2v8 Is fun but needs 10 gens for balance

This is really fun but the gen rush is real. Why in a normal game there is 1 killer and 4 survivors and they need 5 gens. In 2v8 we double everything and have 2 less gens?? Most games they all get away alive from all the top streamers I have been watching. Just make 10 gens and that would balance it a lot better
… You do realize there's a massive survivor shortage because of how easy killers have it in 2v8 right? Like to the point where not even a 400% bp bonus is making surivors want to play it? If anything they should keep the 8 gens needed to repair but add more generators to prevent camping one corner of the map.
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Massive survivor shortage? I am watching top streamers with thousands of viewers and the majority of survivors escape every match. Maybe yours is a l2p issue
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Pretty sure it's definitely not because "how easy killers have it in 2v8", it's pretty obvious the reason is many thing, main reason being killers finally being playable with friends
game is extremely survivor sided as long as both sides plays seriously, luckily majority of survivors won't play serious in slightest
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I played survivor in solo and got 8 man out 2nd match whole team got 8k as killer I was in a match that me and someone else got 8k the we got 8 man out also solo killer so what your point? I mean I'm having a lot of fun on both side but it not easy but not hard either.
but there is a survivor shortage have you try play killer? takes like 15 min to find a match.
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What? You're not making sense. You watching streamers has nothing to do with there not being enough survivors playing in 2v8. The killer queues are 10-30 minutes long and survivor queues are instant because everyone wants to play killer and very few want to play survivor.
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You completely ignored every change involved with the game mode except one, the numbers. So much about how the match can play has been changed due to the removal of perks, hooking, and the numbers of survivors and killers. Simply doing the math on the number of players and deciding that ten gens would be fair makes no sense. It's a conclusion based on very little, that actively ignores a lot.
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This is Why DBD is going down hill all people care about it wins at any cost it so funny instead of just having chill and not caring about wining as survivor you expected to not win but killer are entitled to it, now don't that seem like a TRASH way to balance a FUN NON-PERMINATE GAME MODE and yes the gens will fly because in a regular game survivors have items and can save in this mode all they can do it gen and if they did let them save or do anything ells beside gens that actually take up survivors time they just complain that survivors is op like their no winning with the killer community how about instead of BLAMEING THE OTHER ROll HOW ABOUT find a different play style that works for you that actually show cases skill instead of just pyrotizing on the win aspect of the game because if you are a skilled killer play you can win any time with any killer WITHOUT take easy rough of tunneling and camping and hook trading because that all DBD is right now is so boring and a 3k is a win more than half of them are dead
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So you want a longer queues for killers? 😂
I guess you really like a lobby simulator
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Let's assume your premise is correct. How many 8 SWFs are you aware of playing taking this super seriously and clock callouting? That basically means no Survivors are even remotely taking the game mode seriously, so it would make it Killer sided by default.
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Nah its fine honestly. (Trapper needs a bit more help, rest of the roster is fine).
For me, there are pallet- and flashlight-saves missing. As survivor, you do gens, rescue teammates, heal and chase.
The skillful part is out and needs to get implemented.
Then we should take a look whether gens need 70 instead of 60secs to complete or whatever.
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I agree, I think the killer que is so long because people are just excited they can finally play as killers with their friends - I don't blame them, this is something we have always wanted.
I'm usually a survivor main and I dont think 2v8 is too difficult, I escape most of the time… What's annoying is when killers stay together and work to take down a single survivor - those situations tend to make me feel quite helpless.
Perhaps making the maps slightly bigger would help & spread the generators around a tad more1 -
Lol my escape rate in 2v8 is 41% and killers are still complaining the kill rate isn't high enough. You really want survivors to be just fodder for your entertainment don't you? Fine nerf survivor more but don't be surprised if killer queue goes up to 1 hour.
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I did see a video where some players tried an eight person SWF and it was chaotic.
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You don't need anything close to 8 swfs, just enough to have extremely basic game sense
"killer sided" basically implies the game balance is in favor of killers, which is objectively incorrect, you may call matchmaking killer sided, but calling the mode killer sided doesn't makes sense
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Honestly I don't know what you mean by gen rush. All my killer rounds so far have been well balanced. 2K, 2 3Ks, 4K, 6K and 2 7Ks. And the two 7Ks were actually the ones with voice-com.
…ALSO, this is a temporary event with NO perks, offerings or addons. Can people just chill and enjoy the chaos for two weeks?!
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Well so far 6/8 Survivors have lacked that basic game sense every match I've played in 2v8 on both sides, so it would track that 2v8 is heavily Killer sided.
Also Killer sided would mean that in most scenarios, it shakes out that way. The game balance could be in favor of the Spectator mode in customs, but if most normal matches end with 60% kill rates, then by definition it would be Killer sided. Anything in excess of 50% would be sided for that side. Since my 2v8s end predominantly with Killer wins (regardless of which side I am playing, just like normals), the game mode is Killer sided.
If you want to explore the theoretical perfect bot players playing for both sides, feel free to explore that thought experiment in your own mind. When people are talking about this stuff on the forums, they are talking about their living breathing experiences, and the raw stats of kill rates. Using a definition only you use and saying 'this is my definition' is fine, using a definition only you use and saying something like 'Am I so out of touch? No it's the children who are wrong.' isn't fine.
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Those streamers must not be that good then. I watched otz and hens destroy teams in 2vs8 like good players obviously should. I have won all my 2vs8 games as killer with decent teammate in soloQ.
With my friend we also won most games but we had couple off games were we played bad and he plays nurse on console and still practises so we could still improve a lot I still practise huntress too on console.
The reality is killers will always be more skilled than survivors and play more seriously so we have to balance around that especially when survivors don't play enough this mode. I think in future we need some new mechanics for survivor side.
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Killers have it easy? I'm sorry but you are playing a different game then us lol. killers far from have it easy in this mode. One easy truth is the numbers disadvantage. Another would be most of the time no matter how good you are, survs will still genrush you and do everything they can to make sure you get jack. Which yes is the goal, but even in a casual mode like this being genrushed isn't. fun. I agree with OP a bit, make em do ten gens not 8, it stops the genrush and lines it up with the rest of 1v4. 4 people, 5 gens. 8 people, 10 gens. Also if your killers are camping a map corner, maybe spread out your gens a bit more. Guide litterally has built in Visionary. It's either make them do 2 more gens, or make the gens take longer to prevent each one popping off a sec after another despite your and your killer teammates best efforts to STOP that from happening.
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Have you actually played it or are you just basing your opinion on the games being played by folks who literally play for a living? I
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You do realize there's a massive survivor shortage because of how easy killers have it in 2v8 right?
This is just false. There are so many killers because people are excited to play killer for the first time with their friends and family members. Survivor bonus should go to 650%. 8 gens should stay OR make it 9. Other than that its fine
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U said it all bro fax
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Its all ready so killer sided, so why would anyone in their right mind make it even more so?!
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I did 14 games as survivor an 11 of those every gen was done an i escaped out the gates on 10 of them.
As long as people are on gens it seems you can escape.
i found the only games that went badly you had to have bad survivor rng, exceptional, killers an for pretty much almost or every survivor player to make mistakes for the killers to have a chance of winning.0 -
Yes I escaped 4 out of 5 games on the first day too, that was before killers learned to play together. After that, I felt like I was a rabbit hunted by a pack of wolves, not one of eight survivors working together to do gens against two killers.
Killer in 2v8 plays differently from 1v4. You have to apply a lot more map pressure because if each killer hunts one survivor, there are not 3 but 6 survivors left doing gens. However, if you work together, you can keep them running, herd them into a corner and score hits left and right.