The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

nerf "gen rushing"

due to how common this seems gen regression perks are almost mandatory for the longest time now and recently after a variety of nerfs to gen kicking and regression in general… killers seem more incentivized to kill a survivor as soon as possible or slugging to keep survivors occupied and make it easier for them to win. overall I just feel like one bad chase should not decide the killer looses the game because they got out-looped and bullied by a survivor, I get the "just don't chase that one" sorta thing but im more talking how it leaves a bad impression on new killers when the local bully squad/gen rushing smurf accounts make it feel like they could do nothing, it would also help killers who don't have as much chase pressure feel like they could do chases… just my thoughts on the matter.


  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 177

    Eapecially with hyper focus plus new corrective action

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 339

    gen rushing is not common to the extent of people imaging Hens and his 3 pals who are trying to break a record for quickest match time and load in with the perks and game plan to do so. The average killer who gets 'gen rushed' is losing a game where the team actually completed the only objective in the match in the same way that you go to work and perform the same function day in and day out; it is your job. The only job a survivor has in a match is to complete all of the gens.

    you are not losing a match due to one bad chase unless you refuse to abandon it knowing very well that you are being outclassed by the other party. You choosing to engage in that chase for an extended period of time, knowing it is taking you an extended period of time, is not cause for nerfing or buffing either role. Besides, you are bound to come across better players, better teams, bully squads, etc. as you play, it is what it is.

    killers will always be incentivized to kill one person asap because it is the easiest way to tilt the game in their favor. 3 v 1 at 5 or 4 gens is very difficult for your average, uncoordinated solo team which is what most matches consist of. It is doable, but you need a lot to happen right and a lot of stuff is just out of your control as an individual member of the team.

  • ppmd
    ppmd Member Posts: 106

    Getting bullied on either side can be pretty tough, but hopefully this can be a cause to either suggest changes in matchmaking if you want to suggest changes, or to learn on an individual level.

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 83

    As MMR goes up and survivors improve, gens need to take longer.

    I shouldn't have the same amount of time to chase, down, and hook a team with a combined total playtime of 1,000 hours as I do with a team with a combined total playtime of 10,000 hours.

  • DarkTheKitty
    DarkTheKitty Member Posts: 13

    yea this is more what im saying nerf this stuff for because they nerf all the gen regression because killers feel like its required and keep buffing gen progression (even by proxy of gen regression being nerfed)

    god that better be a bug survivors can just rush up to 2 gens so long as two of them are running that combination and a toolbox (literally less than 30s or something to complete the gen) so possibly you could get into a game where at 40-50s into the game 2 gens pop, then 40-50s later another 2 pop… when your playing a setup killer by the time you even get your setup done 2 gens pop.. not to mention chases can take up to that time or longer so its like 3 gens popped from setup and 1 chase….. thats if most of them are running that

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    Ever since they nerf alot of gen regression based perks that that killers have to combat gen speeds, as well as 3 genning; they keep on buffing gen repair based perks and make it more convenient for survivor to focused solely on rushing their one main objective and escape. While killers needs to do alot in between chase and relie more on tunneling and slugging for any form of map pressure, as well as have the best killers/perk builds.

    I think increase gen repair time as you rise up in matchmaking would be nice quality of life. Or better yet... add another main objective that isn't fixing Generators and openings exit gates for survivors to do. Heck, I would love to see something game changing to slowdown the pace of the game and make killers have more options to have a chance to win and Survivors needs to do more then sit around and do gens or engage chase with the killer at all time.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 692
    edited 3:21AM

    At this point I'm just hoping we get a massive buff to other gen related perks for Killer like Thrilling Tremors or some sort of new generator perk. This is absolutely absurd.

    I mentioned this issue on the survey. I hope they listen. It's not cool that Killers have to keep running gen control that keeps being weakened, meanwhile Survivors have at least 10+ perks to help speed up gens in some way or reduce charges, AND toolboxes plus repair buffs when on a gen together.

    We have anti 3gen now, BHVR. This isn't necessary, and I feel dirty every time I run more than one gen repair buff perk as Survivor. Hell, I even feel dirty running a commodious BNP spool now. This isn't fair.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 692

    It may not be common, but please answer - why do Survivors deserve so many tools to push gens faster, and yet Killers aren't allowed any strong generator control perks because of one single bad meta for Survs and two Killers who used to be able to 3gen really well? It feels like a double standard. How many items and perks for generators do Survivors really need?