People who complained about Ultimate Weapon, did nerfing it make a big difference?
I said that nerfing Ultimate Weapon wouldn't make a big difference since it had low usage rate and there were better perks killers could run. It's been about 3 months since Ultimate Weapon was nerfed, and it has faded into obscurity. I'm back for a check up. Are the killers that used to run UW significantly weaker now? Has your enjoyment of DBD improved significantly? What perks do you complain about now?
it made big difference.aka nobody runs it. Now survivor just complain about franklin demise+weaving attunement.
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Personally I'm really happy about the Ultimate Weapon nerf, it was active too frequently and destroyed the need for the killer to have any game sense whatsoever. So yeah survivor has been way more enjoyable for me with it out of the meta and I wouldn't say DBD has any problematic perks on either side at the moment which is a weird thing to be saying but yeah nothing jumps out at me as overpowered or abusable.
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The nerf went in the wrong direction like always nerfs aren‘t reasonable. They only needed to increase the cooldown a bit or/and make it‘s duration shorter/longer.
The only killer that can use it now is pig. Wow.
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It wasn't in every game, but it was not uncommon either and quite annoying.
No one plays it anymore, so yes, the nerf improved my dbd experience somewhat.
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i thought the nerf they were going give it is that perk deactivates upon first person that screams. so for example if you open a locker and 2 people around, both survivor scream. if you open a locker and nobody screams, the first person to enter your TR screams.
Unfortunately they didn't nerf it in respectable way. they just murdered the perk downright. Judging from Pig rework and Onryo changes, I'd say the ultimate weapon was exclusively Pig targeted nerf.
Someone probably faced Michael Myer's tombstone →Head pop pig → Onryo Mori in one day and decided that there is too many mori's in the game so we should delete 2 of them.
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Never been better.
It was such a brainless perk I'm glad it's gone.
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Your idea would also been good, but no like you said behavior always has to murder perks. They did the same with MFT, where they could have tried 2% speed when not exhausted.
Maybe the UW nerf came for pig. I suggested in the past, that when people get interrupted at boxes the search progress regresses over time, but no they butchered both instead of an easy fix.
I‘m scared what they will do to Myers. They will probably do a really bad rework, which nobody likes and call it a day or it will be busted. I really want that they revert Sadako and her addons back to her first version, but keep the buffs and pig should get her auras back.
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It made a difference, yeah, because no one runs it anymore.
I'm glad it got changed, it needed a nerf. But now it kinda sucks.
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My complaint about current Ultimate Weapon is that because you're forced to look at the locker while activating the perk, it's really hard to tell where a scream came from. It'll reliably tell you if survivors are nearby, but it's hard to tell where. You were already moving when old UW would trigger, so that wasn't a problem.
Not that I'm advocating for a return. Old UW was fun but very busted.
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I think the vast majority of DBD players would agree that nerfing UW made a HUGE difference, and for the better the perk was busted before
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None of the perks bother me. Old DH, old Ruin, or even old MFT were fine to me. That includes old UW.
As to your question: I do see it a lot less on Killers when I play Survivor. But the Killers I play against don’t seem more strong or weak, they all seem about the same.
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I’ve found the change has massively impacted the survivor experience in a positive way. It was comparable in annoyance and oppressiveness to OG Eruption so I’m glad it’s been changed. It was far too strong for what it was.
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Overnerfed by a lot… It's just one out of many trash perks now.
I don't even think it was difficult to fix, but clearly it was for devs.
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Bhvr nerfed the perk to the point where no one runs it, then proceeded to sell a perk that hard counters it. Idk man.
Missed the ball as usual.
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The old new Uw was OK but I guess there was too much overlap with Darkness Revealed
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The old new Uw was OK but I guess there was too much overlap with Darkness Revealed
How exactly that changed? Both are still locker perks.
Oh, you mean aura reveal version. It was good start, all they needed to do was to change it to screaming. But they just nuked it even more for some reason...
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This is BHVR's m.o.; they don't often make sensible changes to problematic perks, they ignore them or nuke them from orbit. On both sides.
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Literally every Nurse and Blight was running it. So yes.
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Yeah, I agree. I rarely see it anymore. But that doesn't mean it was nerfed to the ground. True balance means that all perks should be seen rarely since there a so friggin' many of them now.
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Pick rate of UW was never that high tho...
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I don't think original UW was THAT unbalanced perk, but slightly too strong on already strong killers.
Saddest thing UW nerfed into absolutely nothing. There were so many good and healthy suggestions, but BHVR once again chose to kill another perk and make surprised face about killers run only gen slowdown.2 -
I had a Huntress use it today! I've been thinking about trying it myself on her since she has to open lockers anyway.
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Yes it was heavily nerfed and now its useless
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It didn't have a low usage rate in my games. I think it's a better perk now. Opening a locker and knowing where everyone is in your vicinity every 30s is probably one of the easiest high value perks this game has had. Required zero thought. I used Calm Spirit for a time when everyone and their mum had UW and I was sick of the screaming, and I'd watch killers walk right past me. Even a few times while I was on a gen they'd walk on by because they were so used to finding people with that perk. Imagine relying on it so much that you forget what it's like to patrol a gen.
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make surprised face about killers run only gen slowdown
Then nerfed those too...
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I dont care if UW was nerfed, i was indifferent about it but just cause they complained about UW being annoying/too strong doesnt mean they cant complain about other things being annoying/too strong.
Also looks like they are mainly survivor players so would make sense to me they would complain about killer stuff more so.
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UW could use a larger radius buff from the locker and it would be fine.
People didn't like the old iteration because it bypassed Distortion and they didn't want to bring Calm Spirit.
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Of course, people are complaining about Weave Attunement+Franklin's because it does the same thing that the original Ultimate Weapon did - provide too much Survivor revealing for too little effort.
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they over-kill made for this too. the perk needed more drawbacks like dh but they remove accessible speed and as such, the perk vanished. in general, bvhr is not really known for reviving killer perks but they are known for reviving survivor perks so maybe MFT gets Decisive strike, Iron will etc. treatment where they change it again to be usable.
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It is nice to not be found instantly without any recourse, not sure if it made a huge difference with Weave dropping immediately after, but it did need the nerf.
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It IS literally useless, most tracking perks are just better in every way. The perk was problematic af but its new version is on par with beast of prey and the like.
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There's nothing wrong with complaining about the bug, but it seems you unintentionally expressed your opinion on survivor gameplay in general since the Endurance bug has almost no statistical impact on escape rates because it probably occurs in less than 5% of matches. The bug occurs due to equipping DH or BT, so it's avoidable. DH is only in 10.6% of matches and BT 1.9%. The killer also has to camp the hook and hit the unhooked survivor during the 10 second window of Endurance, which is rare since killers typically hit the rescuer to avoid wasting a hit on Endurance. Killers also can't abuse the bug since they don't know who has DH or BT and the odds of either are only 12.5%.
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Yeah, I wonder why. STBFL nerfed (1 of 2 good perk for m1 killers), the only good anti-healing perk nerfed, Hexes are casino and they still refuse to do something with them, aura perks are not allowed by survivor's rulebook and completely denied by endless distortion. Killers waste two perk slots on gimmicky combo with easiest counterplay? Let's cry a river until killers will go back to our lovely four gen slowdown.
So, talking about gen slowdown. Have no idea why killers chose it.
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It did make a difference;
Due to slower/weaker Killers having one less (viable) perk making them able to get into chases quickly after a hook, back-to-hook-Andys and proxy-camping/tunnelling increased.
This was further exacerbated by STBFL, Sloppy Butcher and gen slowdown getting harshly nerfed.
Yet another perk was sent into the Shadow Realm never to be seen again (I've yet to see the perk since the nerf) and perk variety went further down.
Like most nerfs/rework, the perk might as well have been removed from the game instead of being still viable but less oppressive when used by the powerhouses.
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I really hope they revert more killer and survivor perks.
MFT, undying, ruin, COB, OC, DH, COH,….
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Yeah I rarely see it now which is fantastic, perk was extremely annoying and provided far too much for simply opening a locker.
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First of all those numbers don't mean anything as nightlight only counts a small fraction of the community, I can tell you from experience I was running it every other game. Killers can't know who has what perks yes but they certainly had no problem downing someone instantly and hooking them again which is certainly knowingly taking advantage of the bug.
Let's actually be honest here you clearly wanted a response where I complained about other killer perks but I didn't because unlike you my brain isn't "us vs. them" addled so you went into my posting history hoping to find something and the best you could do was me being frustrated with a bug. It's extremely pathetic and you should try playing both sides instead of this killer persecution complex you have going on.
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First of all those numbers don't mean anything as nightlight only counts a small fraction of the community,
So far the numbers were pretty close whenever we got to compare it with stats by devs...
I can tell you from experience I was running it every other game
Why use it, when you knew it's bugged?
And did you really try to say nightlight numbers don't mean anything because it counts only fraction of community and then try to use your personal pick rate? That means even less with that logic...
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The perk has a 60 second cooldown now, not 30. It used to be active for 30 seconds, then a 30 second cooldown, so still about 60 seconds between screams but you get the idea. The info it gave was stupid and I think the nerf was warranted. I think it's a reasonable perk now, but Darkness Revealed is way higher value unless you're up against Distortion.
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It's terrible perk unless you have reason to open lockers regularly anyway, but Darkness Revealed is way better and more likely to give you some value.
Ultimate weapon went from most reliable information perk to least reliable information perk.
It's often simply waste of time for most killers to go out of your way, open locker just to find out noone is there. It's bad Whispers in reality.
All they had to do was stop the effect after first scream, but they had need to nuke it instead.
UW was never best information perk for most killers except top tier killers, who can get downs fast, but it was terrible for 110% killers...
What it was best at was finding rats. It doesn't do the job now.
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Stopping the effect after finding the first survivor makes a lot more sense than how they chose to nerf it. I've been running Darkness Revealed a ton this update anyway, seems like people are trying out Iron Will and the new Lara perks, so they're too busy to put in Distortion.
It's a bit sad how almost all good info perks are aura reading now. I mean, in this very last update, two aura reading perks were buffed, and 3 knight addons were reworked to provide aura reading. How about adding a killer instinct perk, or loud noise notification perk? It's really no wonder Distortion is a top 10 perk when almost every good info perk is aura reading anyway.
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I wasn't using either of those perks, not sure why you would assume that.
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I can tell you from experience I was running it every other game
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I think devs stated they want killer instinct to be related only to killer power / add-ons.
Idk why they don't use loud notification more for perks. That's actually way better than screaming and don't annoy survivors that much, because it doesn't work with DMS.
Alternative would be a reveal system as rancor has.
I don't know why they have need to put aura reading on everything. It's better as an effect for many killers, but it also makes Distortion an ultimate hiding perk.
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I mean fair but that was a typo I meant I was running into it every other game, whether it was people I was unhooking or me getting unhooked even though I wasn't running the perks.
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Oh, alright.
Just saying that's why I assumed it.
Issue is most players don't really track changes, current bugs etc.
So they will just keep using their old perks and are unlikely realize that's the problem of the bug.