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Windows of Opportunity needs a nerf

Altan Member Posts: 9
edited September 15 in Feedback and Suggestions

There's a reason why every single survivor use this perk. You can't deny a perk is overpowered when it's part of every single build. When I play killer I automatically know they use it when they run me from pallet to pallet, which is almost all the time, and I assume people who don't have it didn't buy the survivor yet.

A simple range nerf would be enough, IMO this perk should help you find a path when you're being chased, not plan the chase for the 3 next minute with every obstacle of the map. Sure, you can argue "then give up the chase and go find someone else". But maybe you didn't read that every survivor use this perk.


  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,093

    That’s why I always have something for blindness. You’re not about to use every pallet and every window, every vault. Nope. Not in this chase

  • Altan
    Altan Member Posts: 9

    What do you think people were doing when Kate wasn't a survivor

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,093

    It’s like as if they had to learn how to play the game and figure out where the loops are? Oh god. That’s asking too much of a player who got the game now. 🤣

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 203

    I remember playing a round as skull merchant pre-rework. And this swf brought me to the pallet factory(saw map). They all had windows of opportunity and complained that I made the round take too long meanwhile i had to break literaly every single pallet in the entire pallet factory to start getting hooks because they first thing theyd do is go straight for all the available pallets lol (i still won cuz she was broken at the time) but yea windows of opportunity on a swf abusing a pallet heavy map is something that could use a nerf

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    Knowing where the deadzones are is exactly why it's too strong.

    This game should not be balanced around SWFs. Killers need survivors to have the opportunity to make mistakes to even have a chance at winning.

  • WitchWalpurga
    WitchWalpurga Member Posts: 116

    The killrate is high enough on average, even in full 4 man SWFs it's over 50% already (acording to the latest stats) and i doubt it that nerfing windows would magically increase that rate by that much as WoO was "only" used by around 1/3 of players(my guess is that WIndows is less common in full SWFs) and as someone explained above this game has a huge barrier for new players. Even after the initial 5 hour phase of just running in a straight line, you need to LEARN everything. And for that Windows is very nice as you need houndred of hours to remember all possibilities.
    And of course the new map philosophy of less pallets, smaller maps, weaker tiles and huge deadzones from the start are already shadow-nerfing WoO constantly. What is WoO doing if the only pallet you get is a 95/05 pallet between two trees like the new standard on haddonfield or the new fun pallets at coldwind? Nothing.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 675

    Windows IMHO promotes really bad habits in regards to looping, makes you predictable, and gives too much info for its uptime. It's critical for new Survivors but it really is too much for experienced ones; they don't really need it, they just use it to autopilot themselves to loops and avoid any possible mistakes in dead zones. Mistakes half the Killer roster need Survivors to make to get downs. It actively can hinder people with info overload, and it makes certain maps even more miserable for both sides, different ones for each.

    Make it only active in chase or give it a cooldown and the perk will be fine, balanced, healthy, and perfect in its intended niche.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 919

    What amuses me is I remember saying this perk was underrated and a good beginner tool when Kate first came out and everyone was screaming it was F-tier. Now it's one of the best perks in the game!?

    Personally, I think it's mostly in an ok state, and I do like that it gives blindness addons/perks some serious value vs windows users.

  • Altan
    Altan Member Posts: 9

    Another balancing could be the perk giving you blind for 10sec when using an obstacle that was highlighted

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,732

    Windows is such a new-player friendly perk, as it teaches tile layouts and possible pallet spawns to those willing to learn. It's also very solo queue friendly because they have no way to know what resources have been used up compared to comms. When it comes to the veteran players also using it often it just makes them better. They're able to chain tiles more frequently, and not run into dead zones unless they have to.

    So messing around with this perk must be done carefully, maybe just re-adding a range or small cool down. Imo the perk is fine as is though.

  • Altan
    Altan Member Posts: 9

    But as been said many time, removing the ability of survivors to do mistakes (vastly) just keep a lot of killer from playing. If you take the most basic killer like Wraith, it needs survivor to do mistakes so he can catch them. Invisibility is nice but it only serve to ambush people, it doesn't really work during a chase where people are aware of you and always next to a window/pallet.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    Its not that strong. There are, of course, braindead megheads who are just playing map-wide osu with yellow, but for the most part it doesnt add much at high level play. A 4 man swf team can just call out which pallets are down, while a solo player needs WoO to see that.

    My issue with the perk is that its designed to help survivors learn maps but doesnt actually make you remember anything, and how it automatically gives you optimal pathing. A new player using the perk will get used to always having their path layed out for them and will struggle tremendously without it, and thus always play with 3 perks when they could just learn the game.

    I'd like to see it changed in a way that brings back to cooldown for seeing pallets and windows, so you actually need to remember what's going on while letting you know which pallets aren't there even on cooldown. WoO isnt not a strength issue but a game design flaw.

    I would suggest allowing you to see the auras of broken pallets as well, bring back the cooldown (maybe lower it a bit), but allow the survivor to still see the broken pallets even when the perks cooling down. This would force new players using the perk to take note of which pallets are available and where they are, building good habits for any survivor. It would also help solo players avoid dead zones they had no way of knowing existed.

  • Creepybunbunny
    Creepybunbunny Member Posts: 9

    Why are y'all sweaty as hell. People being able to see vaults and pallets doesn't make them unable to learn to play.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,732

    Killers cannot rely solely on survs making mistakes, they must also use game sense and their powers to get downs. In the case of Wraith, his cloaked speed allows him to often bodyblock pallets and vaults for instance.

    Some tiles are able to be chained together more easily than others, and killers like Wraith can feel that much more than say Wesker, but that's more of a map issue imo. Only the veteran skilled survs at the higher MMR area can consistently take full advantage of problematic tiles, and they (and the super skilled killers who can usually handle them) only make up a small portion of the overall playerbase. And they aren't the primary focus of balancing DBD anyway, the masses and to a much lesser extent newbies are.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,732
    edited September 16

  • SolidRazo
    SolidRazo Member Posts: 102

    windows is literally fine

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,732

    I really like the idea of showing broken pallets as well. It not only shows survs which have been thrown, but where they can possibly spawn in the first place. The better survs will remember that over time and learn.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 991

    Those.... All have been nerfed. Two of them several times.

    I think the range on Windows could use a slight nerf.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 875

    Hmmmm, yes. Quite an astute observation you have there old chap.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 360

    Why people still complains about Windows? Is not overpowered, the main reason why is so used is because of SoloQ. There’s no way people can know where the pallets have been used.

    Please stop asking for making SoloQ more miserable.

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    Again, that's literally the reason it's overpowered.

    You aren't supposed to know what pallets have been used 100% of the time - that's map knowledge you need to gain by, y'know, traversing the map and making mental notes.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 360

    So you're saying SoloQ should be hard and miserable while SFW have all that communication without issues?

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 626

    The posts are always dead giveaways to users bias.

    It's obvious you haven't played Decimated Borgo as survivor.

    However, now that the fog has cleared(in maps) WoO usage should die down a bit.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 675

    No, Yoshirama, people are saying that people shouldn't need to rely on perks to do well at a game.

    That's true of both sides. You should not need Windows to loop. If you do need it you are crutching, new, or autopiloting when you could be using that slot for something else more useful.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,732

    It was extremely well thought out, planned to perfection, and thoroughly researched. Glad you found it useful. 😜

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    No, I'm saying we shouldn't balance around the fact that SWF parties exist.

    I play solo plenty and do just fine. I know the maps and tiles, pay attention to what resources have been used, and plan my escape route before I hop on a gen. I still get caught eventually because I make mistakes, but that's literally the point of the game. Windows basically removes your ability to make a mistake because you can simply run from pallet to pallet without ever being at risk.

  • ppmd
    ppmd Member Posts: 106

    Windows is fine. It can even create bad habits among players by not teaching them to maximize use of resources and it doesn't teach them how to connect anything or how to loop a structure properly. It doesn't buff survivor stats and doesn't buff SWF.

    For the person who brought up Wraith, either play hit and run or use shadow dance. There are options for pretty much every killer to play vs this perk. Every person running windows means they are less likely to be running DS UB etc

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 360

    Well, that's your experience, not all players spend too much time in this game to learn every map and every tile

    But by that logic, killers shouldn't see generators aura, they should learn the spawn of every gen, right?