2v8 mode permanant?

Ok. This is mainly a question....but does anyone know if the new upcoming 2v8 mode is permanent. I have mainly heard that it is however i saw the roadmap and i noticed that the 2v8 mode has a start and end date. I would like to see if maybe the community or bhvr can confirm or deny this. Maybe its a trial run....idk. However i can confirm that im very excited for the mode and am dying on a hook for it to arrive. My entire family and several friends play the game...absolutely cannot wait to pair up all 6-8 of us. Or to split up and play killer together. Pls can u let me/us know if the 2v8 mode is coming to stay
None of the modes so far have been.
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Yes. However the other additions have been called modifiers or events. This is the first one called a gamemode. I doubt thats a mistake
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Well its quoted on the road map as "game mode" and not modifier, so I got a good felling it might be
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Ty. I agree. Just hoping someone from bhvr can clear it up
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I'm really hoping that it's a trial run and they'll eventually add more killers to it. I understand where there are killer mechanics they'd be leery to put into 2V8, like Dredge or Plague or Oni or Freddy, and those would need rebalances if they're even possible… but the current selection doesn't excite me at all.
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I agree completely but i do hope its permanent. They may be limited with their liscenced killers as well. I hope they add more killers too...with the main focus of having fun
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Will clear up a few things between "modifiers" and "modes" - modifiers are very similar to the base game with just some smaller changes, so there's still 4 survivors, 1 killer and generators to repair. Modes are bigger changes which can change the way the game is played - it does not mean one is permanent and one is not.
The mode won't be permanent - the start and end dates are on the roadmap. There will be further iterations based on feedback, more killers added to the rosta etc.
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Ty for clearing things up. May i ask why is it currently not going to be permanent. The community has been asking for it for years. I personally think it would be an amazing addition to an already great game and im sure at least 70% of the player base agrees.
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Are the maps going to be a bigger version in 2v8 or not? Why isn't it permanent?
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I imagine if it were permanent, they'd have to focus more on balance and game health for the mode, which seems like a difficult juggling act when you already have to balance killers and survivor perks/items for SWF. Balancing everything for solo, SWF, and 2v8 compounds the issue. As it is, the game modes are treated like fun events than full additions to the game and its usual fairness (lights out was not much a success in that regard, and while my little oni was hilarious, that couldn't have stuck around for longer than it did.)
Bigger maps would be a good idea, though.
I'm glad to hear they plan on expanding the roster and returning to the mode, though! Appreciate the clarity.
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Id like to restate a few points. I do understand that a new permanent gamemode would add more for bhvr to watch over. However they wouldnt have to have it partake in events like bone chill, haunted by daylight, or twisted masquerade. And i would definetly understand them prioritizing the normal mode over it. However i have been wanting this to be a thing since i got hooked on this game. It would be an amazing addition for players looking to goof around and to mix things up for more experienced long term players too. I do ask if bhvr will rethink and make it a permanent addition. Ik people would like a bigger roster and that will come with time, however i am happy with the current lineup. I feel the 2v8 mode should be a staple for dbd and could help take it to the next lvl of game. I feel we need something extra on top of the normal gameplay. Pls vote this up if you agree.
Im not trying to argue or pester. This is something that i really believe and have heard the same from numerous players. You guys have done many things that have been monumentally impactful to the game in my time playing...twins glitch fixed, stranger things return, and the countless adjustments made. I hope you guys feel like i do. Pls think about this.
Post edited by Dragnragettv on0 -
The first part is a good question, which I hope, because otherwise this mode already failed for me and to the second part game studios often test new gamemodes first before putting more money into it. Depending on the success they become permanent or you never see them again.
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Ok. Ty. I hope this is the case...and if so then lets give it all the support we can. Btw it is confirmed maps will be bigger
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I will definitely try it out, but I‘m worried that survivor will feel miserable and very unfair. Whether I will or will not support it depends on what behavior does.
Btw it is confirmed maps will be bigger
Good to know, thx.
Another thing I‘m skeptical about is the down a survivor and he gets immediately hooked. I don’t like that it disables all kind of saves and a lot of perks. I don‘t know whether it is needed tho.
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Im not sure. It does take away from saves but if the survivors are performing correctly then 6ish people should be free to save. Also if it works like pyramid heads cages then it will be almost impossible to camp and a killer will have less excuses to tunnel. If a tunnel is performed itll be completely intentional. We will have to see how necessary the cages are compared to hooks. Another good point is if the killer is chasing someone and a save isnt possible then all other survivors should be busy doing something else-this makes slugging less likely too.
Real quick do remember that their is classes and abilities now. No perks...this will change how strong the killers are as they will be closer to basekit
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Real quick do remember that their is classes and abilities now. No perks...this will change how strong the killers are as they will be closer to basekit
I did not know that. I wonder how that will feel like.
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Please make it permanent