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2 Cross Progression Clarifying Questions

Hoping a mod can answer these 2 questions, the first one I haven't seen anything about yet, the second is just clarifying something.
I've read the FAQ multiple times, but I just want to be clear on how cosmetics & charms are going to work? If I've unlocked the 8-bit pizza hoodie on Dwight on PS, when I link/merge the accounts, I'll have it on PC… correct? Same with his PUBG fit and every other fit/charm? I'm hoping that the assumption is correct as that's the most important thing to me personally.
Since I don't want to do another post, again I read the FAQ and this is answered in the FAQ but I want to be clear on it so I'm asking it again with an example. For items, offerings, and add-ons? Will the numbers be combined or will you only get the higher amount of the two you have? So if I have like 100 Macmillan Bones on Dwight on PC but 50 on Playstation, will I have 150 after I link/merge or will I have 100? - One last example, what if I have Ghastly Gateau's on PS but none on PC (as they are from an older anniversary event obviously) will those come over? Since it'll be the "higher number" since I have 0 on PC?
Just want to clarify for these two.
Best Answer
I asked that an email and i can confirm to you. You will have 100, every single things will be the higher level, nothing will merged or added, just the higher number, include prestiges, itens and offerings. im waiting for an answear about old rifst, cosmetics and other stuffs.
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That is unfortunate to be confirmed, but I appreciate it.
Hoping a mod or someone with knowledge will answer the cosmetics question, that's more important IMO.
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Yeah, BHVR has been frustratingly silent about cosmetics and what exactly is and isn't being shared from Switch. And the mods/devs are active, they're just not responding to this particular set of questions. It makes me wonder if they're still working out the kinks and don't want to make another promise they can't keep but also don't want to anger their customers unnecessarily.
I've seen players speculate about cosmetics, which (no shade on anyone, I understand the instinct) I wish people would refrain from doing because it confuses players and helps BHVR hide their silence behind "oh hey, someone else answered that question" when only an official response has any value here.
The list of different types of content purchases is long. Chapters bought in the Switch store vs chapters purchased in DbD with auric cells vs chapters obtained with a giveaway code. Cosmetics obtained with auric cells vs iri shards vs a code. Licensed vs original content. The paid Rift track, Amazon Prime, auric cell pack cosmetic gifts. These are different things and we have no idea how it's being handled or what we can expect.
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Hoping a mod can answer this, the FAQ told us to come here with questions that weren't covered. :)
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Cosmetic will be tranfer to, but, please forget all about what i said before. Because in the next email i sent to clarify this, another person from BHVR said me itens and offering will be combined and merger and not just the highest number, i will post the prints for you.
Jake will be level 50 on all the platforms you have synced. This will also be how items and offerings are synced with the higher value being used. ( This week post FAQ sentence about that)
and today, similiar the May email.
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Mandy solve it. :)
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I appreciate all the information, I'm just super confused as to why no moderator is discussing cosmetics/charms as part of cross progression… I'm beginning to wonder if cosmetics are being left out for some absurd reason. They have been very quiet about it and it's quite alarming.
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Bit bummed about this aspect tbh. I'd love to get all my escape cakes and BPS etc
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Thank you! I'll finally have my 8bit pizza hoodie and PUBG fit on PC! My Dwight main heart is happy. :D
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Since you edited your post, are you referring to the Left 4 Dead shirts and I think there was a Switch exclusive Trapper fit or something, right? Or like legacy gamers. Anything from like the rifts and the PUBG fit would be able to be transferred since they aren't tied to one platform, right?
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Just exclusive plataform cosmetic cant tranfer, i think, but, im confuse right now, this feature is confusing and needs so much clarify
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I'm trying to figure out if the prestige levels will combine tbh. I have all the killers up to Xeno and a few survivors at P1 on Switch (I know, it's big stuff), and on PC I have about half the killers at P1 too. If I just get all the levels to P1 on everyone that's fine, but it would make me happy to grind a little less.
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To answer this, moderators of this forum are here to handle every day reports on the forum, keeping the forums organised etc. They do not have the information for the questions that you have. Just want to clear that up.
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Prestige levels do not combine, it takes the highest level of prestige that you have.
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Unfortunate but that's ok! Thank you!
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That's my bad, I used the wrong wording, I meant anyone with the knowledge like yourself or a fellow community manager/dev/admin that would have that knowledge. Not strictly moderators, my apologies. I used it as a catch all phrase.
Also, I understand the forums are busy and stuff, it just seemed like the cosmetic question was being asked in a lot of places but no one was responding to it so I think people, like myself, were just getting a bit worried. I appreciate any and all answers that have come in this thread though, so if my wording was rude or anything of that sort that's my mistake and was unintentional.
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Afaik the only platform exclusive cosmetic is Trapper's "Dual Scream" on the Switch right?
Is there anything else that would be considered platform exclusive?0 -
it wasn't taken as rude in the slightest, so please do not worry <3 just didn't want our mods to get any undue criticism of things outside of their control <3
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I have..
Deathslinger P10 and zero survivors puddings offerings Devotion 24 account
Deathslinger P5 and 50 survivors puddings offerings Devotion 7 account
after sync i will have a P10 deathslinger with 50 survivor puddings right?
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I believe the Left 4 Dead shirts and Legacy cosmetics for those who have them are all PC/Steam exclusives, so those wouldn't be available via cross progression either.
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To my understanding, yes.
P10 Slinger, with 50 Survivor Puddings. Devotion level would be 31 for your account post merging.0 -
darn :/