We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

My predictions on upcoming killer updates

Skull Merchant

  • 100% it will be nerf. Calling it right now, they will remove/nerf some of her effects and probably nerf her drones as well.
  • I bet they will overnerf her just to make people who hate this killer to hopefully decrease the leave rate againts her and kill rate.
  • If they remove/big nerf the Hindred effect (only meaningfull thing in chase againts injured people excluding tiny haste), her chase power is pretty much Legion but worse with set up.
  • I am not looking forward to this since I enjoy SM on both sides and I know they will overkill her.
  • They are probably just planning to rework her next year (as of last AMA reddit) so they just want to trow her to trash bin for a year before rework.

The Unknown

  • Is truely… unknown hah!
  • Well I think it would be nice if he got some small buff(s) but he is mostly fine. Please do NOT nerf him tho in any shape, way or form.


  • For sure nerf as well, which I am okay with IF its small.
  • Like increased missed cooldown a tiny bit or make it bit longer to generate heat.
  • He is great and powerfull so don't evernerf him please.


  • I have no idea why she is there besides maybe like 1-2 OP add-ons.
  • She is one of the most balanced and strong killer atm.
  • Please don't nerf her base kit.


  • This could be interesting, I think if they make his chase power more consistent and rewarding, it would be great change.
  • Again, no nerf please, maybe except some add-on (like the Mending one to bypass BT effect).

