2v8 should be permanent

I understand that they plan on adding it back again later.But killing with friends is Really fun and I don't understand the reasoning to make it temporary
EEdit I don't mind the event being down for 2 or 3 weeksbut like 2 or 3 months is way to long
It's temporary to iterate and update on it. They plan to pull the mode to make potentially large scale adjustments or fixes that simply cannot be done whilst the mode is active.
Limited Runs also give the added benefit of people rushing to play it / taking advantage of its availability, thus providing more feedback.
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This mode is awesome, nothing beats that feeling when you coordinate a perfect down with your killer buddy, reminds me of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre game, this mode definitely should be worked on and come back permanently for sure.
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Yeah but hers the thing we don't one how long the mode is gonna be down for if it's a week or 2 that's okay but if it's down for a 2 3 months that's gonna suck. I don't mind kullswitchng the game mode when it's time near time to update the gamemode
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Well it doesn't really make sense that it needs to be pulled down to be updated because then how would the regular game mode function, its not like they need to bring that down to update it
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They update the regular game mode??
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I love this mode.
I've tried a handful of each killer and survivor so far. And while matches have been mixed (One 8k on killer, one 8 Escape on survivor against a Nurse and Trapper combo, THAT was amazing) the matches have felt chaotic and crazy and I'm here for it.
I can't wait for BHVR to improve what they need to and hopefully release it later as a permanent addition.
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It will be at some point. The numbers of people playing are almost higher than ever.
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This evening if the updates are slower than for base game
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No, Just add bugs.
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yeah they really should update it and keep it on. The og game wasn’t exactly balanced either but they improved upon it over the years. They can do the same thing. My balance patches as the days go by
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Exactly even if updates take twice as long
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PLZ keep the new game mode. The game will feel boring now when it’s gone. I look forward to jump on play , I was always a survivor main now I’m doing killer because playing killer by yourself didn’t seem interesting to me
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agreed , please just do updates and keep the mode on! At the very least take it way for a couple of days to a week max
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Have you seen the drop though? All of the people who jumped on to try it dropped it immediately. I think that was faster than the drop from Lights Out mode, which the devs have said was pretty much a failure. Kind of surprised tbh.
Edit: math is hard
Post edited by Nazzzak on3 -
I won't lie I don't understand the graph is there a key I'm missing
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It's not even gone yet and I miss it
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It would kill the name. I don't care about 2v8 and the extended queues for the regular mode have basically made me stop playing.