We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

2v8 Killer or survivor sided.



  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    If Nurse decides to just go solo, that mean her teammate is going solo too. That isn’t good for the killer team.

    what is bad for killer team? If two killer individual win chases, they're more time efficient than if they down 1 survivor. Of course, this implies that your actually able to win chases and nurse is definitely able to win the chases solo.

    Nurse synergies with all killers except trapper. Trapper is just really bad in this mode. it is not impractical for trapper to defend 6 gens and he has no vantage points to camp. like there is no hooks or anything to really coral survivors into trapped area. furthermore, scout existing as a class for trapper is terrible. Like you'll just being wall-hacked 24/7 on every trap placement. It is not exactly easy to down survivor with +30 pallets and strong setups like…. triple pallet into T-L wall windows. ok that is enough ranting about trapper.

    Wraith + Nurse is strong because Wraith doesn't need chase people in this mode. He can hit & run. Find people out of position, injure them, leave them. injure them, leave them. As wraith injures people, Nurse is able to find chases with survivor that are injured. Injured+Nurse chase = Exposed nurse. Do we need explain how Nurse+Exposed = winning strategy?

    Huntress+Nurse is lone gunner gameplay. Huntress is great at the chase. She doesn't need any help at chasing. Huntress downs people. Nurse should not need help downing survivors. Since both killer are always split up, they're always most efficient at applying pressure. Nurse in her element.

    Billy+Nurse: Nurse needs win chases vs healthy survivors and put them in cages. When survivors go to cages, they are injured. Billy just needs find people that are injured preferably just as they caged. Survivor are injured = exposed. If billy is always chasing survivors that are injured, he doesn't need exposed. billy needs to be good at curving/1vs1 when you find injured survivors. obviously, you as billy rely on nurse to be good. if nurse is bad at downing people, than billy has no injured survivors to chase. For him, it is not worth it to be chasing healthy survivors. He wants injured people so he doesn't need land his chainsaw curve twice.

    The biggest issue with Nurse in 2v8 is that many survivors don’t seem to be aware that the game alerts them if they are revealed… and if they are revealed, and they hear Nurse charging a blink, they should assume Nurse might be going after them, and should be moving unpredictably.

    But when I see a Nurse streamer, look at a revealed survivor hiding behind something, and the survivor doesn’t move at all and gets hit with a blink attack… that doesn’t mean Nurse is overpowered. It means the survivors don’t really understand the game mode mechanics.

    killer queues fairely long and there is not enough survivors playing, so it seems. so you just get survivors with all different skill-levels… lots of which.are not playing survivor… very well.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I think the mode is survivor sided, if player work on gens consequently. But i lost very few matches as killer, because a lot of players don´t.

    So i am in the position to have won most matches i played as killer and yet also most matches as survivor.

    In the end, it depends on how well surviors and killers coordinate instead of just doing their own thing. For a limited time fun mode, thats ok for me.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,703

    Killers going solo isn’t efficient if it causes one or both of the killers to have much longer chase times.

    If MMR messes up so badly, that the killer’s MMR is so way above the survivors MMR, that Nurse can quickly solo large 2v8 maps… then the same thing would happen if the killer was Billy instead, and the Billy player would probably be quicker because his map mobility is so much better.

    The easiest and most effective 2v8 strategy for killers, when MMR isn’t completely lopsided in the killers favor, is to have at least one of the killers be Billy or Wraith, and for the killer team to go for pincer attacks. Of course, if there is only one fast killer, they can zoom ahead and start attacking solo, but when the 2nd killer catches up to them, the strategy should be pincer attacks.

    And Nurse doesn’t count as a fast mobility killer, so Nurse + Huntress isn’t actually one of the best combinations. In fact, if I’m playing solo q 2v8 as Billy, I would much rather my teammate be Huntress instead of Nurse. It’s much easier to set up pincer attacks with Huntress because she can’t teleport, and Huntress is punished way less for missed hits than Nurse.

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308

    I'd say gameplaywise is survivor sided as long as ppl do gens (which for whatever reason they refuse to do)

    And funwise = Killer sided BY FAR 😂

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    Can we stop pretending like Nurse is so incredibly hard? I play her once in a blue moon and I do pretty well. In my last game of Nurse, I lost 4 gens to even get the blink distance right again and guess what, I still won (granted, it was close and I had a favorable gen spread). Overall, Nurse really isn't that hard to play. She is hard to master but that isn't necessary to outperform all other killers.

    She even has a brown addon that tells her where to blink and the green addon for extended lunges (can't remember the name and I'm too lazy to look it up), makes her a save bet.

    In 2v8 you don't have the brown addon to show you where you blink but it's not that hard to get a feeling for this. It may take a few hours but honestly what killer doesn't? At the end of the day, she can move through walls and obstacles. As long as you have a line of sight there really isn't much a survivor can do against you and if you haven't then you still have a second blink to readjust.

    The "Nurse is hard" argument is way overblown when you consider how little you need to do right for how much of a payoff.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    Sorry, for some reason the forum doesn't want me to answer 2 comments in one post.

    Escapist is definitely the strongest tool the survivors have against a Nurse but with 3 blinks it hardly matters. With 2 blinks and a bit of luck it might get you out of a pickle. The point is, that escapist is significantly stronger against the other killers in this game mode (maybe except Wraith, who struggles the most with all these pallets).

    I wouldn't necessarily say that the game mode is balanced. I think it's more that both sides have some things that are ridiculously strong and these kind of balance each other. However, this balance approach can also backfire when it's 2 weaker killers or too few of one survivor class. Overall, it's chaotic fun though, which matters the most in my opinion.

    The part about 8 strong survivors is definitely true. That's a pretty scary thought to be honest. I imagine it would look a bit like old DBD minus insta blinds and pallet vacuums.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 767

    neither, it's lame in both sides... As survivor i have had games where the exit gates are powered in 3 minutes, as well as everyone killed in that time... As killer... well... can't say much because 20 mins queue is not worth it

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,249

    The more I play 2v8, the more I can definitively say…

    If I'm playing killer, it's survivor-sided.

    If I'm playing survivor, it's killer-sided

    I'm kinda sorta making a joke, but… also, the matches have been really bad.

    Whenever I play killer, the survivors hug the gens and there's no slowing them down. (Yeah, yeah, I know, skill issue. MMR is off, so yeah, I'm not as skilled as the people I'm going against.)

    If I'm playing survivor, the lack of MMR does the opposite of what it does when I play killer and teams me up with babies so no one touches gens but me. They fail skill checks constantly, some of them refuse to run from the killer and just stand there and go down, I see a lot of them walking in circles aimlessly, it's absolute misery. I just got out of a match as survivor where everyone except me died at 7 gens left (I popped one, taking it to 6 gens left, just as two dead-on-hook people got caged and then I got hatch). Okay, every once in a while I get survivors who do the gens… and when they do, holy crap it's a steamroll and the killers barely get any cages. And it's not a fun win, either, I just feel bad the killers sat in a long-ass queue for that. The matches being fast would be okay if killer queues and survivor queues were both instant… but that's nearly impossible to achieve, so it's not okay when the matches are fast.

    It's pretty bad that as either role I often lose quickly and horribly, which isn't fun, but when I do win (as survivor) it's usually so easy and mindless that that's not fun, either. If you ignore my own bad luck, the mode is survivor sided to a heavy degree because it is mindless and boring to win. If survivors are smart enough to stay on the gen instead of run off just because a killer is busy with two other survivors at a somewhat nearby tile (god, I've had some ohmigod-the-killer's-busy-but-I'm-gonna-RUN-AWAY-and-sacrifice-this-99%-gen teammates today), it's a win. Meanwhile, it takes an anxiety-inducing amount of coordination, skill, and pressure from killers to slow down halfway competent survivors even a little (not talking about getting kills, just slowing them down).

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    like I said in another thread it who ever plays the most scum-est sided.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,494
    edited July 31

    I think its survivor, giving weaker survivors the chase perks so they can buy time and let the players who can hit skillchecks get 4% bonus for a great skillcheck. This bonus isn't small at all. With average skill check odds of 12.5s and getting a 4% bonus this means you complete gens in ~70s, if people spread out and sit on gens those are insane speeds that can very easily have the gates powered in ~4-5 minutes

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    I know, I'm merely stating it's extremely unlikely they are caring about "too much information" in 2v8

  • EpixWingz
    EpixWingz Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    killer sided. you can just hold and easy 6-7 gen with 2 killers and the survivors can't do #########. plus as more people stated survivors are litteral potato's i think behaviour has put bots in the queu since no one wants to play survivor since it's unbalanced as #########.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,299
    edited August 3

    Honestly outside of quality of life stuff and a lack of features it for the most part feels balanced with the exception of when you have an extremely skilled Huntress on the team for killers and maybe Nurse.

    Personally I just feel Huntress shouldn't have 10 hatchets and Nurse probably shouldn't get a third blink. For Nurse specifically I feel like her passive should be reworked to help the other killer instead of being a third blink for herself. A Nurse's calling that activates within 16m of your teammate seems more appropriate but again that's just me.

    Past that I would introduce a way for survivors to save teammates - Possibly instead of the stomp command the killer picks up and has the option to remote hook as soon as they pick up or alternatively hooks will always spawn within the killer picking up within 16 meters. I genuinely feel pallet saves and flashlight saves are a crucial part of DBD and allow for a lot of fun. I feel the lack of sabo is only a good change though.

    Also totems should do something if they're going to remain in the trials as interactable objects.

    Overall though I feel the game is balanced - Survivors cannot bring broken items into the trial to obnoxiously speed up generators and killers cannot bring 4 slow down perks. You're not relying on perks or items to carry you but instead the mechanics the gamemode offers.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,279

    Huntress is one of the reson I started hating this mode she in ever match.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,918

    yeah, there’s a lot that should have been implemented at the start. It’s just too late now to make broad changes. If there’s ever a DBD 2 they could totally make better decisions with the knowledge they have now.