Flashbangs Need Counterplay

I'm tired of needing to run Lightborn in every single match because of how prevalent Flashbangs are in higher elos. When someone knows the timing of them, there is absolutely nothing you as a killer can do to avoid being blinded besides slugging everyone.
I get being blinded while breaking a pallet. I get being blinded if I'm out in the open. Hell I've even seen some good plays where I didn't know one was dropped while I was chasing someone.
But I should not be blinded while facing a wall or after pulling someone out of a locker. Give the killer collision during the pickup animations, and decrease the FoV Flashbangs work at.
You aren't hearing them dropped in chase because the sound is broken atm and it just flatout doesn't play alot of the time. I had a situation where someone dropped one while I was looking at them and I saw an animation of their hand and thought "what was that supposed to be" then got blinded by the silent flashbang.
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I've posted about this before but apparently it's not a big enough issue to garnet attention. People are getting better at clipping into the killer for an unavoidable blind. It's only going to get worse
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I mean you do have to do gens to get them
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That's… not the point of this thread at all.
Besides, do you realize how easy it is to do 40% gen progress? Most games you'll have that done before the killer even injures the first survivor.
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Yeah, it's pretty much only an issue at higher elos where I'm playing against a ton of P100s / SWFs.
Don't get me wrong, it's hilarious bringing Lightborn and just flat out ruining their entire team comp, but I shouldn't need to run it in every single game just on the assumption that I might be going against people running it.
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Surviviors waste time trying to get the blind, which also needs 40% of personal progress of a gen. If you hate a playstyle so much that offers literally no counterplay run perks to counter it, infectious fright…lightborn… exc exc. but trying to make survivior interaction less will just help gen rushing
“Running perks to counter uncounterable situations is unfair”- ever noticied how the surviviors you slug have unbreakable to…counter uncounterable playstyled
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flashbangs do have counterplay. the problem is with their inconsistencies due to bugs and unintended mechanics. otherwise, they're pretty telegraphed.
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Did you… read the post? I am running perks to counter it. But that's the problem; perks are hidden, so I don't know if it's needed or if I'm wasting a perk slot every game for something that shouldn't be an intended mechanic. You cannot flashlight save someone while / after a killer pulls them out of a locker. You can, however, time a flashbang for that same save. That is not a healthy mechanic for the game, as without Lightborn your options are literally stand at the locker and wait for them to come out so you can slug them or leave to chase someone else.
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So your mad you have to run perks to counter a possible gamestyle..? You do realize survivors have to run perks to counter
-proxy camping
-aura builds
-gen regression
All of these gamestyles the killer might or not do, sometimes they might camp instead of slug, or not do any of the above so youll waste a whole build.
Just because your mad that you have to waste a single perk slot doesnt mean your opinion is valid, literally everyone else has the same problems as you
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You keep missing the part where it's not an intended mechanic. Again, you cannot flashlight save someone if a killer picks them up from a locker or if that killer is facing a wall. Flashbangs should be the same. That's all I'm asking for.
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Isn't the counterplay to flashbangs when looking against the wall to simply find the saver or scan the area where they could come from? That seems reasonable to me. Locker flashbangs don't have counterplay because two people could jump into a locker then guaranteed get a save because you can't change your direction or anything. So those need to go for sure.
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No. Survivors are getting screwed over enough. Suck it up, when the kill rates go down to 50% then maybe killers will have something to complain about.
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Ah yes. Painstakingly searching the entire area while they crawl under a pallet. Seems like good counterplay when for every other blind good positioning is rewarded.
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Good positioning? If the survivor died against a wall it meant they had poor positioning or baited you to pick up for the flashbang. Positioning is relative in this case.
You don't usually have to search an entire area either. If you chased into an area and looped it you wouldn't have to look around the loop for example. You can also simply clear one direction to look when you pick up as opposed to all areas. Consider also that if you do this successfully you have gained a ton of time over survivors, so the reward is often worth it too.0 -
In a typical SWF scenario there's one gen jockey and the other three are there specifically to waste the killer's time, so it's not usually just one person you need to worry about.
You can't "clear one direction." The point is that it doesn't matter if you face a wall or pick someone up out of a locker… you can still be flashbanged, so the only two options available are either bring Lightborn every match or slug everyone (which, you'll notice, Unbreakable is very popular right now for this very reason.)
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Okay so in that scenario, wouldn't it make sense to take LOTS of time to clear the area like suggested before then? Only one person is doing gens so you have lots of time. You could even likely get injuries then. It could even snowball some.
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No, because while I chase the one person to injure them the other is healing the person I downed and now I'm back to square one.
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Okay so if you can't get a quick hit and they keep distance, then you can pick up facing a direction they both can't cover since they will be farther away right? Once you know where everyone is it's a lot easier to play around them.
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Again, doesn't matter what direction you face. Flashbangs work next to you and can even be dropped "on you."
Background player is also a thing.
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The only thing they need to fix is where they can be dropped inside of your character hitbox. That makes walls useless against it. At the very least, have it create a skill check the killer has to pass to close their eyes, lol.
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It does matter which direction you face provided you can face away from them and they can't drop the flashbang early enough. They have to drop it early in the pickup animation, which means even with perks such as background player they will need to be fairly close.
I do agree BGP still isn't the healthiest perk, but with the nerf they have to get a lot closer, making it much riskier for themselves to position for a flashbang save.0 -
Would you be cool with being in chase for a total of 45 seconds granted you 2 coup stacks?
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The whole point of flashbangs is that you can blind killers while they are looking at walls.
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This AND nemesis' tentacle is still bugged since his release, but Dracula got his fixed like first 2 or 3 weeks… lmaoooo then get told to bug report it, no? I'm not being payed for that.
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Lightborn is the counter all to Flashlights, Flashbangs and the Mine trap it covers a good chunk of stun def leaving just Pallet stuns, DS, and Headon. Killers and survivors at higher level play are expected to run certain metas.
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I like how everyone in this game is high MMR
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I mean obviously it's hidden here but I can tell you my time playing League I was consistently ranking in Diamond. 🤷♂️
I'm not the greatest of all time by any means but I know what I'm doing (most of the time :P)
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I understand that flashbangs might seemingly not have a counterplay…. but Lightborn doesn't either. I you waste a flashbang though, you usually need to go back to a gen to get another one. Flashbangs can be countered by Lightborn, infectious fright, languid touch, etc. Lightborn cannot be countered by anything. Which is a shame, it should have a cooldown, or means to activate/recharge it.
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It is absolutely trivial to reach the soft MMR cap on killer.
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Precisely, and I hate needing to run it. That's one of the points I'm making here. I wouldn't need to run Lightborn if I could actually avoid a flashbang through the proper means of facing a wall. If I down someone on a pallet or out in the open, then obviously I need to look around and take my possible loss there but… Killers shouldn't need to make the choice of "Run Lightborn every match or be held hostage" just because two people brought Flashbang.