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Skull Merchant Change is Amazing

AfroWaifu Member Posts: 25
edited September 17 in 8.3.0 PTB Feedback

Fun to play against, she still got her 4k, well balanced in my opinion! Chases were engaging and fair.😀

Edit: She still got a 4k with no one disconnecting or giving up on hook. As long as that isn't an impossible feat, the killer is balanced enough. Sorry you guys don't just get to win for free by sprinting up on a hindered survivor and instantly breaking a loop with a mechanic that injures for free.

If I see another one getting a 4k I'll be sure to screenshot. Although I doubt that'll stop anyone from complaining.

Edit 2: Finding another 4k skull merchant didn't take long at all. She had us dead to rights on a 4k and let the last feng wiggle and get hatch. This character is still plenty playable. All this whining is unfounded. And it's sad that no burden of proof will ever be enough for people who just want to keep their OP character over wanting balance. If I post a video, it'll be about the survivor's skill level. If skill is even across all 5 players then whiners will make it about perk loadout, etc etc. There will always be some excuse for this busted character to stay busted.

Post edited by AfroWaifu on


  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 183
    edited September 17

    I’ve played against her on the PTB, and she gets hard countered by like windows of opportunity, just leave the loop and she is kinda useless, she gets like 2 claw trap a match how are people still complaining

    considering everyone is given 12500 auric cells, you should try playing her, it’s kinda miserable to play, not downplaying your opinion just try playing her to better formulate your opinion

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 297

    She basically doesn't have a power at this point. If you love to Skull Merchant, that says more about your skill level then it does about her

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 325

    You can correct me or not since I don't play customs but the screenshot doesn't really tell us if this was a public match or a custom match where it's just 4 friend throwing on purpose to make this thread. I guess that's the same as your 2nd point tho.

    Either way as Crowman said, a screenshot means nothing. Video evidence would be much better bc then we could see what the survivors are actually doing and even get a idea of their skill level as well.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,722

    you aren't fooling anyone brother. everyone knows bhvr basically killswitched her until her rework. i hate sm don't get me wrong, but a bit milder nerfs would do the work without killing her for the following year. she will be unplayable if those changes go through.

  • AfroWaifu
    AfroWaifu Member Posts: 25

    He didn't give up. He just sucked in chase and didn't do gens. Pretty average soloq player

  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 183

    While that is a fair point don't get me wrong, and based on the one person running both corrective action and hyper focus (on solo que for some reason) I am gonna assume that this isn't a private game, or a game that was taken before the PTB, I am curious tho, how did the skully play. I don't want to argue, or get more aggressive (Sorry I was before) I just wanna know how did the skully play.

  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 55

    The point is there are too many unanswered questions and little believable evidence. You have cropped the image in a suspicious way that hides a lot of information (are those even from the same game? Is one of those people even you?) and basically said "it's true! trust me bro".

  • coolgue1
    coolgue1 Member Posts: 110

    People will complain about her becasue they don't want to adopt a diffrent playstyle all they want is old skull back she will never be balance in her favour enought for the people that main her it facts becasue her kit is OP yes it op her get free hit she get hindered she get tracking she get speed boost like get real here no killer I. The game has this much lul

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 162

    Found the industry plant

  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 183
    edited September 18

    again, like no one is complaining about that, we are complaining that this is in fact a gutting, to a rework they are likely to cancel. There is no playstyle to adapt to, she only really has her stealth left, it’s just a worse sadako at this point, home girl has absolutely nothing in her kit worth using, it was stripped for parts.

  • YayC
    YayC Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 101

    Got 3 wins on her last night even against full gen rushers. Doesn't mean the changes are good or fun, they suck. You playing a M1 killer who can go undetectable every 10s.

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 442
    edited September 18

    I had no issues playing with her across multiple matches on PTB, aside from the bugs.

    I think that her sheer utility as a Killer with on-demand stealth and perfect unhideable tracking on all Survivors is severely undervalued, on top of her ability to remotely injure survivors still.

    Removing deep wounds was a very nice touch, as well.

    Keeping the drones to single scan lines makes her a lot easier to focus mid-chase, especially when drones are overlapping (my friend who plays rather infrequently found this version of Skull Merchant much easier and fun to go against), and forces her to be acutely aware of the drones' rotations and positioning and rotate them mid-chase to get maximum value out of them, making her a lot more active to play as.