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Feedback for 2v8 Mode

I haven't yet played killer (long queue times and survivors have +400% bonus) but here are some noticeable flaws I've seen with the game mode.

The scout class seems to unfairly get the least points when actually doing their job. Medics get points for healing other survivors, Guides get points for gen repairs, Escapists get points for prolonged chases… but Scouts do not get points for revealing killer auras.

That said, in my head I keep conflating Guides with Scouts. I think Guides should have been called something like Mechanics, Engineers, or Gen Jockeys.

Cages: survivors shouldn't scream when being caged. Killers should already realize that the caged survivor is going to be somewhere across the map away from them. When they scream, this allows killers to pinpoint their position, which equates to more free hits and downs because the other survivors need to run over there to unhook, but they can never get a break to reset if the killers choose to go harass them.

Survivors' "unlockable skill": The ability to pick yourself up sounds really great, right? Except that never happens. Killers can instantly dispatch survivors with no risks. There's no pallet stuns, flashlight saves, sabotaging, or body blocking. No flipflop, no power struggle, no decisive strike. Literally zero risk to just clicking a button and disposing of the survivor they just downed. The only time a survivor might get any use out of this unlockable skill is if the killers massively misplay and get very greedy trying to slug for more kills. Me personally, I've only ever self-healed once out of like ten matches. As much as it seems like an anti-tunnel mechanic, in practice it's just something to do out of desperation when all of your team is dead.

Cooperative Healing: I've noticed that the max number of survivors that can heal another is two. Seeing how there's EIGHT other survivors… that doesn't seem quite right, doesn't it?

Lockers and Grabs: Since hooking just isn't a thing anymore, it's kind of awkward getting someone out of a locker or pulling them off a generator or exit gate. Shouldn't they just automatically go into a cage?

Killer powers and teamwork: trapper's haste buff seems pretty weak (though the traps are strong), and wraith's shared stealth pretty much has no effect on huntress, since she still has her lullaby. People say teaming up as killers is a bad idea, but this makes a chase duration go from upwards of 1 minute down to 5 seconds. If you are having trouble exerting map pressure, git gud.

Totems: Like in Lights Out mode, totems are still scattered throughout the map, but they don't really do anything. I think it would be nice to be granted something like a haste, stealth, and endurance buff for a minute after cleansing a totem.

Other than that, I don't have much else to say. It's been quite chaotic, albeit fun. :)


  • moputopia
    moputopia Member Posts: 136

    I wanna say, the random speed boost you get from your teammate Trapper setting or resetting a trap is actually really nice. It's probably not very noticeable for survivors, and rarely impactful (you have to get lucky with the timing), but it is fun :)

  • lolalili
    lolalili Member Posts: 1

    This is so well put together , I hope they will take your suggestions into consideration !

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513

    You forgot to mention the gen speeds…

  • YamamuraVideoRentals
    YamamuraVideoRentals Member Posts: 119
    edited July 28

    Well, everyone is going to debate that they're too fast, too slow, just right, the mode is "killer sided" or "survivor sided" …

    I just put together a bunch of items which I thought would be objective improvements overall.

    edit: another thing I realized is lockers. Right now they don't seem to do anything because the Revealed status seems to ignore lockers. I think this shouldn't be the case, when killers kick generators. And maybe not when generators get completed, the hiding survivor is within 20m of that generator, and they have done over 50% of that generator…

    Just some ideas. I mean, good dbd players usually don't make use of lockers anyway, and if they did, it was to hide their auras from perks like bbq or friends till the end. Now, lockers can't even do that, so it's like… their only purpose is reloading hatchets??

    Post edited by YamamuraVideoRentals on
  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 513

    have you played killer in 2v8? because then you KNOW the gens are too fast. And the lockers are litteraly fine why give another advantage to the survivors on top of your list up there.

    I dont think we should focus on balance that mutch anyway but rather focus on get more variety, more roles and more killers in the mode. Thats the fun part, that we dont have perks negate any skill just because they had the right perks at the right moment, have more interesting combos and more unique classes for survivor.

    Also there is a huge problem with killer que times.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,998
    edited July 28

    As far as the unlockable anti-slug perk… not getting the chance to use it is pretty much the point. It's existence is supposed to prevent killers from even trying to slug you once you're on death hook (cage) and it generally does that if the killers are smart. I don't have a problem with that part, the only issue I have is that killers can still slug before a survivor is on death hook and it creates the same tedious no-fun situation as in 1v4.