Please remove the cooldown of Eruption

The perk is really not very good right now and a lot of people think it is even a detriment to use; bec unlike any other gen regression perk, it will actually trigger 2 regression events on a gen for each trigger of the perk, which is obviously not ideal in terms of "gen-kick efficiency".

But I also don't necessarily think that this is a big issue (at least for now) and I also don't think you guys need to buff this perk in any other crazy ways; I mean you could give it like a 2 % increase in regression if you want, but honestly all I really want to see for now is that you guys just remove its completely unnecessary cooldown, PLEASE.

There is literally no reason why this perk has a cooldown anymore since it is not nearly as oppressive as it was before the nerf (in 6.6.0) AND in order for it to actually trigger you have to down a survivor which effectively already acts as a "built in cooldown" because 99 % of the time it prevents the user from using it more than once in 30 secounds anyways (since it obviously would still deactivate after you trigger it, until you kick a gen again; just like it works now except with no cooldown in between).

So right now, all this cooldown does is it infuriates your killer players who actually want to use different slow-down perks besides grim, pain res, deadlock, corrupt etc. by having to wait at a gen they wanna kick with eruption; after hooking a survivor they just downed (which triggered eruption); because they have to wait for their stupid eruption cooldown to come back in order for the perk to apply on the gen when they kick it again.

I honestly see no reason why this cooldown should stay in the game, especially when I look at other similar perks like surge; because you buffed that perk aswell (in 6.1.0); in the very same way im suggesting here, by removing the cooldown of that perk (which was great btw).

So just like the surge buff this would be a great change and it would also send a good message to your community that you guys actually keep showing love to your underused slow-down perks.
Just like you did with the grim embrace buffs a while ago (which was also great btw).

Please at least think about this.

Otherwise I love ur game guys, I got every achievement and played it for over 4.6k hrs (I am also playing highest MMR).

Much love <3


  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,046

    Eruption is one of many perks that got absolutely butchered for no good reason along with ultimate weapon and call of brine.

    The incap effect was terrible and probably the worst time I've ever had in the game. Even worse than DH/unbreakable/DS/iron will on every survivor every match. There's many common sense ways to buff eruption without making it overbearing. Honestly the 3 gen blocking thing needs to only be one event with it. It's basically unusable as it is.

  • BrightestMage
    BrightestMage Member Posts: 29

    The perk is plenty powerful if you plan and use it properly. on top of that, it combines very well with other slowdown perks. It is still very strong.

  • SirTacticsALot
    SirTacticsALot Member Posts: 21

    I mean I just disagree; the perk is definitely not "still very strong".

    Even if you combine it with other perks like pop, it's just really not that good at all anymore compared to other slow-down perks which is why I wanna see this buff.

    Which is not a crazy buff to ask for; all that change would do is it would literally not even affect the strength of the perk it would just make it less clunky to use really

  • BrightestMage
    BrightestMage Member Posts: 29

    If you think that it is clunky you are kicking gens way too much. Give your legs a break from kicking and run a little bit. I can usually kick 2 to 3 gens before downing a survivor which is 20-30%. Considering this perk actually does 10% of total possible progression rather than what most perks do which is percent of current progress, This perk can change the tides of a game cooldown or not.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,046

    Yes. It needed even-handed nerfs like every other perk that gets double and triple nerfed like iron will, DS, ultimate weapon, ruin etc etc. No perk should be gutted into uselessness, it's bad for the game. There's no reason for it.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,893

    ..... you did play survivor when it was the "eruption, brine, pop stall till survivors rage quit" era right?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,046
    edited September 5

    Yes, I've posted about how it was my least favorite time in the game..... Several times. That doesn't mean those perks should be made useless. Merely that the problematic parts of them should be changed while they still have some functionality. I also didn't rage quit, I started taking empathy so I could tell when a survivor was about to go down so that I wouldn't get hit with eruption. Poor counterplay, but it's what we had.

    It's pretty silly to look at a perk and say "boy am I glad THAT dumpster fire is in the ground" like it aggrieved you personally. It's just a perk. It doesn't bear you any ill will. Viable perks are good. Perk variety is good.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,893

    Then you know there was a damn good reason it got nerfed like that. Even then it was rather even handed in that its still useful for a handful of killers (wesker, huntress, oni, the like), it just doesn't have the major "uggggg" factor with it. What you did does not mater in this context, its what the killers running this wanted (least the impression it gave off).

    It's pretty silly to look at a perk and say "boy am I glad THAT dumpster fire is in the ground" like it aggrieved you personally. It's just a perk. It doesn't bear you any ill will.

    While we agree its just a perk people can be glad for whatever reason, gots no right to control that (mocking is fair game).

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 683

    I think in light of the different buffs that have been given to generator progression on Survivor side?

    Yes. Eruption can have its timer reverted. And some lesser gen perks like CoB could even be given more strength. Just please never ever ever bring back Incapacitated.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,244

    The only buff Eruption could take is not having the pop count towards the Regression limit.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 458

    I don't actually think i have gone against a killer using it since the gen kick limit has been introduced

  • SirTacticsALot
    SirTacticsALot Member Posts: 21
    edited September 7

    I mean he is not wrong there there is really no good reason to butcher any perk really.

    Was there a good reason to nerf the perk after they overbuffed it? Absolutely.

    Was there a good reason to nerf it into uselessness? Absolutely not.

    This game-balance philosophy of overnerfing perks when they are too strong is what contributes to the many stale and boring metas we see from time to time again and again in this game.
    In which you only see like 5-6 different perks in every single game (in high MMR).
    Bec there is no variety in strong perks cause of it.