(possible) Solution to Killer que times in 2v8

I imagine when more killers will be added to the rooster in future iteration, then this issiue will be a little less of a problem but as of right now there is 5 killers and only 1 of the same can be in a lobby each time. If this doesnt get better after the initial first view days then its a sign it wont likely be (much) better in future iterations, because its obvious the main thing about this mode is being able to play with your friend as killer duo. So naturally survivor players are lower in that mode.
Bots could be automaticly added to lobbys after a certain period of queing time, not replace all 8 survivor places with bots but have them fill up automaticly or have like 2 or 3 spots even reserved for bots. A guide, a support and a chaser for example. It could be a solution to shorten que times a bit because all though i enjoy the mode i find myself queing up for the normal mode when wanting to play killer because it takes so long to find a lobby in 2v8.
I definitly hope we will see future iterations regardless, i like the fact that we can play multiple killers in 1 lobby, i like we can have roles on survivors and no perks on both sides. It feels SO good not being countered entirely just because someone else runs a good perk.
Just let survivors be ultimate farming simulator and I will gladly fill the spot.
Bots make games way more boring in my opinion. So I would rather not make them standard filler.
Even if they go for it, there should be maximum number of bots, I wouldn't go for more than 2 personally...
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long que times are more boring than bots. But yeah as i alredy said obvoiously they would be limitted.
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Yeah, but imagine waiting that maximum amount of time just to see lobby full of bots. So the possible number of bots should be like 1-2 to skip last part of the queue.
Most people would dodge and try again, if there will be too many bots, which would make queue times even worse.
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I would play it more if there was a single killer I actually like to play as.
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1-2 bots could be okay… except bots are extremally afraid of TR and 2 killers covers almost whole map and thus bots could be useless.
No. Instead surv role should be somehow more fun1 -
Bot are bug in 2V8.
My brother's game crash and his bot never play, he was always crounching on corner because of terror radius everywere on the map
When killer see that, everytime that they chase and hit his bot, they cancel chase and chase some real guy.
So if you put 2 bot its 2V6 and not 2V80 -
What more fun do you want? No perks, just roles, and much easyer escaping.
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I'd play against bots all day, they dont complain in the endgame chat.
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Then go play custom?
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i said i WOULD, doesnt mean i have to. but i dont mind bots
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Yeah, honestly bots might be a tad boring but it would be better than not be able to play the game at all.
Like, PVE is better than just staring at the screen twiddling your thumbs, games are currently shorter than queue times and this is not a good thing.
It's sad to say, but with how horrid the queue times are now (even in normal mode the queue times are affected) I don't think this mode should be a permanent thing, many people would just get sick of waiting 10+ minutes for every matches that will often be shorter.
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Only mode that should be not really permanent, but rather default (there shouldn't be more than one mode/modifier) is chaos shuffle.
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Yeah that I do agree with, make it a setting you can turn on and off ^^
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The problem is NOT a lack of killers. You not playing a killer is a good thing for the rest of us. So if you only want to play as killer but don't like 2v8, please, feel free to take the next couple weeks off.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
They would have to rework bots and make them more altruistic. I hate when bots just open exit and leave and don't go for saves in endgame.