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General Discussions

Tunneling is ruining the game for me

Member Posts: 4
edited August 2024 in General Discussions

Hi, so I don't really tend to speak on the forums but I feel like this issue is getting out of hand. I've been playing dbd for a while now and even though I'm not the best player by far I've always been able to play and enjoy the game both on my own and playing with my friends but recently I haven't been able to play without being tunneled out of the game. By tunneling I mean being the first person to go down and hooked and then getting chased straight off the hook until I'm out of the game, no matter how many teammates try and stop it the killer doesn't seem to care and just wants me.

Last time I tried to play with my friends I got tunneled 4 games in a row and I just stopped playing because I wasn't having fun. Even if I'm not the one being tunneled I see a teammate in the same situation at least once or twice every couple of games (think about 1/2 times out of 7/8 games).

Again I know that I'm not the best at the game and I could get better at running the killer around but I shouldn't have to become the best at the game or play at a competitive level to just have fun, to just play the game I paid for. I don't have a solution for it but if anyone can think of something to stop it it would be great, I really like playing dbd but if this keeps up I don't think I want to go back to it :(

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  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Tunneling is ruining many games to many peoples and developers are considering those feature as thematic element that is mandatory for the game

  • Member Posts: 895

    sounds like a good reason to consider running anti tunnelling perks and getting better at chase alongside realizing that if the killer tunnels you, you dont have to save map resources as killer's wincon directly depends on how fast they can kill you.

  • Member Posts: 12

    This is probably the best advice I gave myself.

    I have no idea how you play so I'm just saying the same advice I give anyone that has this problem at all because I can't watch my friends all the time either.

    But instead of trying to get good at losing/juking the killer just try and not get in chase with him period. ESPECIALLY if you're a generator person or anything but a chase taker!

    The jukes and losing the killer will come naturally over time I promise. I've been playing the game since before Leatherface I believe (sorry for lack of specifics) with a long break at one point. And I just now am starting to feel confidentially good at the game. That's not to say it will take you that long or anything but I do feel Dead By Daylight is a game that honestly just watching how the killer plays or even YouTube is extremely helpful.

    I also highly recommend not only playing one role. Playing killer and survivor are probably some of the best ways to learn how they both think. You learn where you would look as a killer which also tells you where to hide as survivor and vice versa.

    I hope any of this is helpful and I promise I am not trying to talk down and none of the "!" Are me trying to yell or anything just trying to be encouraging! Good luck! See you in The Fog!

  • Member Posts: 2,149
    edited August 2024

    Tunneling unfortunately is part of the game, but I do caution a few things:

    1. Sometimes what you perceive is tunneling isn't tunneling. If you just got unhooked, and then someone else gets hooked, you're "fair game".
    2. If you just got unhooked and start working on a gen, bodyblocking, flashlighting, doing saves, or are doing totems, generally doing anything BUT leaving the area to get healed up and reset, you're fair game.

    If neither 1 or 2 is happening, that sucks, but is part of the game. When I play killer, I try to give people who recently got unhooked a chance and won't go after them unless 1 or 2 happens. However, not all killers are as "nice".

  • Member Posts: 580

    Your playstyle is valid! :) I was a gen jockey for a while and I slowly adapted my stealthier Survivor style into a much more altruistic version where I try to save the team's bacon and progress stuff while also not getting into too much chase. Not because I don't like chase, but because I prefer to see results and grind BP. Long chases bore me after a while, actually and I want the chance to do more than get chased a lot.

    Best of luck, hope the suggestions from people here have helped you. Try not to sweat it too hard.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited August 2024

    On my last few games as survivor, me or my teammates have been tunneled only a fraction of the time and only once from the start. Not exactly a problem, either the killer was bad and we pushed the gens, either he was good and we went to the next game.

    On my games as killer I've been accused of tunneling many times.

    That includes:

    • When I was getting survivor in a round robin, finishing them all on death hook together at the end.
    • When a survivor was body blocking out of the hook.

    Obviously, they also complained when I started to actual tunnel with 1 or 2 gens left "at the start of the game" because they did the gens in parallel (and sometimes you are unlucky finding survivors and when you finally get one who didn't hide early, it's a bit too late to do anything else than that or give up).

    I'll consider tunneling being too strong when survivors won't be able to do gens in parallel anymore and kicked gens will be blocked until they finish another.

  • Member Posts: 580

    This is the case. This i what saved me and helped me enjoy Survivor. I play Survivor to be with my friends and do challenges or try to earn BP via pipping.

    Listen to this person. It saved DBD as Survivor for me.

  • Member Posts: 580

    This is the case. This i what saved me and helped me enjoy Survivor. I play Survivor to be with my friends and do challenges or try to earn BP via pipping.

    Listen to this person. It saved DBD as Survivor for me.

  • Member Posts: 580

    I don't think that will happen. This game gets new Survs all the time and the old guard seem to show no actual signs of slowing.

    BHVR needed to buff Killers infvidually period, but I wouldn't say much has changed in terms of killer getting IVERALL buffs. They don't seem to get those much at all actually, it's a recent development that they do now.

    By the way I am still playing Survivor and will keep doing so because I DON'T want Surv to be too easy and I generally agree with the changes that have happened (and have yes, buffed Killers). The era of just throwing on perks and winning as Surv is over.

  • Member Posts: 12

    I'm not dictating anything I'm going off of what the game penalties etc have taught me. You literally get -bloodpoints for camping or short chases, at least you used to. I'm literally saying you are bad at being killer if you have to go for the same recovering person over and over. If you have to only go for someone when they are disadvantaged you're bad in my opinion, and that's pretty unanimously agreed upon in anything competetive, be it a game or not.

    I should've added "in my opinion" in my previous post, I just assumed it was well known I was posting opinions and not the law of the world on a forum about a game.

  • Member Posts: 12

    HIGHLY recommend Distortion from Jeff's kit. It helps a TON with not getting found by aura reading perks. It sounds like you're getting hit with Lethal Pursuit a lot and that's brutal as heck.

    My go to not getting caught perk set up right now

    Iron Will



    Urban Evasion

    But Distortion alone is a monster for stealthing.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    you are both right and wrong about that

    our buddy should try getting better at the game and improving their skills but i believe others can ruin the game for people

    example: i dont tunnel or slug and i send the survivors "gg wp" at the end of every game no matter if i stomp or get stomped.

    example in the other direction: a killer that does tunnel and slug (or hack) would make the game less fun for their enemies because it gives them little to no chance of winning unless they are god tier players or dont care about their teammates so they dont go for them anyways

    try thinking about it from multiple perspectives to see their point as well as your own

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    hope you get better games buddy and keep practicing for me so if we ever play against each other we can both have more fun

  • Member Posts: 1,384

    OTR doesn't really do anything if the killer really wants to tunnel you. I only get tunneled once in a blue moon but OTR doesn't really do much when I do. A determined tunneler will just hit you immediately off the hook and render your OTR useless. I had a nurse do this to me the other day. They just waited near the hook and blinked on top of me as soon as I got unhooked each time. Might be more of a nurse problem than anything else but it's still a bit ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 194

    When you realize, this game is for killers, the forums are really for killers and this forum does nothing , things make sense. Basically just accept it or move into another game. The only real improvement they've done is 2v8. It was a great start and I hope they Improve on their first run. I was finally having fun without dealing with what they have done..... Or.… You can join/develop a SWF team which seems the only way to play survivor these days. Nuff Said

  • Member Posts: 580
    edited August 2024

    Honestly? Wasn't that just how Survivor was, too before the 6.1 patch? Then, you could just throw a couple perks on, SWF up, and win almost all the time. And honestly, unless you're running the toppest of tier Killers, even that is questionable still against a good enough team for anyone who is under A tier. And it's not the first time Surv felt easy to me - I had to stop playing Survivor during old MFT era because it really was as simple as at least one person in a SWF throwing that perk on. This is because, you see, the majority of players don't all play Nurse, Blight, Spirit, and Wesker, they play Killers that might be weaker but are fun.

    Did we literally not just have a massive influx of people because of 2v8 and back to back licensed Chapters? I promise you - there will ALWAYS be more Survivors. There is no "we'll see" because there will literally ALWAYS be more. Unlike with Killer, where if you make the game feel bad for everyone but high skill super strong Killers, people will not play. That's exactly what happened before 6.1. That's what started to happen again during MFT meta.

    Meanwhile currently most people I know still are relatively OK with Survivor. Only the most jaded of SoloQ people are DCing, often before they know if the game is even salvagable or won… and often before the game ever properly gets started, so just like with no bot DCs before, we're all disadvantaged and the Killer gets an unfairly easy game. Because one person is sad they can't… what, easily run the Killer forever while we slam gens anymore and they have to actually try? Killers had to adapt to frustrating perks that were easy wins on the other side for years, isn't it time for Survivors to do so now? Why are only Killers asked to improve… ever?

    And on Killer, I am getting accused of tunnelling more than ever despite not tunnelling at ALL. I recently during Chaos Shuffle got accused of tunnelling for… happening to proc Legion's Frenzy hits on someone who just got off hook. That I wasn't even trying to hit. I wanted the Frenzy hits so I procced it, hit the unhooked person when I was trying to aim for the unhooker, then hit the unhooker and - get this - LEFT to hit other people and chain the Frenzy like you're intended to. So nobody got tunnelled. I 4ked that round and the Jane laid into me for tunnelling because I had found her first previously and kept seeing her due to her bright pants, despite looking for others across half the map. All this on top of the fact the game decided to give me a chase perk heavy build, so what was I intended to do? Not chase with it?

    The ill will and us vs. them between Killers and Survivors is currently so high, that Survivors are accusing KIllers of sweating for playing normally in the fun modes. Go figure. Maybe BHVR is trying to tell EVERYONE not to take things so seriously? It's just a game. It's literally just a game.

    Post edited by VantablackPharaoh91 on
  • Member Posts: 334

    For me, the way I have the most fun regardless of side I am on... is I don't care about a win or a loss. I just do what I can. However the other side wants to play that's on them.

    I play the match. I lose, I lose. I win, I win. You can't control how others play. Just roll with it. Sure, it sucks to be tunneled or face a bully squad. At the end of the day... it's just a game.

    That's how I do it. It may help, it may not. Good luck out there. :)

  • Member Posts: 580

    It's 100% a high mobility Killer problem. If I try to do that as Ghostface and the Surv is a halfway decent looper, I just lost two gens. Easily.

  • Member Posts: 12

    Tunneling isn't a strategy for those that are good at the game and actually care about how much fun everyone is having. It is okay to lose, it's just a game. And the game has things built in rewards included that go directly against tunneling.

    Sorry not sorry if the shoe fits but it just is trash and ruins the game for everyone yourself included, unless it's the only way you can win I guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,081

    Name calling in general is a little childish and people should refrain from doing so.

    That said, just because you 'can' doesn't mean you 'should.'

    "Tunneling isn't a strategy for those that are good at the game and actually care about how much fun everyone is having."

    This can ring as true as it is, but someone will always just say "…intended strategy" and try to justify it.

    And you can! Tunneling is totally justifiable. Its just a MAJOR turn off to more players than its not, and BHVR is the only one who stands to lose anything about it.

    So imo, BHVR will continue to implement ways to deter/avoid tunneling events. And if this IS the case, as it has been for a bit now, I would ask why players continue to say its good and all that, when the devs are actively trying to quash it.

    Honestly, I feel they aren't hard hitting tunneling as an issue because a large portion of killers would vacate the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Fun is obviously subjective, and thinking ALL survivors are having fun in playing against those who intentionally hindering themselves is quite strange

    This is a PvP game and people will have fun in doing their best, simple as that

  • Member Posts: 963

    being tunneled seems like so much frustrating experience, but after you learn all practical things about chase, it becomes…actually a fun experience to watch killer desperately trying to tunnel you. But honestly, look at every tunneling experience as a chance to learn, because unless you are playing tons of 1v1s, you won't be able to improve your chase skills as much as you do through getting tunneled in pubs.

  • Member Posts: 12

    No I shouldn't have said "trash" I agree and apologize. Absolutely agree it's not good to call names or respectful or mature, I'm sorry.

    And it doesn't hinder me in the slightest not to tunnel, in fact when I have in the past my games are 100% worse than games that I don't tunnel in. Could be a play style thing for sure but the game does also have specific rewards, tips, etc that are all anti tunneling. So it's obviously not the intended play style.

    All of that and it not being fun for the survivors or honestly the killers. I'd just have to say it seems like a not intended, toxic way to play. And most people I come across that play that way are toxic or children (literally children) so that doesn't give me the best impression of it.

  • Member Posts: 1,129
    edited September 2024

    Saying you were tunneled for 4 games doesn't give much context, a lot of tunneling complaints would be able to be verified if a replay system actually existed unless you recorded your games OP.

    I say that because while you may have done nothing to provoke the tunneling, your teammates might have done something to annoy the Killer and you just became the target.

    I'm sorry to hear you didn't have a good experience though.

  • Member Posts: 1,772
    edited September 2024

    Do you have any idea why they're going for you specifically? If you're on Steam, you can either hide hours player or even game info as a whole from your profile settings. That way the killer can't know how many hours you have an tunnel you out based on that. If you have any, try putting on some cosmetics so you don't look brand new. That might deter people looking for the weakest link. They may still just know you're newer than them based on how you loop/run away in-game, but it's worth a shot.

    I get that being tunneled is very painful if you're a newer player. It's very hard to deal with if you don't have the right perks, and obviously it sucks if the killer is more experienced than you too so the chases are short. It's kind of lame that survivors are so incredibly perk reliant to deal with tunneling but it is is what it is. If you really want to make it punishing for the killer to tunnel you, try these perks:

    • Decisive Strike from Laurie (Halloween Chapter). This one is licensed so you need to pay real money for it, but it is also the best anti tunnel perk in the game. Without this perk, the killer can pretty much just hit you off hook to ignore your endurance perks, then down and hook you again, which sucks, but with this perk, they'll get stunned for 4 seconds after picking you up, giving you even more time to run away.
    • Off the Record from Zarina. You can get this one by getting Zarina with 4500 shards and getting her to Prestige 1. This is a great anti tunnel perk, since it not only gives you 80 seconds of Endurance, but also hides your aura, grunts of pain and makes you silent, making it harder for the killer to find you again if they lose you
    • Dead Hard from David, he's a free character so you just have to get him to P1 to get the perk. It's a hard perk to use, but it is incredibly strong once you get used to it. It might be too advanced if you're new, but definitely run if for a while and see if you like it.
    • Windows of Opportunity from Kate. She also costs 4500 shards. With this perk you can see windows and pallets all over the map, making it easier to run towards safer areas with more resources instead of running into a deadzone and getting downed really fast.

    It's kind of sad that it's so hard to get a decent anti tunnel build for new players, honestly. But don't be discouraged. The more chases you take, the better and more comfortable you'll get in chase.

  • Member Posts: 10,369

    That's matchmaking for you. Puts you against the exact people you shouldn't be matched with. Nothing will change until it's fixed.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I agree with the subject: tunnel ruins the game for ALL.

    I don't play killer much, but I NEVER tunnel or camp, and i don't stay too close to the hook. I win almost all the time because the game has become so easy in killer.

    That's why I prefer to play survivor, it's much more stressful. I find that killers who do that, don't know how to play differently, or just want to ruin the game for others or are too lazy to run after survivors. I agree with the subject: tunnel ruins the game for ALL.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I feel the exact same way all the tunneling camping and slugging ruins the game for me like I love play this game and when I get a really toxic match it’s really sad and it won’t stop because they don’t even have enough sense to know they are doing it every time I send a message asking them what’s up they just give me excuses so I really hope the dead by daylight creators do something about it and come up with penalties for these people or atleast a block button so we dont have to endure these toxic people 😒

  • Member Posts: 374

    Tunneling is efficient. Devs need to make sure it's more efficient by rewarding not doing it

  • Member Posts: 767

    It’s the same with gen perks though, killers bring perks to slow down survivors gen efficiency, survivors bring perks to speed up gen progress. If either side brings them and the other doesn’t it’s a very unfun time for the side that doesn’t.
    Tunnelling is just killers being efficient completing their objective and the devs need to make it so hooking different survivors is more rewarding as currently trying to spread hooks out is just going to lose you the game with how long kills will take compared to how long completing all gens takes.

  • Member Posts: 605

    It's funny and sad how many people in the replies are trying to invalidate or deny OP's experiences or blame him (are you sure you were being tunneled, are you sure it wasn't justified, how can we believe you) as if tunneling doesn't happen on a large scale at almost every skill level. OP, I'm sorry this is happening to you, a lot of killers will recognize when someone is a "weak link" (the easiest to chase) and will tunnel you out. This does ruin the game for a lot of my friends that I tried to introduce to the game as well. You can run perks to make it easier, but ultimately the only way to not get tunneled is be too difficult to chase, and even that isn't perfect. If you're not having fun, you can try playing something else. I for one appreciate you leaving your feedback here for the devs and wish tunneling was at least somewhat addressed so I could get more of my friends to play this game with me too.

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