is. Cote did an interview where he said he was surprised by how unpopular Lights Out mode was (said most people returned to normal mode pretty fast). It doesn't look like 2v8 will be like a regular game of DBD anyway. I'm keen to try it out.
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There is a big difference between being slightly in favour of the killer (as it should be because he's a killer) than being massively killer sided. TCM has 3 killers and they have openly said they wanted it to be slightly killer sided. They seem to be doing just fine that way. The problem is that many DBD survivors seem hugely self entitled and want to be on par with the killer. Each to their own but when a killer gets looped whole match it's not fun for the killer. The whole concept has become a joke, can't imagine people running around Myers in the movies. Playing a game these days has definitely become a joke. The centre around looping has caused the killers that are not anti loopers to be redundant, no one used them. That's why I'm hoping the 2 killers mode will get rid of the loopfest and make the games fun again
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Unfortunately survivors don't seem to want that sort of game
That's the relevant part. It doesn't matter if something conceptually is fun, if a significant portion of the player base doesn't want to engage with one side, you don't have a viable mode.
TCM has 3 killers and they have openly said they wanted it to be slightly killer sided. They seem to be doing just fine that way.
It's managed to survive, but they aren't exactly thriving.
That's why I'm hoping the 2 killers mode will get rid of the loopfest and make the games fun again
Without looping there's very little for survivors to do. Whether killers should be stronger or not is a different question, if they can put an individual survivor into an impossible situation, even if the overall game is still balanced, people aren't going to enjoy it.
If I'm running a jungle gym and I'm being chased by the killer, that can be scary and exciting. If I'm running a jungle gym and one killer just blocks the window while the other killer chases me, that's not exciting, that's boring.
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Why should a mode be permanent before it is even tested? I still doubt that it will be popular for a long time. I think the only people playing it will most likely be 4man SWFs or even bigger SWFs on the Survivor Side. And I also dont think that Solo-Killers will really play it. I at least won play with 7 Solo-Survivors when I already pull my hair out with up to 3 Solos.
And while I will certainly test the mode as Killer, but we have yet to see how popular it is. I think it is a waste of time to implement it, so I cannot see them making the mode permanent. And if they do, I think it will be dead and nearly nobody plays it.
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I would say TCM is thriving considering the limited amount of time it's been released. DBD has had many years to work out the bugs, iron things out and add additional content. Give it time and TCM could be on par with DBD.
I agree, running the jungle gym is fun but people don't do that, they look for loops and go in circles around 1 tile. Thats what I would like to see gone in the 2 killer mode. There is a lot for survivors to do, gens, totems, hide, lose line of sight. But the go to response is always loop and disregard anything else
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- the "2 Vs 8" mode seems to me to be the classic example of "not everything you want is actually good/fun". I'm not thrilled at all
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I'm really struggling to understand how people thought Lights Out was unbalanced. We had...
No loadout for either side = balanced.
No scratch marks for Killer and no terror radius for Survivors = balanced.
Killers couldn't say, "I lost because Survivors had Dead Hard or [insert all other annoying Survivor perks here]," while Survivors couldn't say, "I lost because the Killer had NOED or [insert all other annoying Killer perks here]" = balanced.
How would they balance that mode if all that didn't make it balanced?
So far Lights Out has been my favorite modifier, but I guess I'm in the minority. My Little Oni was absolutely miserable for Survivors. Chaos Shuffle was...okay. I'd have to be in the mood to try out different builds to play it. I also wonder why people thought Chaos was so fun while also saying that it amplified the flaws in both roles. It was fun despite people believing they can't survive without gen regression or second-chance perks, but the fact they found it fun already disproves that belief.
As for 2v8, I honestly don't see it being fun for the long-term, but I'll be willing to try it when it comes out. I'll see how much I like it then.
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It sounds fun in theory but I am fairly sure that in practice it will end up like light's out. Massively killer sided and dead after a few days because survivors won't queue up for an even more unbalanced game mode.
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I think it will be popular 2vs8 is mode the community has always wanted. So eventually it will be pernament.
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I am so excited!! I am supporting 2v8! 🥰
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I won’t be excited for it until we can have Double Bubbi Bois face camping me.
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Killer queues are going to suuuuuuuck! Everyone will want to be killer. No one will want to be survivor and you need 8 of them to start a match. They will need to give survivors like 500% bloodpoint bonus or something. Even that might not be enough to motivate players for horrible experience. This is one of those things that sounds great on paper but will be nothing but horrible in practice. So many issues will need to be dealt with. How will certain killer perk combinations work? Can killers bring the same perk? Will they stack? I know some people ran 2v8 on private server and there were all kinds of unintended consequences like if one killer brought agitation the other killer got the speed bonus too which was busted beyond belief. I think they should work on addressing all these issues and give it a try but I don't think it should be permanent until they have proven that it is both stable and there is enough player interest after two weeks.
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I think there's a lot of doomposting here for a mode we haven't gotten to try yet. The hook system working more like cages of atonement and the addition of survivor classes means that there's likely going to be more downtime for a survivor player and more room to fulfill a certain niche within the match, which could lead to different gameplay strategies they might prefer after however many years spent on the same mode of play.
On the killer end, the idea that this will turn out like Light's Out seems a little reductive to me, as that mode was pumped out just so it could theme well with Alan Wake and so people could ogle at the fact modifiers were now possible. Freddy wasn't even available in the modifier because his filter couldn't be applied with the darkness and the devs couldn't be bothered to make a new one for him. Lights Out was meant to value atmosphere over gameplay and to its credit, it did just that.
I don't think the devs would've limited the available killers in 2v8 to five unless they were trying to keep the mode in a state of balance they could control. It's possible the mode will be a permanent release they eventually add more and more killers to as they tinker with stats and numbers. It's also possible it comes out as a limited time event we get to see go through multiple iterations until the devs are confident it can stand beside the base gameplay.
Either way, it's not all doom and gloom in my opinion, hopefully this'll be another W to mark off the year!
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How awesome would it be if in a 2v8 mode the Survivor team could do a one time team revive? Jailbreak!!!
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Tunneling is base kit. It was also incentivized by not having any way to locate survivors after the hook and you couldn't tell if the killer was waiting near the hook (he was).
Anti tunneling is entirely perk related and was completely disabled. Similarly, gen rushing is impossible without both perks and items, so this game mode was basically 'what if we giga buffed tunneling and survivors had no way to counter it'.
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#2 is why I'm playing Nurse during it.
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Seeing survivors complaining this much about it before it even releases just because they might not be able to single handendly loop the killer the entire match is so disheartening…
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But tunneling was very counterable using the powers of stealth, which was excellent in Lights Out. The Killer can't tunnel if they can't find you.
Also, as determined in another recent discussion, most people don't know what tunneling really is, so actual tunneling doesn't happen nearly as often as claimed. Throughout the entire Lights Out event, I only encountered one, maybe two Killers who tunneled.
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2vs8 is interesting but still needs a lot of adjustment. If you compare it to previous games like IdentityV, you'll find some differences that DBDL is more difficult to achieve. In IdenV each survivor has their own status of character, passives, perks and special skills of character. Survivors can fight the killer in many different ways while DBDL can only use pallet, flashlight, flashbang etc.
In the beginning of DBDL, you can only play 5 main characters, Trapper, Hillbilly, Huntress, Wraith, Nurse. My heart wants to play more than just these 5 characters.
It still needs to be adjusted. More balance, I can't even picture it. That if every Killer was to be able to play, survivors and killers could use perk, Iteam and Add-ons. the game's balance be ruined. If compared to IdenV, currently 8vs2 mode has hardly anyone playing because it is unbalanced and the survivors are too strong. And if it's DBDL Killer, it might be too strong. It still needs to be adjusted a lot. But I want it to get to that point.
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I think it will fail if they just take current maps, which are designed for one killer. There is no way you can do anything against two killers on current maps.
Most likely no survivors will want to play this gamemode.
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As a solo killer myself since I don't have a single friend who likes DBD, I most likely never going to touch the mode. In fact I'm always been confused why the idea of a 2v8 mode was wanted by most of the community. Just seems like a headache if you a killer who has to play with a stranger. We see how it performs but my guess is that it popularity will fall off fairly quickly.
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I'm not sure if there is an after discussion of the event but this is where i saw the latest posts on the 2v8 so.. i guess i will post my thoughts here.
i see people talking about issues with coordinating perk issues for killers.. its the same way if you solo que as a survivor. you can type to the other killer pre match as well. not much time for it but still enough to switch to a different preset.
as far as tunneling.. that would be hard to do as the killer in this mode. keeping track of who has how many hooks with another killer off doing who knows what would be near impossible. if a person gets tunneled then its because they don't know how to hide or it happened by accident.
i have also seen concerns that this would be too killer sided. in the beginning it was for sure. once people started SWF and figuring out the mechanics… its actually kind of survivor sided. I've seen more than enough 8 players out to confirm that. yeah rando lobbies are gonna suck but again.. it does in normal mode too…
i think there is too much potential for it becoming killer sided with anything goes aspect of this mode when it comes to perks… however if there were a few base load outs to allow for a little flexibility for killer combos. i think that would be the route to go. the survivors get to have options yeah?
you should have a set of offerings available to use as well though. i understand the items are built in but with never having a killer % bonus and the reduction in the survivor bonus to 150%. being able to use personal boosting BP offerings would be cool.
if found to be too one sided with certain killers being way too OP together.. just don't allow those killers to be selected together. seems an easy enough fix on that to me.
over all.. i love the 2v8 mode. some people didn't give it a proper chance in my opinion.. if they figured out the new mechanics of how to SWF.. the game would be totally winnable for either side that put in the effort.
that's just my 2 cents on the subject. i do feel that it should not only be permanent but expanded upon. i think enough other players i saw playing to the very end agree and for those who don't like the mode… regular mode is still there…
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I did think the best thing BHVR could do is develop a mode that combines the two, but I don't think it would ever work. Even if BHVR adds perks back so there's more creativity for survivors, will survivors stick with a mode where they have almost no skill expression in chase?
The mode is great for killer players. You get a teammate, chases are much easier to win, and there's room for skill expression. But for survivors, you have less options for creativity and will go down immediately in chase when the killers stick together, so skill expression through looping often becomes non-existent.
People complain that 1v4 is boring by comparison, but I would wager money that if 2v8 was the default mode at launch, this game wouldn't have survived this long.
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The thing is some people arent looking for skills, some are looking for fun and are annoyed of the meta and 1v4 skills. There is also a community for a less competive, more unfair and fun mode.
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This game hasn't survived because of casual players. It's survived because of the players with hundreds and thousands of hours of play time. Having limited skill expression is fine if players only play for a limited time, but it limits replayability for players who commit large amounts of time to a game.
If BHVR alienates it's core players, then the game dies. As there's no way casuals are spending enough money in-game to keep the lights on. Having 2v8 being permanent wouldn't be an issue if it didn't completly screw up matchmaking for the regular mode, but it did.
There's just not enough players to keep things running smoothly if you have two modes that fracture the playerbase so thoroughly.