It feels like BHVR only wants killers to play Nurse

Why would killers play anyone else when gen speed gets buffed even further and survivors basically get to know where killers are at all times? Meanwhile every form of killer slowdown gets nerfed into the ground and replaced with mediocre buffs and every good killer that's not Nurse gets nerfed.
I am so sick of Nurse being this killer that BHVR refuses to touch because "it's okay she's busted because she's hard to learn" which no she isn't to start off with. She's different from every other killer sure but if you put all your time into learning her you can probably get her down in 5-10 hours and now you have access to the most busted thing in the game. But meanwhile killers that can still struggle even after you learn them have to be nerfed because BHVR saw some numbers they didn't like (Hillbilly) or because survivor players complained about them too much (Skull Merchant).
I don't know what's more frustrating, that BHVR plays favorites with killers (you can argue they kinda do this with Huntress as well) or that we're almost 10 years in and BHVR still can't balance gen speeds. I don't mind gen slowdown being nerfed if we're also nerfing gen speed but they're buffing it instead and it's just baffling.
Omg… Wait…
I haven't seen "OP Nurse threads" for so long… It's like finding a unicorn…
I actually tried Nurse (I was maining her before) and brother… The LOS breaking junk on the map is just everywhere causing a complete chaos for me.
She also feels a LOT heavier with her camera movement. She doesn't have any add-ons to range or cd… What is the problem with her again?
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As a nurse main with 4k+ hours, she is by far the most powerful killer in the game, and needs a complete and total rework. I play a couple of games with her nearly every day, and i literally cannot remember the last time i LOST a game as nurse even with me ######### around half the time.
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This is what happens when they nerf freddy and skull merchant to the ground. What hope is there left for killers that aren't nurse and not feeling like they'll get the insane nerf hammer? I don't blame them for picking nurse
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Well I mean, if you landing your blinks right on top of survivors like a wallhack cheater - then yes - ofc she will be the most powerful one. :D
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BHVR only wants everyone play SWF. Every single patch we buff SWF further and further and I'll take it, if they want it. Clearly already strongest players in the game need it.
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Nurse should be left alone