Slugging for the 4k



  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,393
    edited August 2024

    I do understand the game system - I also understand that there are challenges that require a 4k. However, it has no effect on my opinion of these people.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 787

    I personally think they should get no bt or haste during endgame. The trap door is literally pity and it’s always been. The last survivor have 2 chances to escape both are pity that’s why I run no way out on most killers.

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    True. You have every right to jump to conclusions about other people playing a video game within the rules. Make all the assumptions you want, because you know the old saying about assumptions right? ;) I had to consider whether I feel called out, to make sure I wasn't responding due to personal bias. I quickly reached the conclusion that I do not feel that way. The truth is I play video games for fun and the rest of you are just flashing lights on the screen. I don't take anything personal, either what happens in the matches or the spraying bile here. I think people who get upset over what happens in video games, or those that try to draw real life information from the same, must be most unfortunate indeed. I feel for them, but there really isn't anything I can do other than point out the obvious.

    The evidence I give you now, for your consideration, is anecdotal entirely. I'm absolutely ruthless in matches, unless a weird mood takes me I'm going to 4K every time I can. I rarely give the hatch. I don't just want to win, I want to obliterate my opponents. I enjoy the matches more when they are hard, and I'm glad we have MMR and want to have to sweat. Games like that are a hoot. Away from the game, I'm considered friendly, reliable and very mellow. I would go so far, self serving as it sounds, to say that I'm well-liked and get along with others. I don't have any enemies, that I know of. The people I'm "competing" with in the real world are nameless faces whom I never meet directly. I suppose they don't care for me much, although it is unlikely they know my name anymore than I know theirs. If what I am saying is true, I would be a statistical outlier in so far as how YOU make assumptions about character and ethics. I would disagree, however, as know a lot of the most hardcore Players in this game (and other games) and most of them are great people. It is almost as if being competitive in video games has nothing to do with anything else.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    Well i wouldnt be sad if hatch was gone, then they would also replace these obnoxious survivor hatch challenges

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    Well, yeah. If they did a big change like that they would have to replace/retire some challenges. I've watched Hatch go through a long evolution, and it changing again is possible. I doubt they would ever remove it from the game entirely though. All in all I, I don't speculate or advocate much on what I want to see (or see removed) from the game because it feels like wasted energy. The DEV do what they do based on their business model and many other things we will never know or likely understand. I doubt they get any warm feelings after all these years when they get praise, nor do I think they even notice heckling. There is so much of both, that one would simply become immune over time.

    All in all I think they do a good job. They tell us roughly the target numbers they are looking for and are close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades to those target goals. They tweak things for the most part, rather than making big sweeping changes because this isn't a game to them; it is a business and who wants to accidentally kill the goose that lays golden eggs? Incremental change, when needed, is safer than getting hit by the anvil of "unintended consequences" of massive overhauls. If we are to judge Dead by Daylight, there are only two things that seem relevant:

    1. Are you still playing the game, angry and complaining or not? If you are they are doing more right than wrong.
    2. How do their numbers look as far as their Player Base? Are they consistent despite normal ups and downs? If so they are ok.

    The individual and the mob are the only two measurements that really have meaning. You and I are here talking about the game. Even the people here venting about the game are still playing the game. Clearly the game is more right than wrong. ;)

  • GloomySpooks
    GloomySpooks Member Posts: 41

    I just want the game to be fun again. 🥲

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    Please don't act all high and mighty. I'm fine getting killed and not escaping. What I don't like is laying on the ground when I could have been in the next match getting more points and having fun. But here I am, slugged for the killers ego. That's my problem. Its annoying

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    I think you are lying on the ground for the Killer Player's desire for a double Pips actually, not ego. On that note, how do you think Killers feel about those last two Survivors who stop trying to do Generators and try to hide forever in hopes the Killer quits. Is that for their ego? :) I'm not acting, "high and mighty," but rather pointing out entitlement of a kind you usually see in a Starbucks when a barista is being yelled at about something not under the barista's power.

    In regards laying on the ground, I would direct your ire at the people actually responsible for picking you up, not the person who is supposed to put you down. And of course, a little self reflection on how you got on the ground in the first place. I'm sure your own choices weigh in as well as the Killer's move. I've been a wiggle worm on the ground too, and I'm aware it isn't fun. It is just part of the game and you simply have to get past that.

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    First of all, I never stop trying to do generators so miss me with that scenario. Also, the killer is supposed down me and then hook me, so the other survivors not at fault here. The killer is called the power role for a reason. I feel the same way about slugging for the 4k that I feel about survivors teabagging at the gate when they already won. It denies the killer the opportunity to go to next match to keep playing.

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    Actually, no. The big bonus the Killer gets is for nobody getting out. At eight hooks the Killer is already going to get all they need for that. Since you know the game, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. But the Killer earns Pips by destroying lots of stuff, getting a certain number of hooks, making the game last as LONG as possible before the gates open, and by making sure nobody gets out. In that respect a Killer who quickly and efficiently sacrifices everyone will get fewer points and is less likely to double pip. It is strange that being an effective Killer, and getting you on to your next match, is less lucrative than making the matches last, but that is how it works. ;)

    As to the Killer being called the "power role" that is a matter of opinion. In point of fact, the so-called power role shifts over the course of your experience. The Killer only enjoys being top dawg while hunting relatively new Players, potatoes for lack of a kinder term. The power role flips to the Survivors as they learn what to do and when to do it. The power role is defined by who calls the shots in a match, sets the tone and pretty much makes the other side react to them. The DEV fixed it so that there is a maximum amount of time you will spend on the ground. You will bleed out. The delay for you to get to your next match is measured in minutes only, however long it may SEEM to you.

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    Dude, just admit you love holding survivors hostage so you can call your parents and tell them your apparent killer accomplishments. Congrats, if you haven't heard from them yet. Good job! Please slug more, and BM why don't you. I'm done with a conversation with a brick wall. Hope you get bled out if you play survivor and we'll see how much you love slugging then.

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    Heh. No, actually I don't play a Killer that profits much by slugging. In general, I only slug when I get to the last two, and more often than not it is a very short wait for the person on the ground. My interactions with you are a courtesy to you, not particularly interesting to me. I've had this SAME conversation perhaps 20-30 times over the years. It always goes the same way, and those Players I had it with either leave the game or eventually realize they made a mountain out of a molehill for the sake of being dramatic. I can assure you at 8+ years that the squeaky wheel does NOT get the grease. If it makes you feel better get back on that soapbox and rage against the dying of the light. Accuse those who disagree with you of whatever you want. :) In the end, it will all amount to the same thing, a tempest in a teapot. The game will remain the game. You either learn to not get tilted over little things, or you let yourself remain miserable. It isn't any skin off my nose. I am honestly trying to help you.

  • elpumpkinttv
    elpumpkinttv Member Posts: 10

    I think a lot of people in here are misunderstanding. If the killer has to slug for whatever reason I think it's ok to do so. But if the survivor is beeing slugged for too long he should be allowed to kill himself. That's it. I experienced this as a killer and as a survivor and I know how boring it is. We can kill ourselves on the hook so why not while in the ground too?

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,148
    edited August 2024

    My view on this is and always has been that if you down the second to last surv and you see or know where the last surv is, go for that 4K.

    But if you down the second to last surv and don't know where the last surv is and spend a bunch of time scouring the map for them, that's pretty cringe behavior. Just wasting time out desperation for the 4K, which isn't that important. If you have gens left with two survs left and one on the ground, you've won. All the hatch is really is a mechanism to allow the match to end in a timely fashion.

    Have the last surv escape via hatch or escaping via the hatch isn't a win or a loss, so other than having a challenge or streak going, I fail to see why anyone would slug for the 4K.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    It isn't entirely their fault.

    Achievements and some rift challenges require a 4k.

    That being said they need to rework those aspects of the game and then introduce a mechanic preventing slugging for the 4k entirely. Discouragement will not work.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,148

    I think there's an argument that you shouldn't be able to do either. Being able to ######### on the ground could easily be abused by SWF if blueprints are burned and survs know where the hatch is going to spawn. Hatch isn't a big deal, but being able to dictate when it spawns is just kind of a gimme.

    I think basekit UB with a longer timer would be the best solution to slugging.

  • elpumpkinttv
    elpumpkinttv Member Posts: 10

    I know killing yourself could be abused. On my first comment about this post I was suggesting to be able to do this only if you have been slugged for at least 90 seconds. Basekit ub with longer timer maybe, but the killer can camp you while in the ground and hit you when you get up and at that point if the killer slugs everyone he looses the slug utility by a lot and if he is just beeing mean to the survivor you are just prolonging the game for nothing so it needs soul guard too basekit then. It's too complicated

  • kosaba11
    kosaba11 Member Posts: 119

    I don't care what killer mains say, slugging, camping and tunneling should be bannable offenses.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Were did I say they are supposed to let one out? Nice straw man argument.

    I was referring to situations where 2+ survivors are slugged to find the last survivor. When the slugged survivors even have unlimited unbreakable, so slugging them is just a giant waste of time, without achieving anything.

    Is it really to much to ask to just hook the slugged survivors and gamble a hatch escape? When 1vs2 is already heavily tilted in the killers favor.

    Why this obsession with "doing the objective 100%"? It's already prevalent enough in classical mode, why continue with it in a limited game mode supposed to be fun, not Uber competitive?

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    funny part is if they got rid of any bp hatch gives and any advantages an escape provides to survivor, and if hatch escapes TOTALLY counted as a kill and gave the killer all respective bps, achievements etc. this problem would be completely gone. saying "hey, but 3k is a win! be happy about it and survivor, you lost after getting hatch." is so utterly useless and meaningless when it gives at least 9.5k to survivor and takes any advantage of a kill from the killer.

  • Depressed_Millenial
    Depressed_Millenial Member Posts: 50
    edited August 2024

    You're just as bad as the killer going for the 4k. 4k actually makes the game shorter overall. Say he slugs you, goes for other survivor, hooks them, comes back hooks you.


    He hooks you, other survivor rats out, he then searches for hatch, closes it, patrols doors for the entire timer just for last survivor to be doing totems and chests and then die to the timer.

    If anything you crawling to a corner is extending the game for the other two lmao.

    Slugging for the 4k overall is quicker for the killer player as it completely avoids end game.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    I dont fully agree on the two questions. Yes you are right in a rough sense but in my case for example i love this game, i do enjoy it while i play it and i have fun playing both sides…

    But i absolutely despise BHVR as a company, i could rant about all the horrible decisions they have done that are so totally bad for their players, there was a LOT of shitstorms over the past years, LOADS of things they handled extremely bad. The reason why this game is still alive is that there are no real competitors. And thats the sad truth, BHVR acts exactly like a company that has a monopole. Only the recent trickster visual bug and the cheaters faking ID's and getting wrong people banned debakles are good examples for recent mishandlings, mishandlings on BHVRs end. Remember first they tried to downplay it and act as if it only affected a minor part of the playerbase before they even fixed it, when things like these should be top priority.

    And i could go with dozen other examples that dont affect the game in itself but the surroundings of it. Im not even mad at balance because its an asymmetrical game its never going to be completely fair. But i really dont like how they dont take their players serious. Thats the impression ive got from my 3 years im dealing with BHVR now..

    So i am still playing a game that i enjoy in my free time, while having to hold my nose tight closely to not smell the bad taste that comes from other things involved with it.

  • Rumplestiltskin
    Rumplestiltskin Member Posts: 138

    And I would suggest, with only good intentions, that despising BHVR and letting it run rampant in your emotions doesn't hurt them, but it does negatively impact YOU. I know it is cliche but your fun will go up and your stress will go down when you simply stop worrying about the things you have no power over, and focus on the things you do. The hackers thing is a pet peeve of mine too, as I think that with a game as successful as this they could, if they so desired, go for a more effective (if more expensive) form of anti-cheat. That, however, is an example of something I have no power over, so I just ignore it. When the hackers become too big an issue for me I stop playing. That I have power over.

  • Dionysusdog
    Dionysusdog Member Posts: 154

    When survivors wait in the exit I roll my eyes. I thend proceed to walk into a corner so they waste more time. You need it so bad? Then work for it.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    just ignoring it and not complaining about these things is the reason why they get away with these sorta things.

    The real deal would be voting with the wallet, but as i said i still do enjoy this game and i intend on buying trevor belmont aswell once he hits live. Because there is no alternative. But shutting up and just not letting them hear what they do wrong is never an option, with no company in gaming or even in general. if they choose to not listen to feedback thats on them. But at least i can say to myself i tried it.

  • 1_TDSDarthWage
    1_TDSDarthWage Member Posts: 27

    It is not that i want to slug but thanks to the devs terrible character design some killers are forced to do it if they want to get value from the power they was given.

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    I think the same way that I do about slugging for the 4k as I do about survivors teabagging the exit gate when they already won. The survivors are denying the killer the ability to go to the next match just like how the killer denies the slugged survivor the same. My opinion is that if you're gonna deny me the option to be in the next match, then I'm gonna do the same by making it take longer for you to find me since you needed the 4k so bad.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480
    edited August 2024

    Yeah, it really doesn't makes sense when people repeatedly tell anyone "you don't get anything from 4k, that's just your ego" when it's objectively giving so many rewards to any killer who managed to 4k

    They are literally lying, just to make their own opinions "right" one

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    Give me an option to self kill myself and the killer can get their precious 4k while I get to be in the next match getting more points and having fun. Anything where after 90 seconds or something I can just die since the killers family will die if they don't get the 4k. I just love being on the ground for 4 minutes because they're so thirsty for a 4k. Because once the killer is in chase with the second to last survivor, there is NO REASON for me to have to wait for them to down them, hook and then get me.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    As long as hatch exists, killers can't get 4k at all, so your argument only works when hatch doesn't exists

    Blame the hatch mechanics, I guess

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    You do have the option to quit the match. Or will the survivors family die from doing that?

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    I know it's annoying when it happens but the maps arent that big. It takes less than a minute to walk back and forth to both exit gates and that's being generous on the time. Just run them out.

    There's a difference in having the option to run them out and having no option but crawling around or sitting still.

    Someone not sitting in the exit gates and just hiding in the middle of a map is a different story. I wouldn't even be opposed to the gates closing after 20 - 30 seconds if no one is in them and no one is in chase. I'm not opposed to something being done about the last 2 survivors hiding forever either.

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 637


  • Dionysusdog
    Dionysusdog Member Posts: 154

    Slugging For the 4k is sweaty. I usually don't bother and just race for hatch and see who wins. I don't care about a 4k unless the survivors take me too garden of joy or the game. That being said slugging for the 4k has a point. Tbagging in exit is just a toxic waste of time that gives no purpose. I honestly don't really do either…unless the killer stood there hitting me on hook or the survivors were intentionally super toxic I don't bother with either.

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53
  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    At all? That's funny because I've seen many killers get 4ks without slugging. As soon as the killer sees the second to last survivor, I should be able to self kill on the ground unless the killer is just so bad in chase already

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    At all? That's funny because I've seen many killers get 4ks without slugging. As soon as the killer sees the second to last survivor, I should be able to self kill on the ground unless the killer is just so bad in chase already

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Yes with a penalty lol but if killers don't get 4k they don't as much BP so could say the penalty for killers is less BP for 3k instead of 4. My point is your comment saying about killers family might die if they don't get 4k making it out to be a life or death situation irl... So survivors get a little penalty for leaving, big deal, will survivors family die if they leave the match? Difference is killers getting 4k is part of the game. If your going to leave matches that often then maybe the game isn't for you?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949

    Watching the killer search for me off in the distance gives me life... for this reason Tenacity is my favourite DBD perk. 😏

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    That's just survivors not trying, of course killers can 4k when survivors decide to give it for free, even with hatches

    No killer skill is related to that, finding completely hiding survivors are literally not possible and even bannable in certain circumstance, so yes, it's impossible to get 4k at all, as long as survivors are actually trying

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    Wait, so you're saying that it's harder to get a 4k when the other side.......plays the game? Who would've thunk. Let me dc for free after being slugged for so long and maybe we have a deal. My bot will get to have the fun of laying on the ground for 4 minutes and I get to actually play the game!

  • scorpia
    scorpia Member Posts: 38

    You’re wasting your own time more than the killer’s.

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    Wait, so you're saying that it's harder to get a 4k when the other side.......plays the game? Who would've thunk. Let me dc for free after being slugged for so long and maybe we have a deal. My bot will get to have the fun of laying on the ground for 4 minutes and I get to actually play the game!

  • bluesidesoul
    bluesidesoul Member Posts: 53

    Nah, I'm giving myself something to do because the killer could have ended my game A LONG time ago. It was the killers decision to keep me from going next match. This way I get a little bit more points for staying in match longer. I get something out of it since the killer clearly doesn't want me to be in next match getting more points