Being chased by 2 killers needs some counter-play
So, 2v8 has been mostly fun, chaotic and pretty much like everyone expected. One not so fun thing however is when you're being chased by both killers at the same time. There's essentially no counter-play and chases rarely last longer than 15+ seconds. In other words, you're dead and there's pretty much absolutely nothing you can do.
One idea I had to potentially make chases in these situations a little bit fairer for the survivor is this: Whilst you're being chased by both killers simultaneously, you receive the Endurance Status Effect, allowing you to tank an extra hit, meaning both killers can't just instantly down you. The Endurance Effect will dissappear if the 2nd killer leaves the area of chase, or if you escape. Also (only whilst both killers are chasing you), you have basekit Overcome, allowing you to get a little extra distance from the killers if you're hit, potentially discouraging one of the killers from maintaining chase.
I feel like this would help out the survivors a little bit, as currently, being chased by 2 killers (unless you're a godly survivor), pretty much means you're dead.
generator are… 70 seconds in this mode? 3 survivor on a generator is 23.33 seconds. you lose a generator every 23 seconds. every chase needs to be 15 second long or less.
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The counterplay: 7 people doing gens. If 2 killers commit to a single chase, even for 30s, they will probably lose the match. Its an assymetrical game, you shouldn't be able to 1v1, and even less to 1v2.
Even against Nurse and Huntress I think its fun to try to survive when they double trying to get me down hahaha
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It's kinda fun but they'll both just get you in 10 secs 😭
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Most matches my teammates aren't even doing gens. I swear they're having a party somewhere or something.. 😭
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Then all you need is skill based matchmaking, not basekit mechanics
I mean "my teammates are ridiculously incompetent so please make it possible to win with survivors who don't do gens at all", is rather ridiculous statement
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I think one thing might be to give a survivor endurance for like 2 secs after they get hit, this would at least give a small window of protection against multiple hits from killers in succession. Of course the killers can just wait it out, but yeah I dunno what else to suggest.
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You can also wait for this event to end
This event is specifically made for killers to work together
If they are separated and they end up 1v1, they pretty much give victory to survivors
I don't mind being chase by 2 killers since it's the design and core mechanic
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Killer powers are buffed when they are near each other so the more is designed around both killers hunting together
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I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that 'skill based matchmaking' doesn't work in this game. What you have said still doesn't address the main issue of this post, which is how being chased by both killers = dead in 10 seconds. Unless you are an insane survivor. Everyone keeps saying "If both killers are chasing you then all the other survivors will gen rush!". Haha, I wish. Like I said, MOST of the time none of my teammates are doing gens. Why? I don't know, not my problem. All my matches lately both killers chase together because I think they've started to realise that this is actually more effective. Run to a loop, you'll get cornered. Caught out in the open? You're done. They don't have to worry about chase time, because the chases don't even last 10 seconds. They'll just move from one gen to the next, killing any and all survivors that were there pretty much instantaneously. So yeah, taking into account that survivors seem to be doing anything but gens and killers are just sweeping the floor with us, I think a little Endurance would be nice.
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if like 90% of players in a team is a literally does nothing they don't deserve a win in slightest, game should be balanced around those who actually plays the game, not those who messing around without using any brain
With your logic, killers must get instant hit because there is a situation where one killer is afk or extremely useless nurse, just so single wraith can win against 8 players who are actually playing
Of course those kind of balancing will results in unwinnable game against actually competent opponent, definitely stupid way to balance in PvP games
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All survivors being exposed because a killer's AFK is a little bit more drastic than 1 survivor receiving Endurance for being chased by both killers at the same time.
Survivors deserve a little compensation if they're being chased by 2 killers, regardless of if other players are actually repairing gens or not. Basekit Overcome and Endurance is a fair treatment, as otherwise, being chased by both killers will result in you being caged within 10 seconds.
People are saying that it's bad if 2 killers chase a single survivor, because other survivors will just gen rush (which is mostly false). Well, if the killers that always chase together knew that it's harder to down a survivor they're both chasing, maybe one of them would actually leave to patrol gens instead, like everyone seems to recommend for them.
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It's just as drastic as 1 survivor receiving endurance because you are wasting two killer's effort at once, survivor don't deserve any kind of compensation because game is already extremely tilted towards survivors by 20 seconds AOE sprintburst, scout aura view, 2 less gens to do than basegame, cage "anti tunneling", all that
If game was actually balanced or fair as normal games it MIGHT makes sense, but it's not, survivors are already compensated by ridiculous powers and mechanics, there is absolutely no reason to punish killers for their teamwork
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Both killers chasing a survivor does not waste any of their time, as they'll get the down in about 5 seconds. It's actually more effective.
Killers in this mode also get regular aura reading and a variety of abilities, such as being Undetectable if they're near a Wraith.
The mode is actually pretty balanced. It's just whichever team is better sided.
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You are adding endurance and it'll rob more seconds from both killers, so endurance is effectively working against entire killer team, you are literally asking for same thing as team wide expose, that's how ridiculous how your suggestion is
Not like any of the power or addons are as strong as survivor counterpart, too, they are equivalent or worse version of perks/addons in normal mode, unlike survivor power which is FAR better version of survivor perks
Calling the mode "balanced" is plain wrong, if both side has same skill in normal matches survivors will win 100% of the time in 2v8 due to sheer imbalance in it's core features, it's only balanced by survivors not even trying to win
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It's true. There's no reason there shouldn't be 10 gens in this mode and some survivor powers are strong compared to the killers'.
Yet core survivor mechanics, such as stealth, are almost completely negated in this mode, as their auras are being constantly revealed. Also, survivors are essentially exposed when both killers are chasing them, as they can double hit.
2v8 may be more balanced if the powers and loudouts are replaced by perks. Yet the mode is apparently already balanced, with a perfect 50% win rate for both sides.
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Exactly. The Endurance will rob the killers of more of their time, which is precisely the idea. Survivors being chased by 2 killers are essentially exposed, so the basekit Overcome and Endurance effect (which would ONLY be there while in a chase with BOTH killers), will make the survivor a bit more difficult to down and potentially discourage the killers from chasing together. Everyone is saying that apparently killers are at a disadvantage if they chase together, so this should surely help them by encouraging one to break chase and instead patrol gens.
The only 2 notably good survivor powers is the shared Sprint Burst and Scout aura reading. Everything else is just OK. Killers get plenty of aura reading too in this mode, enough to mitigate the survivors' ability to use stealth effectively. They literally have basekit Nowhere To Hide.
2v8 is perfectly balanced, according to a developer on the forums, with an equal win rate of exactly 50% for both sides.
Although interesting, future iterations of 2v8 should probably scrap the powers and killer synergies in favour of perks. People would probably just be happier that way.
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Honestly two killers taking 10 seconds to down one survivor is a lot better than the killers splitting up and getting looped, each taking 1 minute+ to down a survivor or giving up entirely.
It's mainly down to killer skill vs survivor skill, but killers teaming up greatly compensate for it. Meanwhile, while it's easy to say survivors blast gens and every chase needs to be 15 sec or less or they lose, not everyone is perfect and has perfect knowledge.
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Finally someone that understands. Some people don't seem to realise that 2 killers chasing together is way more efficient than splitting up. Like, how isn't it?
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Because survivors can still do so many things and there is enough way to waste time of killers, and chasing together generally wastes more time in finding survivors
If you ONLY look at the chase of course it's faster, but game isn't just about SINGLE chase
It's only efficient when killer gets looped, so basically a help for new players, trying to counter such a strategy never makes sense
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Generally in my experiences, the killers are usually split up, then when one of them starts a chase, the other will swiftly run over to help end it quickly. Then they disperse again, both looking for survivors and repeat. It seems to work well for them.
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Its chaos not meant to be balanced