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Trickster is boring to face, lets change that

So, for whatever reason the change from 110% to 115% was made. And lets assume that was needed for overall a better balance. He just gets to do a lot of things now that are uncounterable on a lot of maps.

So the suggested change? Give him a Legion treatment in that he cannot down people with his M2 normally, but instead give them deepwounds (aka slowdown) and 1% hinderance for each blade that is stuck in the survivor (or make his current iri photocard basekit, but without losing the effect).
Still give him the ability to down with Main Event.

That way I do think he still remains relatively equally powerful to his current status, without the ability to tunnel for free since deepwounds, but not losing the ability to quickly down people in open area's.

And yeah, it would require some tweaking, maybe more blades for more total hinderance, or less blades but more hinderance per blade, maybe no blade reset or a partial reset whenever injuring/deepwounding survivors, but at the very least he would be more fun to face.


  • Burniebotss
    Burniebotss Member Posts: 92

    so…more m1, less skill showcase, another tunnler since deep wound, there’s no way to make him more fun, he’s simply built annoying but doesn’t mean you can’t counter him

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Bhvr is very anti hinderance when it comes to killer powers that aren’t clowns. Huntress had an add on that hindered survivors by 3% for 15 seconds and it got nuked from orbit.

    Trickster needed to be 115% because while he could be oppressive in the micro 1v1s at certain loops he struggled severely in the macro 1v4.

    In case no one realizes it, being 110% is an insane penalty that accounts for entire MINUTES lost each game. No killer in this game should be 110% without a movement speed ability like Spirit. On top of being 1 of 2 killers in the game that have to drop chase to reload, it’s a huge punishment for even using your power.

    He may not be fun for you but not every killer is fun for everyone. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes.

  • KeonLennedy
    KeonLennedy Member Posts: 23

    I really don't understand why people act like Trickster is some kind of anomaly and "so difficult to face" when Huntress is far worse than him. As a Trickster main I find him easy to verse, just don't get caught out in the open if you know you're versing him and if you have to be out in the open, you have to accept that you're going to go down and you need to drag him away from your teammates. As long as you find any kind of cover or have any kind of exhaustion Perks that give you distance you're golden. He's really not that big of a deal, especially if he doesn't have that brown throw rate add-on.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Its not really skill showcase anyway. Right now, Trickster is basically a ranged ghostface. But everytime he stalks you, you lose a healthstate. And thats not fun considering not a single map has downsides.

    Also, anything "annoying" being basekit isnt healthy anyway.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 991

    A lot of complaints about X killer would be solved if they would simply play as the killer for a while.

    Killer you hate? Play as them into you start getting good survivors, then do what they do vs that killer. It's how I learned to play against Knight. People just don't want to learn, they want the stuff they don't like neutered.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,183

    The difference between 4.4 and 4.6 from a macro perspective isn't really all that significant. It only really matters for M1 chasing.

    In fact, I'd say Trickster probably had a greater ability to generate pressure before his current rework. He's lacking in basically every department now.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 875

    Do you remember when the devs said the rework would make Trickster less annoying to play against?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    *looks at Wesker, who got 10% hinderance for doing nothing special, and still gets 4% hinderance while having an A-tier ability *
    And while I get the idea of trickter being bad at 1v4, this isnt the solution. Or at the very least, reduce his movement speed of throwing knives to the same speed as when he was 110%. Because when they buffed his movement speed, they also buffed all other movementspeeds

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    then you have no clue about how mobility works in DBD. By buffing him from 4.4 to 4.6, they also buffed all other movement speeds, which is very significant. So lets say Trickster can be a lot better in moving around the map, sure, fine, I can agree he needed that, but now he also moves fast enough in chase to basically ALWAYS gain from throwing knives whenever. If he hits 1 on a loop without having to break the pallet, he can quickly get another 6. Not talking about how it makes him an even stronger tunneller than he already was.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    If it wasn't significant then Huntress would be 115% but they deemed her to remain at 110%. Also 15-20% of the loops in this game she has to M1 at, not to mention having to run to poorly placed lockers and the occasional W Keying from survivors. It is very significant and ads up greatly over the course of a match if you pay attention.

    Trickster definitely generates more pressure now and it's not even close. That mainly comes from and 8 blade main event AND being 115% which makes him significantly better than his old version. Not to mention makes basement saves literally impossible. I main Huntress and Trickster and I feel he is way better now except for his base throw rate which is too slow imo.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    I specified add ons when I was talking about hinder. But I just realized OP was talking about basket so I guess that wasn't relevant for me to bring up. I just don't like how slow he throws his knives, feels like memento blades is a must run still.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,183

    It's not significant for macro play. It's significant for chases. It doesn't matter when travelling across the map, the difference is minor.

    The difference between 4.4 and 4.6 from moving from point to point is pretty insignificant, it's only when you're trying to catch Survivors.

    He's also still 3.86m/s when holding Blades, that didn't change from the rework at all so I have no idea what you're talking about there. The throw state movement speed is exactly the same. You just don't have the ramp up mechanic anymore, which reduced his movement speed while increasing his throw rate as he threw for longer.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243
    edited September 4

    It absolutely comes into play in the macro as well. You spend 10-15 minutes a match walking being 5% slower adds an extra 30-45 seconds to that time. That's just walking and not taking into account that she has to go reload at lockers which takes it from 30 seconds all the way up to an additional 45-60 seconds just by going to find lockers.

    30 seconds over a whole match might not seem like a lot but ive had matches where I've won or lost by seconds alone. Definitely more significant in chases for sure but wouldn't be overpowered. The most embarrassing thing in this game is seeing 110% killers be looped around a stack of tires for 30 seconds straight before they can get a hit.

    Hag, Slinger and Huntress all need to be 115%, 110% on non movement speed ability killers is beyond outdated. They did it for Trickster, it's time to do it for the rest. Not to mention Huntress moves at 77% (the slowest holding speed in the game bar none) so making her 115% still wouldn't be crazy.

    Post edited by HexHuntressThighs on
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,082

    that is arguably most important buff that he received. survivors have to actually dodge his ability rather than run perfect contour circles where they don't need interact with his ability. Not being able to shoot because of LOS is one of the most unfun aspects for playing a ranged killer.