My predictions on upcoming killer updates

Skull Merchant
- 100% it will be nerf. Calling it right now, they will remove/nerf some of her effects and probably nerf her drones as well.
- I bet they will overnerf her just to make people who hate this killer to hopefully decrease the leave rate againts her and kill rate.
- If they remove/big nerf the Hindred effect (only meaningfull thing in chase againts injured people excluding tiny haste), her chase power is pretty much Legion but worse with set up.
- I am not looking forward to this since I enjoy SM on both sides and I know they will overkill her.
- They are probably just planning to rework her next year (as of last AMA reddit) so they just want to trow her to trash bin for a year before rework.
The Unknown
- Is truely… unknown hah!
- Well I think it would be nice if he got some small buff(s) but he is mostly fine. Please do NOT nerf him tho in any shape, way or form.
- For sure nerf as well, which I am okay with IF its small.
- Like increased missed cooldown a tiny bit or make it bit longer to generate heat.
- He is great and powerfull so don't evernerf him please.
- I have no idea why she is there besides maybe like 1-2 OP add-ons.
- She is one of the most balanced and strong killer atm.
- Please don't nerf her base kit.
- This could be interesting, I think if they make his chase power more consistent and rewarding, it would be great change.
- Again, no nerf please, maybe except some add-on (like the Mending one to bypass BT effect).
I just hope that they are careful when touching the Plague and the Cenobite and don't make the same mistake as huntress when they gave her unnecessary buffs.
They are both quite balanced killers and especially Cenobite is definitely strong if you know how to use it together with a strong add-on combo.2 -
Skull Merchant needs the hinder and haste to be completely removed
Step sounds a bit louder
A way to remove scan tracks
And she would still be the most boring killer to verse
She needs a completely rework
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You do that and she is Legion but like 2x times worse. I agree that she would need to do something else (rework).
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- Skull merchant will be a complete nerf, at this point their plan is to just kill her as a viable killer completely so people just stop playing, until they can rework her in a few years.
- Unknown is probably a couple of QOL tweaks. I'd guess making the teleport addon half of what it is and making it half basekit so it feels less bad to play without the teleport speed. Perhaps making it so if you hit someone directly with a blob it will count as a hit even if the explosion misses them, coupled with a nerf to make it not go through walls but bounce off walls better.
- Hillbilly will be a slight nerf to cooldown, and perhaps heat generation as you mentioned.
- Plague is going to be a moderate rework where they remove the broken status effect from the plague, but make it hindered, or gen slowdown or something like that instead. Coupled with weakening her corrupt purge in some way, perhaps duration, or range, or movement speed etc. That way the plague is stronger if survivors don't cleanse. On the flip side it will heavily nerf the undetectable type builds with her where you come out nowhere to instadown them because they refuse to cleanse.
- In short, survivors will WANT to cleanse now. Because she's a heavy knowledge check that can be really unfun to play against. If you don't cleanse, you stay injured and get instadowned when she pops out of nowhere because she has unforseen or something. But if you do cleanse, purge is really hard to deal with. So weakening purge, but putting more power behind the plague part will make that a bit better.
- Cenobite is 100% going to be because of coconuts video.
- Nerfing the box
- Either making the spawns more randomized so killer can't predict them
- Or killer can't pick up the box anymore unless they down a survivor
- I suspect the person holding the box won't get chains at all anymore, so no more having to time it.
- Nerfing original pin addon so you can't hard tunnel with it.
- They might fix the one or 2 bugs he has now
- They might make the extra chain when breaking on the environment addon basekit.
- MAYBE, a QOL where the chains don't break from the cenobite walking through them.
- MAYBE making him a little less punishing to play if you make mistakes.
- In general, making his box weaker, but his normal chains better.
- Nerfing the box
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So what exactly is her power then, if she drops a drone at a loop, what stops a survivor from just taking the injure and staying at the loop? At that point she is just a worse legion who has to work even harder for her first hit.
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Thats why she needs a complete rework
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They've done that twice now. What would you do instead?
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Remember Freddy?
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So you'd make her even more obnoxious then her release version during the 3-gen era, then overnerf her to the point of irrelevancy, then give her minor, completely insignificant buffs that will change nothing, and then leave her to rot for god knows how long?
How about we just don't touch her at all, let the Twitter tantrum-throwers mald about her continued existence, and put the resources SM would hog up into a killer that actually needs it, yeah?
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I misunderstood the question. I mentioned Freddy as an example of a killer who underwent a complete rework of their powers. I didnt mean to compare SM to any iteration of Freddy. Im just stating that SM can or should get a rework because it has happened before
And no, theres no such a thing as twitter tantrum. If you like to play as her or against her, fine, good for you, but it doesnt mean everybody else should be like you.
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I do think disabling drones should at the very least remove a stack of lock on that way when not in chase you can get rid of lock on without getting a claw trap.
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They’re probably not changing SM that much other than number changes and band-aid fixes to make her more tolerable until she gets a bigger update next year. It’s listed under “tweaks” and not “update” or “rework”.
I’m most excited for Plague, not for any kind of changes but for the possibility of her finally getting her own unique chase music. Pls BHVR, I’ve been waiting 😭
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if they remove hits through walls, unknown instantly loses a third of his skill ceiling.
he doesnt need any tweaks except half of blurred photo basekit
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Nowhere in anything i said do i endorse or think these are good changes. I am merely predicting what the devs will do.
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And look where freddy is now? He is one of the worst killers in the game and has been in this sad state for years.
This is literally what i said they would do to her, make her completely useless so that nobody plays her and they can rework her in a few years.
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Disabling a SM drone should send it back to her
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why not remove all killers just have Blight, Nurse, Huntress, Hillbully, Spirit, Wraith and Trapper(because he the mascot of the game) be done with it.
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That's already happened to Skull Merchant, though.
Arguably, it's happened twice. I'd count her PTB-to-Live changes as being Freddy tier too.
In fact, SM is the example of doing Freddy tier reworks and it working, strangely enough. She has zero of her original problems and her new problems are generally fixable without a whole rework as well as just not being that huge in the grand scheme of things. This on top of her becoming skill expressive and interactive on both sides, even, moreso than she was before.
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Kill rate is at 63%.
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I play Freddy and I am pretty good at it
Its all about skill issue
Remember, a perkless trapper can destroy a full 4-men SWF
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Excellent, i would love to learn from your freddy and see what it is that you are doing. Perhaps the entire community could learn what it is we are doing wrong as freddy and everyone could improve.
Could you record a match or 2 of you playing and show us what it is that you are doing, your builds and your strategies? I think we would all benefit from learning.
You can use OBS, a free software that streamers often use to stream on twitch, but you are able to have it just record a local video that you can upload for free on youtube. No need to do any complicated editing, just record a match or 2 and upload it directly to youtube for everyone to learn from.
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Just play an m1 killer until you are good at it, its not rocket science
People need to be good with only using m1 first and then start practicing various killer's powers. Freddy is no difference to Trapper, Wraith, Onryo, etc
I don't need to record any of my games, theres plenty of beginners tutorial on youtube already
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So i'm gonna say if you aren't willing to provide proof that you aren't telling the truth.
Basically, this situation is a win/win/win.
A) you are telling the truth and are really good, and the entire community could learn something, because it is widely accepted that freddy is one of the worst killers. So perhaps we are all doing something wrong, and that you could have something to offer for everyone to improve.
B) You are lying, in which case a video will prove that, and a lack of video will also prove that.
C) You are underestimating your skill level, in which case a video will prove if that is the case.
I personally think it is probably C, because i don't believe you are lying, as that would be ridiculous. But after 4000+ hours, i know that freddy is garbage.
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What do I win if I prove it?
Give me 100 dollars and I will do it
Otherwise whats the point?
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I already said what i said, if you aren't willing to prove it, then there really isn't any point continuing the conversation.
What i'm asking from you is not some extremely difficult thing, its literally to just play a game with freddy, which, presumably you must do quite a bit given you said "i play freddy and am pretty good at it" and pressing a record button. Then going to youtube and dragging and dropping the video into a window, then copy pasting the link. All of this should amount to probably 5 minutes of work tops.
If you aren't willing to prove your claims with 5 minutes of work, then there really isn't any point discussing them.
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Yeah, you're right. There isnt any point in this discussion. Welcome to the internet my friend, a place where people can say whatever they want without feeling obliged to prove anything to anyone, especially if they dont know who they are and never will.
Why should I feel the need to prove something to you, someone I dont know and never will, in a video game? You can believe what you want, and nothing is going to change in my life. Some people believe the earth is flat, so what? I dont care about them, and I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain to them that they are completely wrong.
Again, take it as you will. Our lives will stay the same whether you think I’m telling the truth or not. Have a good day.
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At this point i am no longer having a discussion with you about this topic. Please refrain from tagging me in this post again, i really hate using the ignore feature as i don't want to be blocking people for things, but unfortunately its the only way to avoid the notifications from it. So if you want to bow out of this, that is totally fine and i respect that, but please refrain from tagging me anymore.
Hope you have a good day as well.
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Honestly, seeing decent killers there really makes me to believe it's like 95% killer nerfs, I can't think they won't nerf anything higher than B tier
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Perkless trapper can't destroy a full 4 men SWF who is playing serious, though
Being blatantly disingenuous like that really makes your credibility nonexistent, there is no such things as "special skill" that makes times needed to do certain actions shorter, it's literally impossible by numbers
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about predicting what devs do - they dont just cut away mechanics like this, especially when they announce tweaks. it's too fundamental of a change to be anything but an update/rework. not to mention that changes that you suggest are a mortal strike to character's gameplay identity. hits through walls are unknown's bread and butter and one of the main sources for all his shots compilation. It would be ludicrous and insane to cut that out.
If they'd want to do anything to nerf him, they're more likely to increase UVX CD or reduce time to staredown, increase time to spawn hallucinations, etc.
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They really are famous for doing little ludicrous changes, to be honest
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how much of that win is trapper's own accomplishment tho?
while I personally believe all killers are viable in pubs, Freddy still remains objectively one of the worst killers in this game power-wise and in desperate need of a rework / buff.
While dbd is a game about forcing and capitalizing on your opponents' mistakes, freddy really lacks the tools and opportunities for that.
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doesnt make sense for their logic to target that part of the unknown nonetheless.
they remove/heavily nerf big chunks of character's identity only when they're braindead easy to use and just as unhealthy - scamper, old legion.
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Not like their changes makes sense every time either
They absolutely perform unnecessary changes even if it's not braindead easy at all, which often just kills the killer, same can happen to literally everything they ever made
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again, it doesnt make sense for their own logic. or the way the do things anyway.
it's not technically an exploit or something they themselves didnt want to have, it's not something that's causing massive issue on a large scale, it's not something that is being complained about a lot.
they dont just randomly remove an intended non problematic mechanic from character's kit.
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"non problematic" is subjective, often widely considered non problematic things will be changed because it's "problematic" in their sight
Let's just say you and I have different view on "their own logic" here
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So glad. Think i mentioned to you a few months back a rework would DEFINITELY be coming. Glad the devs listened to majority of the playerbase. There is so much they can do. Doesn't need to be a nerf, a complete rework would be great. The devs come up with amazing concepts for many other killers so I'm sure they will have no trouble with changing her
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This is not a rework yet
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I mean they said it was a "tweak" with Blight right? But then they obliterated his hug tech?
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Because hug tech was a bug and not a mechanics, of course it can happen in any patches as it's just a bug fix
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I don't think many would disagree with you on SM. Think we all know what's coming her way
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Really hope so. Destroy her gameplay in every way shape and form lol
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they've been saying they had plans to remove hugtech since 2021
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yeah i know glad it was done
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So why "that" was so talked about again?
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So when survivors are doing well its because the game is survivor sided
If the killer is doing well is because the survivors are playing bad
Is that what you believe?
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please reply with a coherent thesis and argumentation for it if you want to have a discussion.
i genuinely dont feel like arguing against strawman.
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dont share that sentiment, but either way that was expected.
im glad i wasnt maining blight, having your killer just lose big part of the skill ceiling even if devs always said they didnt intend it must suck a lot.
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Ok now i know for sure that you probably are in the low mmr... THERE'S NO WAY that Freddy can win aganist decent swf groups, he's too much weak and his power (Blood pools) can't be used in chases since his MS will drastically decrease when you place your traps, allowing the chased survivor to run to another tile (same problem that dredge has right now), not to mention that you can't even play him like a hag/trapper: even if you place carefully your traps in a specific zone of the map survivors can disable your power easily by walking on the pools while they aren't in chase and/or by waking up
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she needs no rework whatever. she is in good spot now. She will go from good spot to bad spot. She does not need any reworks either. her kit works just fine.