Buff Hag to 4.6 m/s

I think hag would be much easier to play if she were a 4.6 killer, trickster is a ranged killer and he was buffed due to MFT but now MFT was nerfed so either change hag to 4.6 or revert trickster to how he was before or make him 4.4 again. Killers like dredge, onryo, alien, unknown, and even singularity can teleport and have map mobility and they are 4.6 so why can’t hag be the same? She has a iri add on that increases her M/S by like 7.6% I think and even with that speed she still can’t catch up even with the survivor being hindered, and then she can’t even teleport to the triggerd trap so using her traps are almost pointless at loops because a smart survivor will just hold W to a different loop and you lost all this distance because you tried setting up a trap you can’t even teleport to. I really enjoy hag but it can frustrating to play her being so slow sometimes especially when we still have these strong maps like badham, disturbed ward, prenn asylum, cold wind Thompson house, Leroy’s memorial, gas haven, wreckers. It gets to be too much as hag with these maps all the resources all the connecting loops, all the exhaustion perks, finesse, dramaturgy. Makes hag a little frustrating to play sometimes and then when you finally do down a survivor you have to camp the hook with traps because two gens got done in your first chase and then the game turns into having to slug, tunnel, and proxy camp to build pressure and having to play that way to get any kind of kills gets old sometimes.
Considering pretty much all the killers having 4.6 nowadays, I don't see the problem in buffing hag to 4.6
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THANK YOU! I agree 100%
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I am not against this buff for Hag, but the bit about Trickster is completely wrong. He was not given 4.6 m/s speed due to MFT being strong, they were literally changed in the same update and this change to Trickster was made in line with his whole mini-rework.
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Yeah there's not really any reason to keep Hag at 4.4, I'm sure it made sense at one time when the power level of the game was lower but now her being 4.4 just keeps her from having real agency. Instead of being able to chase after a trap is triggered you either have to hope you get the hit after teleporting and then see if they're heading towards another trap or if they're not just abandon the idea of downing them entirely and try again later.
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exactly I agree it can be very frustrating
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I have many friends that are trickster mains and they HATED MFT especially when paired with HOPE they thought it was too strong so I do believe he got his speed buff because of MFT
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she definitely needs some help in my opinion.
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I believe he got speed buff because his power was actually underwhelming for 4.4
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Yeah! Even if they nerf other parts of her kit - like limiting traps near hooks - i think making her 4.6 would be the best change to make her more in line with other killers more recently released.
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I’ve literally said that this isn’t the case since MFT and Trickster received changes in the same update, how can this make sense to you?
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Trickster wasn't buffed to 4.6 because of MFT he was buffed because his power does not work at every loop and so he can generally get around the map faster
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yep. it was bvhr solution to make his knives better…. personally i would just prefered no m/s loss when holding knives as 4.4 m/s. I never want to be in m1 mode anyway so might as well make M2 mode as only mode for trickster to be in.
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I don't like the idea of making Hag a 4.6 killer because this would ruin the idea of her: She is similar to Nurse in that way that you have to use her power right to be successful during the match. You cannot really use your knowledge that you got from playing Wraith or Legion and use it on her. You have to learn and understand Hag separately. She is not a chase killer. Her power is to shutdown an area and to lure the survivors into her traps by placing them right and to keep placing traps. She requieres a unique map knowledge and a completly different playstyle.
The only buff she really needs is a longer lunge attcke after teleporting to a trap (basically a mini Coup de Grass) because she becomes completly useless once you have this one survivor who knows how to spin your traps to harass you. Turning her into a 115% killer won't solve this issue but would make her rather boring and her power less needed.
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I really agree that 4.6 makes her a reasonable strength, but I still don't like it.
To make her more interesting to use, I still think you should be able to use her abilities more often and effectively!As an alternative idea there is a discussion I opened up just at the same time.
It is one that incorporates a portion of Mint Rag into the base kit.1 -
then why is he 4.6? He should be 4.4 thank you
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The issue is the fact changing her to 4.6 is actually impractical, the difference is almost unnoticeable as 5% haste is 2-3 seconds faster across whole map.
wouldnt it be better to buff her power? Like adding a ability to teleport to traps without the need of a survivior? Maybe add a cooldown to it? Maybe buff amount of traps
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Wanting to give her an extended lunge is the main reason why she needs to be 4.6 because if you do miss the survivor gets a lot of distance especially if it’s near a loop, so no she doesn’t need an extended lunge she needs to be 4.6, she cannot be compared to nurse, blight has his rush he’s 4.6 trapped has his traps he’s 4.6 onryo, dredge they can teleport they are 4.6 trickster is ranged and they buffed him to 4.6 because of made for this so why can’t hag be 4.6
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the issue is that her power is already good. what is not good is hag sucks without her power. that is why buffing 4.6 m/s makes her less reliant on ability.
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All it takes is just ONE Survivor following here and whipe her traps or trigger them safe and she has no power and will never catch up in loops. Give her the 115% to at least be able to chase as M1 at that point.
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In fact, Hag doesn't need to be 4.4 unless it's an ultra rare build.