Queue Times Be Darned

I want the ability to say "No" to playing against at least three killers. And I mean being queued against them. I am so sick of either facing the same killer over and over, or facing toxic, overpowered killers. I want to actually have fun - and no, I don't mean win, winning doesn't matter in DbD. There is nothing fun about facing the same killer over and over or facing a killer that's overpowered.
And I'm not asking to be able to filter out a big list, just three would be fine. Heck, I'll take one. Use the rate at which survivors filter killers when you balance. Or don't. I don't care - I just want to have fun, and right now it's just not fun.
Play with customs or comp scenes, pub matches of dbd isn't really the place for you
And no, there is no reason anyone else except you must suffer from queue time issues because you just don't like some aspect of the game
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What are the odds you get those three killers anyways? Huntress supposedly has an 8% pick rate and yet I never see her. Having a filter is a terrible idea. I bought the game and I shouldn’t be punished because survivors don’t want to play against the killer I like to play. Skully, knight and Nurse would die over night.
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The reality of this game is when you hit the ready button, you're accepting the possibility you may go against killers or perks you don't like or think are op.
The same goes for killers. When they hit that ready button, they accept the fact that they could be going against perks they don't like or an SWF
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Just organize custom games where people agree to arbitrary rules you want.
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Difference is, Killers get to see what the Survivors are bringing in, item wise, so they get to at least make an informed decision before readying up. Survivors don't get the same treatment. They just have to prey it's not an overpowered killer, or the same killer they just faced.
I'll take at least knowing who I'm facing so I can decide if I want to bother with the match.
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And I should be allowed to have in the game that I bought. Killers shouldn't be to only ones allowed to have fun.
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let me get this stright! u said "i just want to have fun" correct?
F is for friends who do stuff together
U is for you and me
N is for anywhere and anytime at all
Down here in the deep blue sea
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That's because this is a 1v4 assymetrical game and the game is balanced around killers seeing survivors, and that has been the case for entirety of its life. The killer is supposed to be watching the survivors like a predator watches its prey. The prey has to remain ever vigilant, ready for anything. But that's getting into power role, and isn't what we're talking about. Prestige and username shouldn't be shown though.
Back on topic, what you're asking for is a change that would require 1 to 1 balancing.
If survivors get to block killers, killers get to block perks.
If killers get to see who's swf, survivors get to see what killer they're facing.
If one side has a dc penalty and the other doesn't, both sides have to have it or neither do.
And none of this would be healthy for the game in the long run. All this picking and choosing for one side would require 1 to 1 matches on the other side that would result in the games death
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It doesn't matter because it's your choice to prolong que, the problem is anyone else who aren't picky will also suffer from it
There is no reason to change anything, just play customs or just stop playing
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All I play is wesker. I don't care how good or bad he is I'm just tired of playing this man 6/10 games. All though his recent glitch is quite funny.
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A crazy foil to this would be killers being able to mark one Exhaustion perk that they didn't want to play against, as the exhaustion perk is often the most defining build of a survivor and the closest thing in the direction of power with cooldowns, besides items.
Just imagine if all those DH players had found it nearly impossible to queue up for a game. In the same vein Nurse players or those using the newest killers shouldn't be penalised just for their choice of killer.
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And I would like to filter out every cry baby that thinks the world should only play the way they want
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Since forums have no matchmaking, you have a tool called "ignore list" which can be filled with whopping 25 people you don't like
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Maybe if I get the ability to ban 3 maps, it's pretty annoying to be send on the same 3 maps that are absolutely horrible as killer too.
But I know that that won't ever happen probably, so we'll both have to live with it xD
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I'll take at least knowing who I'm facing so I can decide if I want to bother with the match.
And killers want to see SWFs, so they can decide the same. Now everyone is a full-time lobby shopper and queue times are hell, forever.
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Quite frankly, I've seen more Weskers since the recent patch (which broke him by making Survivors horrid to play if hit by his power) than the last 6 months before it. Wesker's killrate will likely be higher due to this since it's much harder to loop when your character is completely in the wrong place and half-hidden from the camera (there's a reason why Wesker is more common recently).
When they eventually fix it, Wesker will likely go back to a more subdued pickrate.
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Yeah, showing who is in a SWF before the match is a pretty big no-go, BUT I still don't unterstand why its hidden AFTER the match. Sure, some peeps would make a word document of all the SWFs they encountered and check every time they queue up, but I rarely ever recognise a survivor that I played earlier, unless its super obvious.
The thing is that a lot of SWFs try to gaslight the killer, ala "no, we are just randos and played for the first time. You were just bad." or deflect attacks about the broken nature of some SWF tactics by claiming "lol, we are soloQ. Git gud. ggez."
Just show after the trial, who was in the SWF with whome, its no big deal, unless you really want to obfuscate something. But there is ONE thing that killers would notice with this system: how many of their sounding wins were against duos and trios and even full SWFs, who played suboptimally because they wanted to safe a friend. Especially duos are prone to this behaviour, with one often giving up when their mate dies, because they don't want to keep them waiting for too long. Behing HONEST with this information AFTER the trial would relativate a lot of the common "I get matched with full SWFs every second game and they are just impossible to beat" salty crybabies.
Source: I play in a full SWF all the time, and we are mediocre at best, but always try to cover each others behinds and going for risky and absolutely fullhardy rescues.
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But it wouldn't just be your three killers. It would be your three plus the nine other "bans" from your teammates, for a total of 12 killer bans per survivor team. youre painting the picture of it only being a small potential removal of killer options but almost the entire popular killer cast could be banned.
It would almost certainly have a lot of overlap for solo queue but it would be absolutely awful for swf(you could ban blight, nurse, wesker, hillbilly, All the a tier killers and STILL have bans left over).
Layer in MMR and someone who only plays a certain killer could potentially never ever get to play that killer OR they would keep expanding in MMR range until they obliterate some newer players who don't understand who to ban.
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I have an hypothesis about that … and I've deleted my post as I'm not sure I can tell.
Let's just say it's probably about what's absolutely need-to-know and information safety.
Knowing a group was SWF is only "nice" to have but giving that information could have bad consequences in some fringe case. (Let's not dwell.)
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25 isn't enough for the crybabies but more than enough to filter out the most unreasonable elements.
Besides, these ones tend to disappear one way or another (usually from a self-inflicted wound) so more room can be made for their successors.
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yes let’s add more artificial limitations on killers, yes!
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That's a big ask.
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Yes, because a survivor team being able to ban literally 1/3 of the cast is a GREAT idea and WILL NOT be used to ban the top 12 killers just to face the weaker ones. This is truly enlightening, and I hope BHVR adds it immediately.
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If you are able to ban killers I get to ban perks may as well kill the game
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Killer can block 3 perks of their choosing mine gonna be DS SB and finesse
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There would be so many killers that would just never get a game, rest in piece every twins, trickster, skull merchant, knight, nurse main out there lmao