Should Huntress get her buffs reverted?
Yet you complain everytime someone suggests changes for a certain killer.
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She became stronger but it's not like mechanics is unhealthy or overperforming any other killers, I don't see any point in nerfing her beside reducing usage rates
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She became stronger in aspects that weren't needed, all she needed were more Lockers to reload from, not more hatchets. Reducing usage rates shouldn't be the goal, they should fix the main problems so she can be a lot more smooth and better in general to play as, they buffed her in the wrong way.
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I don't know, she is still smoother than past, it wasn't needed but it's not like getting it will break the game
Don't see the problem as much
Also locker spawn is not related to huntress in any way, it's just map issue
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Good point, but the problem is that it "wasn't needed". The thing is that you are right that it won't break the game, but why do they prioritize buffing killers that didn't need any changes besides QOL changes for stuff like lockers, over killers that are in need of help like Trapper or Freddy, the issue is that they go for the wrong things over bigger problems that could've been fixed a while ago, that right there is the issue.
Maps have always been a key factor, a simple change is to add more lockers in certain areas in the bigger maps, obviously maps can either be too big, or too small, simply add more lockers ONLY for Dredge or Huntress automatically in the maps that are more problematic.
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"why did they changed this instead of xxx" is honestly pointless, we really don't know how their internals works, and I highly doubt cranking up hatchet counts by 2 takes any time or anything, not to mention the fact she kinda needed the buff when we think about not a 10k hour huntress mains also plays her, it was too punishing for the today's dbd standards
lockers are, in fact, survivor sided mechanics, there is countless amount of survivor perks and even basekit mechanics for them, I won't opposed to adding more of it in any way but calling that a "huntress dredge buff" is honestly strange
Oh, also reverting it would just takes as much effort as buffing her, so if we think about killers who really needs help, we shouldn't waste time reverting her
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When you mention that buffing Huntress hatchet count by two probably doesn't take much time, I think about how much less time it could take in buffing killers that actually needed some love, some simple number changes could really make a difference for those who need them.
In certain scenarios I do agree that lockers can be quite annoying for killers to deal with like Head On, but to be fair for at least in my case I don't encounter many survivors using it anyways.
I will say this, I do understand why you think it was punishing before the buffs, but I think instead of giving her more hatchets, I think that this add-on should be made basekit, let me know what you think, I saw someone else mention the same idea and I honestly thought it was an interesting idea.
Like I said with the locker changes, more lockers is in fact a buff, because reloading obviously takes time, but the extra hatchet change is a band-aid fix itself because reloading takes a little while. If they make the add-on I listed above basekit, along with the extra lockers, it can make Huntress a lot better, and smooth.
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And honestly that's true, just as buffing huntress wouldn't really takes much effort, buffing any other killers would be same, and thus, "why did they buffed this" is kinda pointless because it's so random anyway, and it's not like we can do every single "small changes" all at once
I'm not saying lockers are strong or anything, but rather, it's fundamentally a survivor mechanics, it's a hiding place for survivor, it's an activator for bunch of perks (such as flashbang or built to last, that one healing perk), just that some killers will utilize it
making that basekit doesn't seems bad, but I'd say adding hatchet counts helps more for newer players as in, they will get more chances to practice hitting the hatchet, they could get more wins by being M1 killers with this addon, doesn't really make them better at huntress herself, I think that'd probably be better for veteran players in term of strength though
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Bringing up comp is smart though. If you’ve ever watched Huntress played at comp level they almost ALWAYS lose. And very badly I might add. I’m talking two hooks by endgame. Therefore she has counterplay but you have to be smart enough to know it.
I highly encourage there very few matches of her being used in comp on YouTube and watch as they miss 20+ hatchets a game
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I would find that change fine but only reduce the hatchet to 6 no futher changes needed.
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Completely irrelevant to 99.9% of players.
Balancing around comp is an extremely dumb move. "Ah yes, let's balance around 200 players whilst screwing over the other 59,999,800 players, surely that will go well"
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That's cool, because she is bad for 59,999,800 players and still bad for 200 players, buffs will be justified
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She's not lmao.
She's one of the most popular Killers and her KR is middle of the pack, which is to be expected from a free Killer that is fairly difficult to learn, both by having a crosshair-less projectile and by being 110%.
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If Devs buff Huntress to carry 7 instant down hatchets, they still say its justified.
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And buff her to a 4.6 ms killer, they will claim it's because "she lacks map pressure".
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Ignoring comp completely is far dumber. Considering it shows what killers are like against equally skilled survivors. Simply put if you think Huntress is overpowered in any form, the comp scene proves it’s a skill issue. That’s all.
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Ghostface 4K's in comp, therefore anyone who loses with Ghostface is having a skill issue.
Terrible argument, surely you can do better.
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But since we basically ignore "comp", or more like "good" player, all that say is she must be buffed
Killer that is difficult to learn deserves to be buffed until bad players gets enough kills, that's literally what you are saying, I'm just pointing it out
Ah yes, "absurdism also a strawman" as pulsar say, bad way to help argument of others
Post edited by Neaxolotl on0 -
Power creep? What power creep? Every map being systematically nerfed into a small square dead zone and nerfs to nearly every meta survivor perk? How do survivors have power creep when every new survivor is just a skin? HUH?
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Her and Deathslinger players (not saying ALL but a fair amount) are good at ignoring the anti-camping mechanic which is a bummer.
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There is no question, only an answer. And that answer is yes.
There was no actual reason to buff an already good killer, especially the one people agree on to be the ideal balance. Now, Huntress sits at an undesirable strength, and it's not satisfying.
And don't forget that there excuse was to not rework Treatment Theatre, an extremely problematic map. Lery's doesn't just hurt Huntress, but also Hillbilly, Singularity, and many other M1 killers. It should have got changes ages ago.
And don't get me started on the add-ons. It doesn't take a genius to realize that reworking perfect add-ons that helped beginners learn her before swapping to the big add-ons is a terrible idea. And the effects they reworked them to? Her worst designed add-ons. They are nigh useless and don't have any personality. Behavior really loves just slapping haste onto things we don't want them on when they decide to change things.
If your changes are hated by Huntress mains, and enough to get them to stop maining her, they are bad changes.