Buff Hag to 4.6 m/s

shizzy_Pooh Member Posts: 60
edited July 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think hag would be much easier to play if she were a 4.6 killer, trickster is a ranged killer and he was buffed due to MFT but now MFT was nerfed so either change hag to 4.6 or revert trickster to how he was before or make him 4.4 again. Killers like dredge, onryo, alien, unknown, and even singularity can teleport and have map mobility and they are 4.6 so why can’t hag be the same? She has a iri add on that increases her M/S by like 7.6% I think and even with that speed she still can’t catch up even with the survivor being hindered, and then she can’t even teleport to the triggerd trap so using her traps are almost pointless at loops because a smart survivor will just hold W to a different loop and you lost all this distance because you tried setting up a trap you can’t even teleport to. I really enjoy hag but it can frustrating to play her being so slow sometimes especially when we still have these strong maps like badham, disturbed ward, prenn asylum, cold wind Thompson house, Leroy’s memorial, gas haven, wreckers. It gets to be too much as hag with these maps all the resources all the connecting loops, all the exhaustion perks, finesse, dramaturgy. Makes hag a little frustrating to play sometimes and then when you finally do down a survivor you have to camp the hook with traps because two gens got done in your first chase and then the game turns into having to slug, tunnel, and proxy camp to build pressure and having to play that way to get any kind of kills gets old sometimes.

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