End 2v8 a week earlier

The queues in 2v8 are horrible for killers and splitting the community between the normal queue and the 2v8 game mode is causing a ripple effect in the normal queue. It's not possible to play as a killer without waiting in a 10+ minute queue for either game mode.
I like the 2v8 game mode, but it's not good enough to warrant destroying the queue.
Even if lobby time make to 2 hours new mode is needed. And i see no problem with have many game regime permanent even if it means long lobby waiting
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Hell no, my time is not so cheap I would be willing to wait 5+ minutes just to play 10 minutes game.
I would rather completely remove match making than spend more time in lobby/queue than actual gameplay.
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Pains me to say it but they're right. It's absolutely crippling my ability to play killer in either mode, this isn't good for the game.
I worry we simply do not have the playerbase to sustain this long term
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I worry we simply do not have the playerbase to sustain this long term
This is my thoughts. Every event and/or DLC drop causes issues with queue times one way or another for me. This is why I've always been of the opinion that events and modifiers need to be temporary. There's no way this could be sustainable as a permanent game mode.
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Whats a problem have many permanent game mode and then players decide on waht of them they choose to stay the most i think this is worth more 10-20 minutes on lobby screen.
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If I have to wait 10 to 20 minutes for a game that normally only lasts 10 minutes anyways I'm just going to quit. I'll just go play Trials or something where I can get a match instantly.