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Should shopping for lobbies should be gone from the game?



  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 445

    It went right over your head so I'll explain it.

    The reason why survivors can't see what killers are in play is because queue rates for any killer that's strong would skyrocket. It would be a terrible change.

    But with your reasoning, they should be allowed to because they're entitled to not want to play against things they dislike, if you advocate for this, you're prioritizing your wants over the health of the game.

    In the same vein saying that killers are entitled to lobby shop but not survivors is just weird bias. I still don't think lobby shopping is nearly as bad as it was but at some point bhvr should completely blind both sides.

  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 87

    The health of the game is better when people have a choice. All of the changes to lobby are only promoting toxic behavior. And if we do go in that direction, it’s going to hurt the game because people are going to stop playing when the CHOICE to not play with toxic people is removed.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 678

    But you're part of the problem here. You're one of the people adding to it when it's not necessary in the topic at all..

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    I'm all for them removing the pregame lobby and the offering screen. When you search for a match, once it has enough players everyone gets sent straight to the game. The only time pregame lobby made sense was in 2v8 since you could see what your teammates were running and decide what loadout you wanted to switch yours or stick with it.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 678

    the Devs won't remove it for one simple reason: What if you ready uo and then suddenly have an emergency or important phone call?

    Do you want more AFKing and DCing? Because removing the lobby would create more AFKing and DCing.

    Nobody. Owes you. A round. The people insisting we need to be locked in with others for utterly no reason because they don't like the idea of people not wishing to play with them are hella entitled. Nobody owes you a round.

    If you want lobbies gone, to lock you in, or anything other than what we have with lobbies right now? You're entitled. Because you think people owe you a round.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,120

    It will always happen, sadly. here is always a way of shucking the system. The main thing is to make ot as awkward as possible for them. Those who would stand idly by would have done so even if they got the lobby they wanted, necause they'd probably be very similar to those who give up early when something doesn't go quite right.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 678

    They can also just DC in the loading screen, close the game and restart, etc.

    You will never remove lobby dodging OR shopping if someone wants to do it enough. And I think many Survivors would take umbrage with being FORCED to play with Survivors they do not like, being unable to coordinate builds, and having zero means of communication with solos.

    For the health of the game it is better if the lobby stays.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 675
    edited September 13

    How about removing pre game lobbies and also self unhooking to ‘go next’ at the same time?

    No one gets to pick and choose what they play with/against, and no one gets a way to dodge something they don’t like by bypassing the DC penalty.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,732

    What it really boils down to is placing our own individual game experience over the overall good of the game.

    Recently they removed showing Prestiges in the lobby. Why did they do this? Many months back they tested out the matchmaking effect of this change, and their data told them the trials had less dodging as a result.

    Many of the loudest and most persistent complaints have always been about matchmaking messing up. We all know leaving lobbies wreaks that matchmaking badly. So they're obviously going through the grand list of why players dodge and/or shop around for trials, and seeing what can be realistically done to reduce it.

    We can talk all day about cosmetics this, toxic that, profiles here and names there, but there's no getting away from leaving lobbies hurts everyone.