4 Solutions for Survivors Giving Up on Hook

Hello everyone, as some may have noticed there has been a lot of discussion in the past several months surrounding survivors attempting on the hook and then missing skillchecks to go into their next game as soon as possible. It's generally not fun for either side when this happens. In an attempt to steer the discourse in a bit of a productive fashion, there are 4 main solutions I can think of to fix this issue:
1. Do not allow survivors to attempt on the hook. This will prevent the luck mechanic from being used entirely which has a positive impact on the game as it becomes increasingly competitive. It will also create a barrier to giving up which will stop some players from going next since it is harder now. These players may instead opt to disconnect, which will leave their teammates with a bot instead of no player.
One downside to this approach is that it doesn't prevent players who still want to go next without having a DC penalty to AFK or grief the match in other ways. To then suggest banning players who do this means we are willing to ban anyone who doesn't play in a way that helps the team. Does that also include those who stealth or play for hatch? It becomes difficult to figure out where to draw the line, and is quite an aggressive stance personally. Even if we did go full banning on this, wouldn't that mean that lots of survivor players get banned? Wouldn't that affect killer queue times? Of course it's possible survivors may not want to get banned but they may also just play less or leave if that is their choice, so it's unclear that this would truly be effective to me.
2. This is sort of like the opposite approach, and we allow for no DC penalty. This would guarantee the team is left with a bot instead of no player. It also allows players to leave in case they have some sort of phobia related to a particular killer without worry of punishment. It may even encourage some self-regulation in the community of playstyles or killers and this may serve as useful data for changes.
A possible downside here is that many players may feel less of a need to learn in a match if they could just leave instead. They may also have a greater number of things they are willing to leave over if they can leave faster. Games with bots are not preferable to games with other people, so this doesn't really solve the issue either, unless it does help the community regulate itself(much like the possibility above).
3. Find the Main Reasons Why Survivors Give Up and Address Them. This one is the hardest solution but IMO the best one. To be clear, some people will give up for any number of reasons such as not enjoying a particular map or killer or perk even if some of these things may benefit the survivor player. However, there used to not be a culture of giving up years ago and now that it is here there is good cause to consider this if nothing else I believe.
The upside of this solution is that you don't have to change the existing system, or if you did change things like attempting on hook it would mostly be done for balance reasons and not to punish people wishing to leave. You also would probably have a happier survivor playerbase, and some killers would probably appreciate having full games regularly too.
The downsides of this include it being the hardest solution by far. How does someone figure out the true reasons behind why people leave, or if certain feedback is representative of everyone or just a smaller group of players? Also it is probable that many solutions that may make survivors happier would make killers unhappier. Would killers AFK more then? It wasn't true in the past when survivors were much much stronger than today, but perhaps the culture of today is different.
While more can be said on this, it might be worth finding more feedback from players through the post-match screen and making it a more detailed survey players could fill out. It's likely that these forums and the occasional surveys that are posted bring more hardcore or dedicated players to respond, but finding a way to get more opinions would be in the game's best interest. I know this is something that is already going on seeing some recent changes and the announcement of the consultant program, but nonetheless it is worth mentioning this to see if further improvements can be made.
4. Do Nothing. Yep, this is a real solution I think. It's also the easiest one!
The upsides include focusing on whatever there seems to be more need for in the community, such as improving matchmaking or other changes which may affect giving up anyway. You also don't make any direct change that makes the situation worse or that seems to favor one side or the other. Perhaps the community will still regulate itself this way eventually anyway, with survivors that don't wish to play just leaving the game.
The downsides here possibly include more survivors just leaving the game. This could make killer queues much longer, and possibly make it harder to buff more killers if it means less survivors will play. It may also look like BHVR doesn't care about the issue, which may not be true at all.
So anyway those are my thoughts about the current situation and why it seems like no big solution has been found or used yet. I'm hoping this can be a bit useful to BHVR and perhaps some consideration for those who say there is a simple quick fix to this ongoing issue.
I would definitely prefer the third option, too. There are just as many valid reasons for giving up as there are petty ones. I believe BHVR should put out one of those Player Satisfaction surveys with specific questions as to why there's so much giving up going on. At least there people can be honest without worrying about getting lashed at by the community. And then the devs can see where the real issues are.
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Ah, game design by committee. Nothing can go wrong with that.
People are always going to come up with reasons to be unhappy with any given match. A world where people don't give up and play a game out is a nice fantasy, but still a fantasy.
Look at all the stuff that's been added in recent years. Basekit BT. Activity HUD. Hook grabs removed. 3 gen system. Face camping meter. Mori nerf. Regression nerfs. None of it matters, people still get upset and leave matches.
You're positing these changes like killers are the bad guys here and survivor players are the victims. Of course they give up versus unpopular killer, unpopular perk. It's valid, right? Not a peep about the people that play that killer and don't deserve to have their favorite character changed or that perk that fits into their favorite build. It's their fault that survivors decide to give up, apparently.
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The only one that makes any sense and can actually be reasonably implemented to keep the game fun for all five people playing, is also the simplest.
Option one. Remove the ability to do it without Deliverance or Slippery Meat, period.
There are far too many overly petty reasons people do, like simply not liking the Killer or just being downed first, to keep self unhooks. Far more petty reasons than good reasons.
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I would be fine with 1, simply except you have perk for it.
2. Hell no, you would need to disable it for both sides and that can't end well. DBD would become queue simulator.
3. Survivors DC for ANY reason. They do it in highly questionable situations (about to die in 5 seconds later). You can't fix that.
4. Most likely outcome
I would just increase penalty instead. If you don't want to play, then don't play at all.
Remove self-unhooking unless you have got perk for it and if survivor ignores two skill checks in second phase they get replaced by a bot.
Implement some reasonable feature for both sides, so they are free to give up in hopeless situation. (Combination of gens, hooks, dead survivors, survivors on ground, timer) Survivor gets replaced by a bot and game ends for now if killer gives up.(Game ends when all survivors become bots)
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All of that came at the expense of smaller maps, killer reworks(buffs) gen time increase, healing gutted, loops destroyed, rng loops added, more dead zones, hooks closer together, etc etc etc.
Kill rates went up.
It didn't really get better, it got worse.
Give with one hand and take with the other.
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There used to be no DC penalty in the past and there wasn't any major abuse of the system like you would expect. So either this helped the community regulate itself as I have seen some suggest, or somehow this wouldn't work today which is an odd thing to say without supporting evidence. At first it would probably be a lot though, there's no doubt about that.
Increasing the penalty is pretty similar to just making option 1 a thing. I guess you could also put both options together. You would probably need to triple down and begin reporting+banning people for not playing then, because otherwise I'm not sure if this would change much. Seems quite aggressive don't you think?
I'm down to have a team decide to forfeit the match as an alternative mechanic, and I guess making it so both sides could do it at a certain point is an interesting idea. I'm curious what that would look like. A simple number like 3-4ish minutes in is probably an okay starting point to keep it simple, but I do wonder if some combination of hooks and gens might be better.0 -
There used to be no DC penalty in the past and there wasn't any major abuse of the system like you would expect.
Well, I think community is worse now compare to past.
Seems quite aggressive don't you think?
I don't like to play with people without self-control. This would help.
A simple number like 3-4ish minutes in is probably an okay starting point to keep it simple, but I do wonder if some combination of hooks and gens might be better.
If only timer, then something like 30 min.
Otherwise for example:
- All survivors are incapacitated for 20 seconds
- Survivor was slugged more than 90 seconds straight
For killer:
- 60 seconds after all gens were finished
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Why would the community be worse now? Is the DC penalty change part of this? We know people in ~2018ish could still be heated on the internet.
Anyway, as long as you are okay with longer killer queues it seems you have no issue with that decision which is interesting. I wonder if there is a certain queue length that makes tradeoffs like this worth it or not.
Those give up suggestions seem quite lenient. It wouldn't allow people to go past already-lost games much at all so it seems like it would be quite ineffective for the time required to create it. I was thinking more of something like 3 hooks/1 kill with 5 gens left, or 0-1 hook with 1 gen left or something like that.0 -
...Are you sure you're replying to the right person? I wasn't the one who put out the suggestions.
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Preventing self unhook attempts Is an interesting thought, but it does come with complications…. if self unhooks were removed entirely without a perk… I would recommend Slippery Meat to be buffed accordingly to make slugging less appealing, since just the raw 6 attempts with a crap chance to succeed is a dead perk (more than it already is):
Slippery Meat
In the most dire of situations, desperation can lead to a glimmer of hope…
When all other survivors are either in the Dying State, hooked or already dead, Slippery Meat activates:
- Grants the ability to self unhook yourself
Slippery Meat is not available during the second Hook Stage or if you are hooked as the last living Survivor in the Trial, regardless of your Hook Stage then.
Though it does raise a few questions/thoughts:
- Being completely unable to attempt to unhook yourself without a perk means the game must end when all survivors are hooked/dead… otherwise we're locked in till the timer goes down…
- What happens to this version of Slippery Meat, Wicked and Deliverance? Do we not get to self unhook as the last hooked survivor regardless of stage 1 or stage 2 on all others survivors? We're already seeing a surge in slugging then taking 4 hooks, we may need to allow attempts while people have a perk active…
- However if we do allow unhook attempts while a survivor is still stage 1 and Wicked, Deli and Slippery Meat are in play, does the killer get made aware in this scenario by the fact the game doesn't end?
- If we're replacing with a bot if no skillchecks are attempted in stage 2, what about giving up for hatch? Do I have to deliberately miss skillchecks to excuse myself from the trial for hatch?
- What about slugging for the 4k? With the inability to excuse yourself, Survivors are locked in for 60s plus the time it takes to ######### manually missing skillchecks. The last survivor has to survive this long for a chance at hatch… but there is still slugging for the 4k that trumps that, do we do anything about it?
- If hatch is generally being made much harder to reach as a result of all of the above, should it spawn closed with 2 survivors left alive so the survivor can try and find it? Maybe have it unlockable with a key for 1 and only 1 player so that slugging for the 4k is less viable? Should a key be usable in the dying state?
Quickly becomes complicated the more I think about it ;D
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I wouldn't worry about slugging.
If I get full slug even now, I can just wait for survivor to try self-unhooking, but even if they do, then the moment they touch survivor I can down them before they pick them up.
It doesn't really change the situation much in my opinion.
I wouldn't mind that buff much for slippery meat tho.
Being completely unable to attempt to unhook yourself without a perk means the game must end when all survivors are hooked/dead… otherwise we're locked in till the timer goes down…
Already happens with second stage, can be changed for first stage too unless game detects active perk for it.
What happens to this version of Slippery Meat, Wicked and Deliverance?
Game should be able to track if such perk is active, no?
However if we do allow unhook attempts while a survivor is still stage 1 and Wicked, Deli and Slippery Meat are in play, does the killer get made aware in this scenario by the fact the game doesn't end?
That's true, but you don't know who has it. Also as I said, after group slugging, I usually wait for survivor hit second stage anyway... If they annoyed me
What about slugging for the 4k? With the inability to excuse yourself, Survivors are locked in for 60s plus the time it takes to ######### manually missing skillchecks. The last survivor has to survive this long for a chance at hatch… but there is still slugging for the 4k that trumps that, do we do anything about it?
Wouldn't that be better, so killer has good chance actually hook survivor instead of always slugging?
I can get same effect now with longer timer with slugging, right?
If survivor won't be able to kill themselves, I can simply hook them and have time to find other survivor.
That seems better for everyone than current situation when killers want 4k.
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I suppose yeah, overall things generally become better... the hatch game by itself becomes something easier to balance around… and I'm in agreement that players SoH is the biggest problem the game has right now... so any potential issues pale in comparison...
I suppose another benefit of disabling unhooks without a perk active, in SoloQ you can actually signal to other survivors that you have it.
If I have Deli/Wicked available, I can go to unhook myself and cancel as a indicator "Hey! Don't come for me! I can unhook myself".
Doesn't work vs. proxy camping sadly... but that actually sounds fun? Where you try to do it when the killer isn't looking? Like a sneaky wave... 😅😅😅
Could even be a scenario where you mind game the killer and let them see you have it so they are reluctant to leave you if you know another gen is getting done... that actually sounds pretty cool.
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As I think about it more... Slippery Meat allowing an unhook if you're still on first hook as the last player regardless would actually be a nice niche...
The killer knows about Slippery Meat ny the fact the game doesn't end, but you have a genuine last gasp attempt at reaching hatch if you build for it... will still be massively in the killers favour, but someone might pull of something with an unhook at the right time with some combination or Low Profile, Adrenaline, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Left Behind, Clairvoyance, Sole Survivor...
That build sounds cool...