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General Discussions

Why did the devs make the hooks respawn after someone dies on it?



  • Member Posts: 580
    edited August 2024

    This change was needed.

    It wasn't good or fair gameplay that a team could create an entire hook deadzone to the point that the Killer was forced to slug them to do anything.

    It wasn't okay that Survivors could deadzone maps like Eyrie, Badham, or Ormond so they could all abuse those maps to annoy the Killer on purpose and force a slug situation.

    It wasn't alright that you could run Petrified Oaks, Sabo and Wiggle perks, and then force a Survivor-sided map in the hopes you get an M1 Killer or new Killer that you can abuse that build on, creating constant deadzones and a situation where picking up was so detrimental that the Killer could not feasibly get any hooks and had to slug everyone.

    It wasn't okay that comp corner abuse was, and is, still a thing, and deadzones made this worse. In fact I think remote hooking or a basekit Agitation should make a comeback SPECIFICALLY for cases where the Killer has no valid hooks within 16 m, because comp corners are still an issue. That, or put a hook hard-coded specifically in every single known comp corner area so this does not happen.

    There was no equivalent feature really on Survivor, breaking tons of pallets to make an area unsafe doesn't compare because several maps still, quite frankly, have way too many pallets and vaults clustered together, in a way that's unfeasible for the Killer to make deadzones at all, but not in the same way as hooks could be destroyed like this. I'm looking at you, Gideon and Swamp.

    There was no way a Killer could counterplay this or even prevent this feasibly, Killer is already a heavily info-heavy and time-crunched role by design and you don't always have a choice in where you get to hook. It wasn't fair that Survivors could with enough knowledge control where and when exactly they got to go down, thus ensuring situations that created total lose-lose for the Killer that they couldn't counterplay - especially as M1s. We CANNOT keep making the Killer experience worse just because Blight and Nurse exist and don't have issues with changes like these, because the entire rest of the Roster DOES have issues with it.

    This is a survival horror experience and Survivors are not, NOT intended to be the power role - Killers are. You aren't supposed to ever fully feel safe as a Survivor, that's kind of the point. Survivors are supposed to eventually go down in chase in a reasonable amount of time (about a minute per the last Dev data), gens are supposed to be somewhat defended to stop escapes, and Killers are supposed to eventually hook Survivors to get their points. There are many, many, MANY other valid ways to prevent hooking that do not involve things used to grief or force lose-loses on Killer players. Permanent hook deadzones were used primarily to grief and create impossible scenarios, not as strategy, and were far too punishing on new Killers. The game is far better off without them.

  • Member Posts: 580
    edited August 2024

    I play both sides and more Survivor at that, would you like a link to my Youtube channel?

    Lose-lose scenarios are unfair, unfun, and bad game balance on both sides. You're the one who is heavily biased if you think otherwise.

    Find another tool to help you survive rounds besides abuse of bad game design.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    it’s definitely not for those reasons because killers can literally still do those things. Lol

  • Member Posts: 580

    You immediately deflected when I offered proof of not being just a Killer Main… why? For someone concerned that I am "outing herself as a Killer Main", you're currently outing yourself as a toxic Killer with this statement, one who has to use a type of play that most actual long term Killers don't need to use and don't enjoy doing in particular all because a bad mechanic was removed. It just isn't the own you think it is.

    I don't really understand your logic or your need to get the last word, but it looks like this will not improve if I continue the conversation, so I suppose I'll be ignoring your responses to me from now on. Have a lovely day. I'm glad your Killer games will no longer require you or me or anyone else to slug as often.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Killers don't choose where survivors go down, survivors are in control of that. Survivors are in control of the chase for the most part regarding where it happens. Killers dont choose hook spawns either.

    Anyone against this change just wants to be able to abuse deadzones to avoid being hooked… and then complain about being slugged i guess. This was a HEALTHY CHANGE for everyone except abusers.

  • Member Posts: 658

    stopping people from doing the classic “I lost but I’m going to force the game to last at least 4 minutes longer by making it impossible to hook me instead of just sucking it up and taking my loss”

  • Member Posts: 194

    If you want to make changes …make skill checks once picked up actually count for something. Killers can walk across to two or three hooks without iron grip etc. almost makes skill checks pointless even when a survivor breaks a hook.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    If this is the reasoning behind it, then wouldn't you agree that bleeding out with no intention of hooking should be bannable ?

  • Member Posts: 194

    I'm pretty sure there is nothing a killer can do to get banned unless they are running a hack. I've sent videos of killers humping me while I'm down and nothing ever happens to them. Heck there are a bunch of videos of streamers doing this.... Yet there they are.

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