The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Let me disable spectator mode. I don’t want SWF players to spectate me.

I keep getting spectate sniped by SWF players when playing survivor.

When there are 2 or 3 SWF players in my team and I’m left alive together with another player who is part of the SWF, that player will have their friend spectate me and tell the other player where I am so they can bring the Killer to me.

There’s no reason why I shouldn’t be able to disable spectator mode. SWF players revealing my location to the Killer through spectator mode is a real issue.


  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259
    edited July 16

    There will always be hopeless situations on both sides. You can't really fix it.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 619

    Avoid all the SWF if you are afraid to happens again ?
    Can the Anonymous Mode disable the Replay 1st.Person Cam ? It should to be honest…

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Nope, there's plenty of things you can implement to prevent that from happening.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    And realistically there is no way to differentiate normal players and SWFs

    It's not like BHVR implemented a system where you can know whether they are SWF or not

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 619
    edited July 16

    'And realistically there is no way to differentiate normal players and SWFs'
    I can do it by myself & I don't expect BVHR does that for me…
    I just have to found the 'clues' for that first (if available naturally).

    And still, the 'Anonymous Mode' should disable the replay 1st.Person Cam for everyone. After all, that is an 'Anonymous' Mode. And nobody will miss these replays, except to do what these guys did to @iamvladd2000 .

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Catch up mechanics or alternative win conditions. There's no way two survivors could repair gens against a competent killer and god forbid there's more than one gen to fix. This is what causes people to hide for a half hour hoping the other will die because the match is objectively hopeless except for the hatch.

    If you reduced the gen times per survivor dead that would not only fix the tunneling issue but also solve situations like this where the only real option is to wait for your teammates to die or sandbag them.

    Catch up mechanics are already in the game for killers. They have blood lust for when killers are sucking at chases, resource depletion via pallets breaking, and for every gen popped there's no need to patrol another quarter of the map roughly speaking. And basekit 5% gen regression. So there's not really any reason not to have catch up mechanics for survivors as well at this point.

    You fundamentally misunderstand the situation, people tend to want to play the game. If there's no chance at winning the normal way then they resort to stuff like this, not the other way around.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259
    edited July 17

    Bloodlust is killer specific thing, bloodlust doesn't really work for most killers and waste tons of time to use.

    Your catch up mechanic equivalent would mean slowing survivor's repair speed for each gen finished as long they are all alive. 3-gen would be back on menu...

    You fundamentally misunderstand the situation, people tend to want to play the game.

    Amount of survivors to DC or suicide on first hook suggests otherwise...

    You fundamentally misunderstand the situation, the situation where SWF snitch on soloQ has nothing to do with gen speed.

    Even if you would finish all gens for them, you would have groups to do this. It's not about escaping for them, it's about that survivor not escaping.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Bloodlust is a catch up mechanic dude, literally there for killers that can't chase properly. And yeah if there's four survivors with little to no hooks I'd be okay with having gens go slower or giving more to the killer. I don't know why you think I would not be okay with a balanced and fun game.

    Second yeah some people do DC or suicide on first hook but from what I see most of the times that's from the other survivors just kinda wasting time watching paint dry while they were in chase.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259

    I don't know why you think I would not be okay with a balanced and fun game.

    Because it's terrible idea

    Slowing gens down means 3-gen and slugging on rise. I don't think anyone would enjoy that.

    If you increase speed whenever survivor dies, then there was kinda no point on killing that survivor, when it often increased survivor's efficiency on gens.

    Bloodlust is a catch up mechanic dude

    Catch up mechanic for chase, which many killers can't access. It's there literally only to fix weak killers and broken loops. It's not something to be used in every game no matter what.

    What you are talking about is catch up mechanic for the result of whole game, which would be kinda difficult to not get use of.

    You think it would improve behavior SWF and soloQ? If they feel like survivor wasn't good enough when he gets hooks, they actually have valid reason to let him die on hook. That sounds as terrible idea to me.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Then have some basekit unbreakable features, again you are creating issues with very simple and obvious solutions. Anyway, I mentioned several other basekit mechanics killers have to catch up, why are you singling out only one of them?

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259
    edited July 18

    Then have some basekit unbreakable features, again you are creating issues with very simple and obvious solutions.

    Hell no, that just creates even more issues. As long there are things where slugging is only counterplay, or there are powers requiring slugging to be effective, nothing as basekit unbreakable should touch basekit.

    "Fix is simple, just give meta perk basekit". What an idea...

    Anyway, I mentioned several other basekit mechanics killers have to catch up, why are you singling out only one of them?


    resource depletion via pallets breaking

    Not a catch up mechanic. That's simply progression of the game.

    Survivors get to deplete generator charges, is that catch up mechanic because of it?

    for every gen popped there's no need to patrol another quarter of the map roughly speaking.

    For every gen popped there is bigger area where survivors can run without worrying about hindering teammates.

    If I chase killer there, then killer is screwed. Even he hooks me there then there is very little pressure from this, because he can't stay unless he is planning to lose...

    So it's not like survivors don't get any advantages from finished gens. They just created "safe" area for them to chase/heal/boons.

    So again, not a catch up mechanic.

    And basekit 5% gen regression.

    To some extent yes, but at cost of nerfing all meta slowdown perks and 3-gen feature was introduced.

    But it works whole game same, so what exactly is about that to catch up. Catch up mechanic should increase in effectiveness, or be used only when needed, no?

    So you wanna butcher all gen speed perks for few % increase when survivor dies? I highly doubt survivors would accept that.

    3-gen was basically catch up mechanic / playstyle for killers and that got nerfed.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Yeah the fix is still simple, even if you don't like it.

    Second, I can see there's no hope for any productive conversation here and any amount of evidence or examples will be brushed off or ignored. Take your mention of using boons for example, they are more or less hot garbage and not worth the time investment to use in most cases due to how easy they are to counter and how little value they give in return.

    So I'll digress, we have different wants for the game, I prefer a fast pace game where things are happening and you prefer something more akin to chess. I respectfully dislike that kind of game.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259

    Yeah the fix is still simple, even if you don't like it.

    It's not a fix, if it breaks another things.

    I can see there's no hope for any productive conversation here and any amount of evidence or examples will be brushed off or ignored.

    They just need to be good ones, but you don't have that.

    they are more or less hot garbage and not worth the time investment to use in most cases due to how easy they are to counter and how little value they give in return.

    We still use CoH in SWF and most games I lose is because of Exponential... Well, that's more about the type of groups that use it rather than perk itself.

    CoH is 8 seconds saved (so 16 in total) for each heal there. It's amazing for bodyblocking against tunneling.

    So I'll digress, we have different wants for the game, I prefer a fast pace game where things are happening and you prefer something more akin to chess.

    I want good chases from my games. Your idea of game limits that a lot.

    Wanna fast paced game? Alright, let's see how players would like remote hooking basekit. We could lower overall gen time with that change. That's definitely going to be fast paced, basically nothing but chase.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    I'm just not interested anymore as these are just verifiably untrue to anyone with experience actually playing survivor. Circle of healing actual time saved is going to be a lot less in real games as it takes multiple survivors being there healing together. So instead of two survivors healing somewhere else they have to run and move into the boon to get value out of that and that's assuming they aren't far away enough for it to be a net loss in time save as they then also have to move back to objectives from the boon.

    Anyway, have fun but this is kinda boring at this point and I've made my point so peace out. Congratulations you win the internet argument I'm done.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 335

    There should be the ability to disable the spectator cam and your aura. Like you should be able to switch it on and odd during match.

    The amount of times where I've got saves and been the only ones on gens to then get ratted out is insane.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259

    I'm just not interested anymore as these are just verifiably untrue to anyone with experience actually playing survivor.

    Just because your experience is different, it doesn't make it untrue...

    Anyway, have fun but this is kinda boring at this point and I've made my point so peace out. Congratulations you win the internet argument I'm done.

    That didn't take long. So you like your discussions as your games? Short

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,259
  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,849

    I would not mind this being an option, I have had bad experiences with SWF's doing exactly this. The last time I ran Distortion (I never really run it) they took exception to me using this perk and encouraged team mates to sand bag me and get me killed then abused me end game - for using a perk. It wasn't like I was hiding or doing nothing either…

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 732

    record, report, and get them banned...