Singularity Quick Feedback

I can honestly say I love the Singularity changes as someone who has "mained" him since release. The increased aim-assist on placing pods has made him feel a bit more consistent, and the aim assist on teleporting has opened up some unique opportunities while making him more accessible for beginners. However, some of the addons definitely need some changes.

  • Crew Manifest

This should be the top priority for an addon change. The effect was nerfed, and overlaps massively with the base-kit killer instinct. I propose a solution that sticks to the original theme, while finding use in a rewarding way.

Crew Manifest: In addition to the existing 2 meter spreading range increase, once the last uninfected survivor has been slipstreamed, all other survivor's auras are revealed for 8 seconds.

  • Cryo Gel

Since the original effect of this addon was merged into android arm, you guys obviously had to rework it, but the rework is very underwhelming. A 60 second hemorrhage addon will never see much use on it's own. I propose a simple solution that would make it see much more use.

Cryo Gel: Slipstreamed Survivors suffer from the Mangled and Hemorrhage status effects for 45 seconds when hit with a basic attack.

I know Mangled and Hemorrhage addons tend to be Rare or Very Rare rarity, so I propose a rarity swap between Cryo Gel and Hologram Generator.

Hologram Generator isn't a very oppressive addon and mirror's Legion's Etched Ruler, which is an Uncommon addon.

Additional Suggestion:

  • Iridescent Crystal Shard

The range of this addon wasn't really the issue, the effect is just awkward to use, and doesn't really stand on its own. I propose an additional effect that would see use outside of the aura reading, and enhance it's effect.

Iridescent Crystal Shard: In addition to the existing effects, increases the range at which biopods can be placed by 4 meters.
