Can behavior make it so the Unknown can't down people with its projectile power?

I understand the pushback against this idea, but other killers don't have grenade function associated with their range attack. I mean, technically the Xenomorph has the acid/ tail attack combo, however it's still limited with it's range.
I've played against a lot of Unknowns who rely heavily on the spread that their range attack provides, especially in doorways. I still think that the power should be able to have long range, go through walls, and wound people, i just don't like that the unknown can down people with that power as well. I don't want to go down the whole "look at how crazy OP every new killer has been ever since they got rid of Spine Chill and Boon: Circle of Healing," but I just feel like the idea of making some trims here and there is okay.
Nor other killers suffers with extremely slow projectile speed, limited range and 3 hit to down all at once, not to mention 3 second of extremely short timeframe which killers has to hit you
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Why? If you delete the fact he can down or injure survivor who are "infected" (I don't remember the term they use in game), there's no point to use the power, it's not a Plague like, he his more like a Nemesis like
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"making some trims"
You mean, gut like a fish.
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look at him
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There's no way we're complaining about Unknown right now. He's probably one of the more balanced killers in the game.
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I definitely don't believe it's in the plan to remove this from The Unknown given that this is the main part of its power.
Whilst I understand the frustration that you feel when you are downed by a ranged attack, you can completely remove that ability by looking at the killer as it can only down you when you are weakened, and looking at the killer removes that.
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This would literally make Unknown pointless, plus like Mandy said above me, you can remove the Weakened by looking at the Unknown for a while.
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Unknown at best is high B tier killer he does not need any nerf and his power is pretty easy to dodge.
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This would kill the killer for me. I'm not interested in Huntress 2.0
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Huntress 2.0? This would be Plague 0.01
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Getting rid of the entire point of the killer is not "making some trims". If you're actually playing well Unknown only has one shot to down you before you get rid of weakened, if they hit the shot they deserve the down, if you're letting them get multiple shots that's a skill issue.
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This would be insanely bad. You would need to hit two projectiles to injure them and then have to down them with an M1. And on top of that, if you hit them with a projectile, they are probably far away, gaining even more distance with the Speedboost when getting injured. Which you would have to catch up to M1 them.
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A killer with no power, just m1 😂
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Unknown is for sure not to strong with his range-attack, it's pretty slow so it's relatively easy to dodge if he doesn't guess to where you dodge. He has already the disadvantage over other projectile-killers that he has to hit you more often and hide from you watching him. It's part of his counterplay that you have to guess where he'll hit you through, same with him that has to try and know through what it's possible.
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This is incredibly high quality bait or you strongly dislike the killer because that suggestion is wild.
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I feel like the unknown has a lot of power, it's just… you know … you can dodge the huntress hatchets around turns, but its 100% harder against the Unknown. The unknown, unlike the huntress, can also teleport. I get the tug and pull on ease of play between survivor and killer, and I completely understand the pushback, I just feel that it wouldn't be that big of a deal on the killer's behalf.
The suggestion someone made to me is that the unknown shouldn't be able to shoot people through walls, however I feel that my idea would also alleviate that concern as well.
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Please go play unknown yourself
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And unlike Huntress, the unknown has to hit survivors a minimum of 3, usually 4 times, if the survivor is playing against unknown correctly.
That's not even counting the fact that also unlike Huntress, unknown can't damage or weaken survivors by hitting them directly
And unlike Huntress, unknown also has to take ricochet into account when aiming.
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If BHVR would fix his Projectile where they did not go thought solid walls then it wouldn't be so bad…. That and the cool down on his power is too short and the time it take for a survivor to Dispel there Weakened is too long….. Then his movement speed should be the same as Deathslinger and Huntress 4.4m/s not 4.6m/s any killer that throws or shoots stuff should never be 4.6m/s……
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It going through walls is intended, the devs have showcased this as a feature of the proyectile, no need to fix something that is intentional.
The cooldown of the power is incredibly unforgiving, leaving less than 3 seconds most of the time to land an incredibly telefraphed and slow moving proyectile that unless you are in a doorway/hall is very easy to dodge.
The time for a survivor to dispel weakened is very forgiving, specially when you take into account the linger mechanic meaning you dont have to be staring at the unknown for a prolonged interval, you can look at it for a short time about 3 times and poof weakened is gone.
This comment seems to lack a lot of knowledge about the killer either by mistake or willyingly for the sake of the argument.
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A lot of the other comments already covered this, but it is a 3 hit to down power, with a 3 second window to actually damage you if you look at him while he is on cooldown, look at the killer and learn to path while doing so and it is an incredibly difficult power to hit and can be very punishing if he does miss, a miss means you should always be able to remove your weaken effect, meaning he has hit you twice again with power, I'd be more afraid of the zoning personally.