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We DON'T want moris to change Behavior!

ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 186
edited September 12 in Feedback and Suggestions

Who asked for this?!

Do you think we bring Eboni Moris because we want to see the flashy animation every match?
OF COURSE NOT! Is to guarantee when a surv goes down the 3rd time he/she is dead. No pallet or flashlight save, no body block, no DS, no sabo, no NOTHING.
And now you want to increase slug for the 3rd dying surv so we can find the 4th just to be able to get Bloodpoints?!
This will screw up killers AND survs!

The only acceptable change to the mori system is turn the yellow one basekit and that's it.


  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,056
    edited September 12

    Ironically this sentiment is what I would agree with, were someone to give reasons to change Mori's, even though I do not agree with their removal (as it shoehorns the Mori specifically to the end of the match without the use of Devour Hope/Myers).
    As it is functionally a 5th perk revolving around time-efficiency.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,066

    I like the idea of the new mori personally, makes the end of a match have more of a celebration as a killer player. I feel Moris are used outside of their designed intention as OP admits to. They are meant to be a reward from the Entity to kill by your own hand.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,081
    edited September 13

    it sucks that they're making decisive strike not counterable. i would sometimes run them to avoid decisive strike on 2nd hook vs swf and stuff. was it really that imbalanced to ignore decisive strike on 2nd hook that it needed a nerf?

    i thought the base-kit mori was just yellow mori offering base-kit. cypress mori retired. guess not.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 149

    Yes it is disgusting Bhvr. keeps pushing this change they KNOW the playerbase does not want. And just as I was starting to think Bhvr was actually starting to take things in the right direction this, along with a lot of other things in this update, prove that they are just as clueless as ever.

  • Novapheonix22
    Novapheonix22 Member Posts: 23

    I personally don't agree with your argument for why the ebony more is important I do use the ebony Maury almost exclusively as a cool flashy kill but regardless why not just change the yellow and the green worries to be blood points only since they're basically relevant and then just add a blood Point modifier to the ebony why do we need to change what it does completely that's just stupid and if they go through with this change and stand by it and refuse to revert it I will just stop playing dead by daylight entirely. Not even because a game mechanic that I liked was removed for no conceivable reason but because it shows that behavior just straight is not willing to listen to its consumers.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,066

    Maybe a step in their plans to change slugging also, you never know, may be the first step in their plans.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 990

    Recently I read someone positing that this change is meant to go hand in hand with selling Moris. They aren't used all that often and making them more frequent justifies the time spent making new ones.

    That being said this is not the way to do it. Give green Mori base or something to encourage at least one Mori per game.

  • merri1400
    merri1400 Member Posts: 21

    Seriously, some people paid 15$ to see a special mori, why make it so they can only use it on the last person? People will slug the second to last person more to guarantee they get to actually do it. Just remove the yellow offering entirely and let people bring the green and iri if they want to.

  • ZamasuManzon
    ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 186

    Can we get a moderator here please?
    Maybe Mandy?

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 206

    yellow basekit is fine . Now who asked them to conpletelly remove iri and green moris from the game ???
    as survivor is think getting moried is such a cool way to be sent of the match. If we are worried about tunneling them jess make it so you can only mori a deathook survivor 60s after he's been unhooked . There is the fix but we don't need to remove moris alltogheter nobody wants that .

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,915

    I want Moris to change if they need to. I just dont want anymore Bloodpoint offerings, they are incredibly boring.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 608
    edited September 14

    According to the dev update, the mori won't be forced. Idk why people are still thinking that…

  • ZombieHChrist
    ZombieHChrist Member Posts: 23

    tell me about it… i miss the days of the Mori them right out the gate, its not fair that that fun got taking out. Changes you say?

  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 26

    Just change all the moris to give one extra mori by level of the offering and let the last to be moriable by the base change. This would still make it possible to mori all survivors in the match if you so wanted by using the highest rarity mori offering. I don't see any point in the offerings giving some bloodpoint reward depending on rarity if you do the finishing mori. This way people would still see the mori more often and still be able to do it in most matches to the last survivor. Win win on all sides. In several situations the mori can be less worth than hooking the survivor as some mories take longer than you picking survivor up and throwing him on the closest hook. So having a mori might not even bring you any real benefit.

  • ZamasuManzon
    ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 186
    edited September 15
  • ZamasuManzon
    ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 186

    Everything you mention will indeed be affected, but I think the last one is the biggest and most important.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 919
    edited September 16

    Good news is one of the devs mentioned that Rancor and Devour Hope are keeping their moris, at least. Last PTB they tested the finisher mori, those perks had their moris removed, and in my opinion completely gutted any appeal of them as I argue both are fair and balanced, albeit unfun to play against sometimes.

    Devour Hope feels like the ultimate risk vs reward perk, and for every time you see it reach 5 stacks and mori everyone, there's 30 games where it gets cleansed 1 minute into the match.

    Rancor is a little more "toxic" because the obsession dies right at the endgame, but the survivor sees the killers aura with each gen pop so there's an early warning they have rancor and rancor is often paired with "ignore the obsession" perks like STBFL and PWYF making it more of a way to just "assassinate" the obsession with one hit after ignoring them all game. (It's not you "died because of rancor", more like the killer was sparing you and saving you for endgame) It also has some funny meme potential with perks that allow obsession switching like game afoot and nemesis.

    (devour hope 5 stacks was just auto-sacrifice on hook….by which point you get it, multiple survivors are likely already on death hook anyway. Rancor got no extra effect, it was just insta-down on obsession, and at that point you might as well run NOED for insta-down on everyone + a speed boost. If those changes went through, I'd go from using them pretty often when messing around (One Punch Wraith with Rancor is one of the funniest things you can do) to never touching them ever again.)

    EDIT: Oh yeah, the subject of this thread, personally I support the finisher mori but I am against removing moris from the offerings. Basekit cypress should stay, green and pink should keep their current effect. I was concerned about the animations getting repetitive when playing as killer, (you know what they say about too much of a good thing!) but it seems like THIS version makes the mori optional so we can still opt to hook normally or give hatch. (The original test just had it so once all survivors are downed, they get endgame collapse sacrificed and the game automatically starts a mori animation on the last)

  • merri1400
    merri1400 Member Posts: 21

    It is true that people could run Devour Hope and Rancor but those are also a gamble. Devour is a hex and can always be cleansed early and Rancor the survivor could just stealth and not be involved with any endgame saves and immediately leave.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,160

    I agree that the Finisher Mori is a terrible idea. You bring a Mori offering for BP, and you worry that the 4th survivor will get a hatch or a door, so your offering is wasted. So what will you do? Slug for the 4K, because you don't want your rare offering wasted. A lot of matches you won't manage to get to a situation to mori the last survivor, so your whole offering will be useless, whereas until now, pink or green mori would guarantee value, if you'd down at least 1 survivor that's on death hook.

    Plus, no more multiple moris per match (unless you bring Devour, but good luck with it not getting cleansed immediately). If I bring a pink mori offering, I'd much rather be able to get 2 or more moris that match (the cool animation multiple times), then have to sweat and play dirty (slug for the 4K potentially) just so my precious offering is not wasted. Getting the mori archive challenges and dailies will now be harder, too.

    Functionally though, what is the purpose of the finisher mori? With hooks now respawning after 60 seconds, you will no longer have hookless dead zones. You will always be able to hook. It feels like a really unneeded implementation that doesn't help the game in any way, and the time and resources spent on developing the Finisher Mori could have been better spent on the Skull Merchant's Rework. You know, so she doesn't have to get gutted before she gets a rework. She could have possibly had a rework this patch. (maybe)