The Distortion Nerf is a slap in the face for all solo players BHVR
one of the developers once said years ago: Playing with aura reading can be very interesting. Honestly? There is now far too much aura reading in the game. Regardless of whether it's perks or add-ons.
Playing with Aura Reading is uninteresting, but feels like cheating and requires no skill !
It's just far too much….. Distortion works against many perks and add-ons, that's true, but only if you play it right !
Meanwhile, there is so much aura reading that the tokens are used up very quickly and you have to go into the terror radius to recharge them, which takes time. Time that you can't spend on a generator, time that benefits the killers.
But none of the developers seem to be interested anymore. I'm a solo player and I don't want to be constantly hunted. Whether the developers like it or not, but that should also be taken into account. If the change goes live like this, there will be a shitstorm. I'm seriously considering giving up the solo Survivor game and just playing SWF.
Hiding no longer helps. Hide and Seek is over...what has become of DBD.... become? Now you can run the other tools like Sole Survivor by Laurie or Urban Evasion by Nea into the ground, because they are becoming increasingly useless. Time to get a grip on DS, DH and co.
A slap in the face for survivors who can’t learn to chase on most tiles so they go down in 10 seconds and so they stay on the edges of the map waiting for everyone else to die for a 50/50 shot at Shack Hatch?
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I'll give you a tip: first try to find and hunt a survivor without reading the aura and not feeling cool and skillful just because you won a hunt within 10 seconds thanks to wallhacks. I think you will fail miserably.
Regards to Lethal, BBQ, Gearhead, Nowhere to hide and co….
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i'll never buy that finding hiding people in this game is skillful and not being able to is a sign of the lack of skill. i don't want to bother looking around all those 10 objects edge map looking for a rat near the gen they were doing and instead will let nwth do it for me. maybe you should improve your looping skills instead.
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Distortion never bothered me when playing killer but when playing survivor i would prefer if my team mates have this nerfed version over the current one that lets them hide all game.
Some aura reading can feel cheap at times but i would rather deal with that than have a blendette that never takes aggro.
As a Survivor that mostly plays solo i am happy with this change.
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"you should improve your looping skills instead"
That's a lame excuse, and many people use it. In truth, they want us to work on our looping. But I don't want to, because I'm bad at looping and I don't want to be forced to by the developers.
and the fact that you call the survivors rats is terrible. Simply terrible !
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"come find me without perks or you are skilless" isn't any better of an approach.
because I'm bad at looping and I don't want to be forced to by the developers.
that's okay. also i'm just saying hiding/finding doesn't have much to do with skill.
the existence of aura reading perks isn't the enforcement that you have to be able to loop, you can try stealthing but there is the risk of the killer having aura reading perks, just like how some certain perks counter different strategies. aura reading perks are really conditional though so you can learn how they work and foresee when you are likely to be seen and act on that.
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This is so wrong, because the devs make all loops terrible and overall favor killer in map design. So in that aspect survivors just adept to bad game design and all of a sudden the survivors are the ones who refuse to learn huh. When someone refuses to learn the game then it‘s killers, because they get completely everything into their favor when it comes to maps, instead of getting better.
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what are those mythical awfully weak maps besides haddonfield and rancid abattoir? it's very bold to say this kind of stuff when majority of maps are balanced/survivor sided and we have eyrie/badham/gideon/garden etc i'm ngl.
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Temple of purgation, both Borgo, those you mention, garden of joy is terrible outside of main (I‘m not arguing about main!), the comdwind map with only shack, cinema map, midwich is worse now, which already was a good map for killers. Those are the ones from the top of my head. The other three maps (Gideon, Erie, Badham) are fair in my opinion. Gideon is also more killer sided if you know how to play there, but most people don‘t. Badham is a map I really enjoy to play on as killer to be honest. Erie sometimes is really annoying, especially when playing killers without tp, because you can see them over the whole map.
The overall new map design philosophy is so off right now. Windows and pallets where you can’t loop and where the killer gets a hit regardless how he plays (if he isn‘t a complete noob). There are no long walls, which give the killer too many short cuts and make it to easy to catch up. Maps are too small, which make them besides the obvious not very good looking and that hurts boons/hexes/pig. Some maps have nothing to work with. Terrible gen placement (cinema map). They remove gras and bushes you could hide in (hurts both sides). Useless edge map pallets.
I‘m overall talking above about the newer maps and what behavior does when reworking older ones. The older are fine. I actually think Hawkins is a decent map, which many say it favors killers very much.
I really hoped Behavior would just buff the weaker killers instead of making maps trash, bad looking and tiny and they should also fix the gen rush problem, which gets worse since survivors have to gen rush to even have a chance at winning.
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I don't mind if they want to change it. I very rarely use it as is unless it's handy for a challenge. But resetting during a chase makes it redundant. So, in order for someone to avoid being found by a killer's aura read they have to go and find the killer instead? Lol
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The thing is I don‘t even use it, because I see it as a wasted perk slot, but as a killer main I know distortion is the only thing, that stops me from using many aura perks. Nerfing distortion will lead to more aura perks being played and aura perks are often really unfair/frustrating/annoying, especially when you don‘t know the killer has one.
I predict that aura perks will become a problem soon and the number one complain behavior will see.
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Yeah for sure. And if aura read perks are associated with higher kill rates after Distortion is nerfed then I imagine they'll be on the chopping block next. I've said a few times people need to be careful what they wish for.
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Yeah exactly and then those are the next gutted perks, I rather have a strong and reliable counter and strong aura read. Edit: There are so many ways to reliable nerf it, but they chose the worst one. The best one would have been reducing it‘s duration to 7-8s
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Exactly! I think a good solution would be to remove player auras and utilize variations of killer instinct for both sides. I would love to drop distortion, but not when lethal pursuer, BBQ, and nowhere to hide exists. I wouldn't mind auras during events, like peekaboo in the masquerade. Oh well, shadow step it is for now.
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Nerf Distortion is a good thing in long term. In long term, killrates will grow up so survs recive a buff.
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oh wow "badham is fair" summarizes this reply, the only thing that makes sense is temple. yes it's more towards to the weaker side of maps but still not as bad as badham or haddonfield.
idk if or how midwich is weaker, did classroom loops become weaker? because as far as i know they just added clutter (and a few pallets) to the hallways and removed the breakable walls in the bathrooms. it is killer sided but i didn't include it because you were talking about devs' new map design philosophy. this makes the number of killer sided maps 3.
3 gen is an issue, but i don't think maps should be balanced around faulty gen spawns, they should instead fix the spawns. "this map is okay to have insane strong loops because it spawns 3 gens" isn't the right way to think. also you forgot disturbed ward and dds, the worst offenders when it comes to 3 gens.
gideon and rpd can be either sided if killer knows how to abuse them. gideon needs a killer that can deal with pallets or that can hold a 3 gen, and on rpd you need a terrible hook spawn and abuse it by camping (or again, hold a 3 gen). but neither hook or gen spawns should be taken into consideration when balancing the map, they should be fixed no matter what and then map should be balanced.
i really don't know how to (or want to) reply to your other points. badham is fair and garden is nothing without main are… opinions.
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It is kind of funny that in the same patch where the devs are gutting Distortion, they're slapping aura reading on a bunch more killers perks lmao.
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"I rather have a strong and reliable counter and strong aura read"
100% agreed. Distortion makes aura read perks tolerable because I know the option is always there if I've had enough after multiple games of full aura builds. It breaks up the monotony. Kill Distortion and watch aura read complaints explode. People's tolerance will be shot.
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Yes the midwich class room loops got weaker and now you can lunge around even more pallets. The clutter nerfed survivors on that map by a lot.
3 gen is an issue, but i don't think maps should be balanced around faulty gen spawns, they should instead fix the spawns. "this map is okay to have insane strong loops because it spawns 3 gens" isn't the right way to think. also you forgot disturbed ward and dds, the worst offenders when it comes to 3 gens.
I agree they should fix 3 gens, but many factors play into this like small size for example and not just place them somewhere else. I don’t think they should make 3 gens as „balance“ as well.
this makes the number of killer sided maps 3.
No maps should be killer sided at all. Maps are basically the basekit of survivors, therefore they have to lean to survivors. Killers can always do something against maps and get buffs, survivors not. They don‘t have anything equivalent to bambuzle… or powers
Honestly most killers when it comes to maps expect a free down from every loop. I‘d wish we would get old maps with good, strong (not infinites) and interesting loops back while killers get good/strong powers and something to slow games down. I don‘t think survivor sided maps are the problem. More that some killers just need buffs. I liked old dbd a lot more where everyone had strong stuff and where it was fun because of that. Now it‘s going a really boring and killers always have to have it easy way.
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3 words… Object of Obsession.
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Like I have been saying since patch 6.1,its only going to get worse for survivors, especially solo survivors.
You are wasting your time.
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Only if it will work as non obsession…
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You are probably right, dbd is a lost case when it comes to balance, especially when people call something balance like 60% winrate for one side (which is 20% higher than on the other side). Balance would mean both sides have the same chances to win, but in this forum it only means killers have to have it easy.
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Might be wrong but it never says you HAVE to be the obsession to reveal the killers aura. Only when you are the obsession it starts that 30 second timer while the first effect is something else entirely.
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it does work, being the obsession only gives the automatic aura reveal every 30 seconds. you can argue perk is better when you are not the obsession.
The clutter nerfed survivors on that map by a lot.
against many top tier killers i disagree. projectile killers, dash killers, nurse etc. long narrow ways without los breakers is never better for survivors.
but many factors play into this like small size for example and not just place them somewhere else
small sized maps mean more gens in a smaller area but those gens shouldn't be in dead zones or in really close proximity to each other like again, 2 gens in main and outside of it like disturbed ward. hell nostromo can have 3 T-H-R-E-E gens in main, which is ridiculous.
i kind of agree with the last paragraph, survivors can't do anything but gens if they want to win and killers can't waste a second or run chill perks so the gameplay is very linear and you just lose if you go for fancy fun stuff.
very weak maps feel awful as survivor but strong bs maps like badham means a chase against a pre dropping lobby costs you 3 gens and the game concludes with 4 hooks at most, that also doesn't feel good as killer. those 3 killer sided maps should be dealt with but so do other extremes, the heavily survivor sided ones.
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The most uselss fake solution that is always pushed by gaslighting killer mains
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"useless" Yeah no. Ive seen object just ruin weave attunement when its on an actual good survivor.
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I literally never use Distortion. Who uses that perk? People who can't loop? Or people who hide while their teammates die for them?
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But you can't explain it; you just say it. Explain how Object is bad against Weave Attunement.
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Except you're doing head-cannon math, combined with unironically relying on that garbage kill rate stat which doesn't actually tell you anything.
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Because you have a very good chance of getting a stealth killer and then its a dead perk slot. I dont like taking perks I have to gamble if they will even have a use or not.
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Kill rates against noobs maybe. I'll run maybe 1 aura perk, half the time, because I know that putting on anymore is a wasted perk slot. Other perks are so much better. You can't just assume that because the killer sees the survivor, they just get them. That's not how it works, even if casuals believe that it does. Good survivors don't give a rat's if you see them or not, because they can just loop you for an arbitrary amount of time. Therefore, the aura perk did next to nothing, if not baited you into chasing someone you couldn't catch. It feels like a majority of the playerbase don't understand that those kinds of survivors exist, and just assume it's always a really good killer crushing noobs. No. Some killers aren't playing to their full potential either, which explains why buffing killer stuff for top level doesn't mean it's suddenly oppressive overall.
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At this point it's not even like they link finding survivors to skill. It's more like, "Wow, you have to find survivors to win? That's scummy." I have a friend who legit says this, because he never plays killer, and just expects the killer to go easy on us while he's screwing around and not improving on survivor. But I wouldn't be surprised if they somehow questioned a killer's skill on their inability to find survivors. They question killer's skill over any little thing.
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It can be good sometimes but its not worth taking a perk that has a very good chance to be a dead perk slot.
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I mean a dead perk slot on survivor is a lot more lenient than a dead perk slot on killer.
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Yeah right. Killers have a power even without any perks. All survivors have is the maps Bhvr keeps making worse and worse so they can make sure the game is always tilted in the killers favor.
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Honestly, this nerf isn't as bad as I was dreading. Considering BHVR's track record with gutting perks for little to no reason other than "they're used a lot." and "people have been complaining."
As for me, distortion ends up being a dead perk in 70% of my games. But it's not great either. I definitely would have preferred it to have the tokens be tied into gen progression that the player has personally worked on/completed instead of chasing with the killer. That way, it would at least incentivise working on gens instead of the people who use distortion to hide for the majority of the game.
That said, it will at least negate the lack of recharge against killers who can hide their TR (Ghostie, Myers, Wraith.) If you enter a chase with them if the chase detection doesn't bug out. Lmao.
Hopefully, people will use the PTB to test out these changes and will give feedback to the testing, so the changes are revised slightly before they go live.
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They really butchered distortion but reworked EVEN MORE killer perks to have aura readings. its insane. especially the new zanshin tactics and thwack.
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Can confirm it only works if you’re the Obsession. If you aren’t, and it doesn’t guarantee that you are, it does not work for you (killer can still see your aura but you cannot see theirs).
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Distortion is a problem in soloQ for other teammates. I'm glad they are changing it as a soloQ survivor player. I'm tired of taking hooks and dying for 0 hooker distortion gamer thats too scared to interract with the killer.
Survivors have plenty of aura reading perks as well. You can see the killer with those and counter them coming at you.
If aura reading perks become too popular they are going to get nerfed, but this will never happen because most killers can't go around with 4 aura reading perks. People are panicking for no reason. This distortion nerf will mostly help other survivor teammates if anything and thats a good thing.
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Perkless killer as most of the roster will NOT win you matches against above average survivors. Meanwhile perkless survivor can fair mighty well.
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It does tell a lot and saying otherwise is delusional. Killers always say this game does favor survivors so hard when it is clearly otherwise and with dcs this kill rate would be lot higher.
I would wish killers would have the same win rate for once that survivors have, because then they would probably not invent new ways of twisting math like I‘ve seen it on the forums.
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These developers don't reward solo play. Their whole score system is backwards. You would think a survivor would be rewarded greatly for AVOIDING the killer's attention like in the movies, but no, the stealthy survivor gets punished for not getting spotted and pursued. I will be doing all the gens by myself while my team gets found and downed, and when the exit gates get activated from me saving perhaps the last survivor running for their life, I get the least amount of points out of the whole team of dead victims. Technically I'm the hero and the score does not reflect so.
I heal my team, stay out of sight, do gens, and drop hooks and because I didn't get chased I'm screwed out of the top score. It's such a dumb system. Now they mess distortion up in an inadvertent way of proving how they want us to play… up front and center.
I've been saying for years that aura reading was going to ruin the game. Watch! BHVR is going to corner themselves with all these horribly designed ideas.3 -
I think doing a little of both would be nice for distortion.
- Survivor Starts with 2 tokens of Distortion
- Survivors gain a token when starting a chase
This would allow you to have a couple stacks but also make it hard for the people who only hide. I think this would be fair.
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How many are stealth killers? Over how big a roster?
Your "a very good chance" is 13%
So what you want is an OP counter that works 100% of the time.
How very reasonable of you.
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The change of distortion is pretty good.
It means avoiding exactly one detection and then having to interact with the killer to get more.
It will only be a problem for survivors hiding all game, doing only quick-time-event on a gen and calling that "playing DBD".
It also means survivors without the perk will not be the most likely target anymore. (Both because of aura detection and their Distortion-using teammates's play style.)
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If you actually take chase, this change won't affect you much. But I'll admit that BHVR have added an absolute ton of aura reading to the game, and there are plenty of top tier aura reading perks. Still a good change imo.
Off the Record gives aura reading immunity too, you know? But that aura reading immunity requires actually interacting with the killer to activate. Now Distortion will too, which is good.
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Good thinking! I like this one.
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can confirm more that it works, i just tried. i wasn't the obsession and perk showed me the nurse any time she hooked someone else, she had bbq. i only didn't get the once every 30 second aura reveal effect.
it at least gives info on what aura reveal perk the killer is running, even if the killer is undetectable at the time. perk's icon will light up if your aura is shown.
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Honestly Distortion has been a slap in the face of all players not running it themselves, you know what it means? it means the Killer will always target me instead of you cause all the aura perks they have will target me and I know damn well that while there might be some noble apples who use distortion and who take aggro, the rest of the distortion users are very much able to just let me get killed no questions asked.
The perk has to go.