Actually there is something broken about Dracula. But you cant hear it. literally

Okay so, In "Dead by Daylight," sound effects before a killer's attack, like those from Huntress and Wesker, are crucial for gameplay balance and fairness. They give survivors a small chance to react, adding skill-based play and strategic depth. These cues help survivors identify killers early, allowing them to adapt their strategies, and without them we have unbalance.
Am I the only one who cant hear it well when old Dracula turns on the Hellfire Flame??? its so faint and silent.
It does not matter to me if it is a bug or designed to be that way, it should be re-examined and re-evaluated cause its too darn quiet in my opinion and that could explain why some Survivors seems to fall easy prey to the Hellfire, all it takes is a team-mate talking or any background noise and specifically Dracula's Hellfire Flame sound warning dissipates.
You need to take a look at it, because even at a glance with Dracula's TR, you can BARELY hear it.
And we want Dracula to be a fair and balanced Killer so these warning sounds should not be difficult to identify.
I can hear it alright.
I've also seen this being said a few times though, so maybe the charge sound is bugged sometimes?
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That could also be the case,
my problem is it just isnt as clear a Huntress Charge Up, or Wesker Bounding Up or Pyramid Head crushing floor. Before their attack.2 -
I'm not sure, I do hear the charge up sound myself even if it isn't that pronounced I can tell 99/100 times when it happens, roughly.
It could also be intentional due to how it's half as reliable as Pyramid Head's M2? But if it was, why would hearing it consistently be so different among everyone?
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I hear it clearly too. It must be a sound bug but it's hard to say how this can happen.
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The power is literally Executioner's Punishment of the Damned, but silent. Wolf's power is literally Demogorgon's Shred, but silent. They just recycled other killer powers and made them harder to dodge.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
It could also be intentional due to how it's half as reliable as Pyramid Head's M2?
Honestly I have hit more hits with Hellfire in the past 4 days, than I have ever hit with Pyramid Head's M2.
Its probably so much better and easier to use than anything else I ever used in this game, so I dont see how you get to "half as reliable" idd say hellfire is 10 times better than PH, but this is a weird tangent.0 -
I say half as reliable because, literally, it can't go through walls and tall obstacles like Pyramid Head's can. Good example are maps like Hawkins or some areas of The Game. Heck, most rock pallet loops have tall enough rocks to stop it. Pyramid Head can at least snipe through obstacles more often than hellfire. Not to mention it won't come out entirely if you're too close to a wall sometimes, regardless of size. Had that happen in RPD loops, which means you can't entirely hug walls in chase and get a quick snipe if it decides it can't spawn the first pillar.
Not to say hellfire isn't useful where it can be, but it has quite a few restrictions compared to Pyramid Head's.
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I came here to post about exactly this. Hellfire needs a significantly better audio cue, right now I can't hear one if it even exists. It makes playing against the killer very miserable.
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I agree that it's too faint.
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I would say that the it is much harder to react to Hellfire than POTD, and the fact you can AD strafe with Hellfire makes it a lot easier to line up shots. The Tank Controls on POTG are thematic, but it makes it much harder to aim on the fly.
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I was honestly surprised to read that Hellfire has an audio cue while charging up, I have never heard/noticed it in-game, and I don't really have this issue with any other Killer.
I really wish it was clearer then, because a lot of the time it's not easy or even possible to keep track of Dracula's hand for the visual cue. The lack of audio makes Dracula pretty frustrating to play against, often.
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I can't barely hear it either, that's why I'm always looking at him when in vampire form
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I didn't even know it had a sound cue.
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Hot Take: Remove all the windup audio cues. All you have to do is look at the killer and watch them and you should be doing that anyways. Doesn't really make sense why Huntress sounds like she is dry heaving every time she readys up a hatchet and allows survivors to brainlessly greed small loops.
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It's really annoying and makes me not want to even play as him honestly. It just gives him free 50/50s where he shouldn't have them.
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yeah I don’t hear an audio cue ever
didn’t even know that was a thing
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You cannot always keep your camera trained on the killer in a chase and must occasionally look at your surroundings. Additionally, even if you are watching the killer you may not get their audio when they are behind a wall, which does not allow for counterplay. The audio design is like that to make the chase more immersive, but also to allow for proper play on both sides.
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I glad this post is getting so much response,
its pretty clear loads of people don't know when Dracula is using his Hellfire cause they cant hear it.No wonder Hellfire is so strong currently.
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This patch it stopped making a noise (the hotfix) before hand it was playing, but this is also a bug currently happening to nemesis too, sometimes he doesnt even play his animation.
But something they've done on the backhand has messed up hit validation yet again too.0 -
Both are worse than original.
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I never said they were better versions of them? I'm well aware of the shortcomings. All I said was that they're harder to dodge because, as the OP said, there's no audio indicator that Hellfire is being charged.
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Well, compare properly, not only what fits you.
Even with low audio cue, they can't be used well without LoS and their visual is quite easy to notice. So I don't think it's an issue...
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Well well well.
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Good Job BHVR.
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We appreciate everyone letting us know about the issue so we could get it under investigation!
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Can we look into Nemesis doing this also? He has had this issue since he came out, it occassionally happens
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If we don't have it in the Bug Reporting section, please update! There is a pinned post at the top of the section with reporting instructions so we can get it under review.
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That feel when you do your civic duty in the fog! 👮♂️