For the love of God do not nerf Distortion and then leave Weave Attunement untouched for MONTHS

We all know if Distortion sees any significant nerf people will be spamming Weave Attunement + Franklin’s and there’s nothing I can do to counter that as a solo queue player. I will not be playing teammate item babysitter simulator for 2-3 months.
Exactly. Everyone acts like weave franklins is so easy to counter. “Just move the item to a corner!” Okay so we are supposed to run around the map looking for dropped items as if it’s super easy when the area of affect is a radius and there’s no aura on the item? Do you know how many times I’ve run around inside of the weave area looking for the item and couldn’t find it? Meanwhile the killer sees me the entire time. And if you’re on a map with multiple levels it works thru that, so you’re looking for an item that may not even be on the same floor. If you are lucky enough to find the needle in the haystack, you pick it up you’re not only oblivious, but the killer sees you and now you can’t hear them coming. All of this means you’re also not on gens. Thats a high priced “counter” that usually costs you the match, going on item scavenger hunt.
Also the “just don’t bring an item!” thing is disingenuous because you’re handicapping yourself going into the match without bringing something to help. Not bringing items is like the killer not bringing their add-ons. You can do it but you’re going into the match at a deficit.
That’s not a reasonable counter whatsoever.
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Reminds me when we waited 6 months for DS to be buffed by only 1 second.
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The counter IS easy though, the perk tells you exactly when it is in effect. The survivor that dropped the item should know where it is because they got hit and dropped the item. It takes maybe 15 seconds to move the item to a corner and drop it, and then what happens? Now the killer has 2 perks instead of 4.
Would you rather they run 4 slowdowns instead? Because quite literally every single time some new perk combo comes out for killers, survivors complain until it disappears, and guess what? Back to 4 slowdowns it is, because every other killer perk is basically worthless.
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Yeah, because any perk that is stronger than slowdowns is usually busted.
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I remember when Moris got nerfed and we waited a year for key nerfs.You can wait a few months for weave attunement nerf after distortion changes.
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its not stronger though. Its different, and has a very easy counter. I think you really overestimate how big 12 meters is. Go into a match as trapper, now lunge twice, that is 12 meters.
Try the combo in a few matches, and see how weak it actually is.
Let me explain this better,
I have 4k hours, and i do not use weave and franklins? Why? Because its just not that good of a combo against the types of teams i regularly face, because they quickly counter it, and now i have 2 perks. Better to bring the best tracking perk in the game, nowhere to hide which can be done with a single perk slot.
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You’re assuming we’re always going to have coms with every survivor to tell us where the item dropped. Even when you are the one who dropped it, if you’re in chase due to franklins, going back to it isn’t always that easy.
You seem to think every lobby is a coordinated SWF on coms and it isn’t. Solo Q exists
Post edited by CrackedShevaMain on16 -
Its not coms, its simple.
You bring an item and you get hit, what do you see? Well you see that you dropped your item, and you get a speed boost. The range on weave is 12 meters. During that speed boost and killer wipe animation, how far do you get? You get 14.4 meters away. So now you are out of range of weave.
Now what happens? You get chased, maybe downed, maybe the killer breaks off. Now what? Well, when it is safe, you run back over to your item, which was probably nearby a gen at least a few short 5-10 seconds away from one. You pick up the item, you run to an edge of the map, you press R, and then you run to that nearby gen. Each survivor does this, and now the killer has 2 perk slots and you spent maybe an extra 10-15 seconds of your time doing it.
Now, what if your teammates are bad and aren't doing this? Well, that is fine too, because weave TELLS YOU when it is in play due to the oblivious status effect. It should be pretty obvious when you randomly get it, because no other thing causes oblivious like that. So now you know that within 12 meters of you (and you know the rough direction) there is an item. Again 12 meters is the distance of 2 lunges, that is extremely short. It should take you maybe 5 seconds to find the item, you walk up to it, pick it up, run to an edge, press R.
Same thing.
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Keys are trash. I hope they buff them one day.
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Distortion was hardly a counter to Weave and Franklin's considering the fact Weave just eats through Distortion tokens.
The only actually counterplay to the combo is just moving the items to an out of the way location, which can be done with any set of perks; or running Boon: Shadow Step, which nobody does even though it's pretty decent.
In that regard, the only change Weave needs is for the items to be displayed to Survivors since many SoloQ players dont understand the concept of countering Weave and just leave items everywhere or in awful locations.
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Distortion does basically nothing against weave attunement, it's not even working as a counter
This is a strange take
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luckily, the weave attunement doesn't even have 50% strength of any slowdown perks
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Personally, I hope they kill Distortion, one less tool in the worst, most selfish playstyle of hiding in a bush and waiting for hatch
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It tells you when it is in effect, but it DOESNT tell you where the effect is coming from. The survivor that dropped the item doesnt know where it is, because that survivor doesnt know where the hit was registered, as the item drops where the killer injures you. But if you vault a window and drop down, that survivor wouldnt know.
Not to talk anything about how EASY it is for a killer to take advantage of that, if the item dropped close to a hook, its free camping from a distance. And yes, I rather have 4 slowdowns than ANY permanent aura9 -
doesn't weave get nerfed literally the next month? also distortion doesn't even counter weave because its tokens get burned through by it.
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Exactly, also same with Lethal Pursuer, why are they nerfing Distortion when all those perks are still in the game? They need to nerf a ton of aura reading perks if they willing to go through with it.
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I wish it would get changed sooner, but it doesn't get it's change until November it seems according to the developer roadmap.
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Naw they're still strong.
Needs to be gutted imho.
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Not consistently.
But having nigh permanent wall hacks on high traffic areas is strong. Extremely strong.
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I ain't wrong though.
i'm just hoping bhvr finally kills off Franklins and Weave. along with Hitting a major nerf bat on Distortion.
Tired of Survivors hiding all match doin' jack all and then Gloating bout escaping cause they were too busy playing Bush Sim 2024
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Again it is nowhere near this simple, especially because you can’t know exactly where your survivor team dropped items. Also again, weave works thru floors so I could be in weave range and looking on the wrong floor and have no clue. And as I pointed out in my initial post, ALL of this is time away from gens or helping teammates. Throwing the match for this is not a counter.
I explained all this already. Your suggestion leads to throwing matches to go hunt down items to move them around the map, meanwhile being visible to the killer and being oblivious.
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That a problem Bhvr needs to address: killers have a very small pool of good perks to use and with nerfs its getting even smaller.
Sloppy nerfed, UW nerfed too much and now probably Weave attunement will be nerfed. Like it feels we always should come back to all of the same gen regression combos, which is quite boring.
Really, it feels that if the killer is not running Pop + Pain Ress people won't be satisfied.
I hope they at least rework weave attunement to another effect if they want to nerf it, since solved franklin's issues. Franklin's its a good perk but stupid easily to counter and probably will come back to trash with weave attunement changes.
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Nah weave also getting planned to get nerfed were going down together
Post edited by Marioneo on0 -
Because it really didn't need much of a buff. If it's blight or nurse they simply do not care, a single second increase wont do anything. If its most of the other roster thats an entirely new chase for the power of 1 perk. Overall didn't need to be buffed.
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Weave Attunement is literally fine. Dedicating half your build to a gimmicky aura reading build thats easily countered by taking 10 seconds to walk to the edge of the map… Yeah doesn't really need to be touched.
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Yeah I was thinking this too lol like okay, they wanna nerf both fine, but why is the only real counter to WA copping it first?
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Every word of this is incorrect.
Dedicating half your build
Survivors who are going to "play around" this will see weave and assume you have franklin's. You can literally get full value with just weave right now.
gimmicky aura reading build
Showing nearly permanent auras has already been determined to be a bad idea. See also: old object.
easily countered by taking 10 seconds to walk to the edge of the map
You lose access to your item, you have to reveal your aura to the killer right away (so free lethal pursuer), you're oblivious, and you aren't on gens immediately (free slowdown).
So the killer gets the value of having aura read of lethal, initial slowdown like CI, and that's not only if survivors are "playing around" this combo, but it does even more of they don't.
Sounds like 3 or 4 perks in the slot of two (or even just one, since, as I already said, survivors will see weave at the start and assume you have franklin's).
Yeah doesn't really need to be touched
Absolutely needs to be adjusted.
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You would experience franklins first
This one is tied to where the SURVIVORS drop the items so its based off the survivors competence
Most items are already strong but not required so you don't automatically lose without items
It's a perk where the SURVIVORS determine the strength of it and if its survivors that determine the strength of it…. its in a state where it's fine. A killer simply running franklins atunement and corrupt… that killers essentially running 1 perk against competent survivors.5 -
So it's either really excessive aura reading or total item blockade + 60+ seconds slowdown. Totes fair.
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Drop item at start of match, (will probably still be absolutely free with distortion nerf), pick item back up, if you see icon and get oblivious drop the item in a good spot and play the rest of the trial against a killer with 2 perks, countered in 2 seconds with no indication thanks to distortion and has no downside if the killer doesn't have it.
If it can be countered in 2 seconds its frankly not that strong
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You guys know you can put down your item immediately and check for Weave Attunement right?
You now have a choice, take the item to the corner and leave it there for later when you need it, or try and consume the item before the killer finds you, then ditch the item.
I still maintain Weave Attunememt itself is not why anyone is mad. It's simply that everyone hates Franklin's, they always have, but Franklin's was kinda weak as a perk. Weave Attunement makes Franklin's viable, thus people hate WA.
If WA has to be changed, one thing that would help out soloQ would be: you see the aura of the item when it's revealing you.
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Distortion is already far superior to Weave, cause it just burns through your tokens as the aura read is infinite. And on top, they cant even nerf distortion while youre able to stack 4 aurareads (and yeah on some kilelrs that much worse than 4 slowdowns).
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Franklin's by itself causes an item blockade, but yeah, you spend 60 seconds total to eliminate 2 of the killer's perks. Now imagine instead of those 2 perks they ran 2 slowdown perks instead like:
- Deadlock (80 seconds of gen time)
- Pain Resonance (72 seconds of gen time)
- Grim embrace (70 seconds of blocking ALL gens)
Would you rather they run 4 of those perks instead?
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Fact is that weave+Franklin's is remotely good only aganist solos (Bad ones i might add)... I tried that combo once with clown and i was aganist a premade... Useless to say that It was crap, i seriously don't understand why people complain about this combo so much... It's easily counterable and the killer will waste half of their perks for a VERY situational build
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lol ok. This completely ignores that I’m in solo queue. There’s no way all 3 of my teammates will do that.
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Woah you tried it one time? Truly incredible. I guess everybody complaining about it is wrong because you played one game with Clown.
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What's the problem with clown? He's good enough if used right with his best addons... I'll say again: this combo is nothing special, easily counterable and will waste half of your perks available... At this point i'll just use the Classic slowdown builds... Even if those perks were heavily nerfed, they are still better than this combo hands down...
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Ok then play swf, or accept that solo queue teammates take longer to learn things as a majority, But their build is at minimum 1/4th weaker for that match depending on the number of items
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Weave and Franklin's is just a meme build aint no one running that in high mmr.
You need 2 perk slots to make one perk worth using nah that's not it.
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I don't think the distortion nerf is warranted when you take into consideration the sheer amount of aura reading addons and perks.
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I do a spread of probably 60/40 killer/survivor.
Depends on the time of day i play, but i generally avoid killer in the morning and survivor late at night. It also depends on the challenges i have going on for rifts and such as well. If i get a dual challenge i pick the side that it is easier to complete (I.E. i play killer for the "hook X survivors or safely unhook X survivors" since they can usually be completed in 1 game as a killer whereas doing that as survivor requires me to throw the match.)
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Says the 'mostly' killer main
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oooo scary.
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Just pointing out your flawed bias.
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This issue will be resolved if items dropped by Franklin's are removed from the map after a certain amount of time.
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the counter is not 'Easy' since the perk is bugged and show it as active even when it isn't its just feeding you false information and paranoia. The perk needs to be changed in some way and that bug needs to be fixed before we can talk about 'Easy counters'.
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Here is my nerf to Distortion drop the leave scratch marks but keep the 3 tokens and ability to regen them.
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Sure, fix a bug then. Even more evidence we should not be making balance changes to something that is partially bugged.