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Does my build suck?

Okay, so I have been grinding trapper and wanna know, does my build suck cheeks or no?

I have Unnerving presence, Coulrophobia, Agitation and Distressing, rate it 0 - 10, be honest.


  • Tyler3
    Tyler3 Member Posts: 194

    In my opinion, a 7. Most people say any build that isn't 'meta' is bad.

    Don't listen to those people.

    Use whatever builds you find fun, or are good with.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280

    Not a great build to be honest.

    Too dependent on map size and survivor experience level. On big maps, survivors will be out of your terror radius for a lot of the game and so Unnerving Presence and Coulrophobia aren't going to be doing much. And even in situations where survivors are in your terrror radius, these perks will only get as much value as the survivors allow them to. That is to say, if the survivors are apt at hitting skill checks, these are going to do very little.

    Agitation is the only one of these perks that synergises well with Trapper's power, as it gives you more freedom to hook in spots that you've secured or can secure with traps easily. The rest, I'd drop.

  • Andrix_
    Andrix_ Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2024

    I'd say 3. Trapper is already not strong to begin with and given that he requires time to setup means that having any kind of build that doesn't bring gen slowdown will make everything more challenging. As mentioned above, the main issue of this build is that it is map dependant.

    About your perks, the best is undoubtedly Agitation, since it gives you more flexibility on choosing where to hook.

    If you wanna maintain an anti-heal terror radius build, I'd suggest to drop unnerving presence and putting sloppy butcher instead, at least you would get more value for this kind of build. I'd rate it 4 out of 10 with this change.