
Badham means terrible experience for killers…Especially M1 Killers… This map is still awful because??? Can we please rework it. 4 out of 5 variations are terrible.
Because they simply hate good balanced maps, ether they are garbage for survivors or they are badham, eyrie or garden of joy xD
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Literally. I just don't understand it. Just balance it and call it a day.
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Would be too easy I guess xD
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The developers said in their recent AMA that they want to change Badham but mainly the mainbuilding.
I agree with you that Badham is a horrible map and it makes no fun to play on it as a killer because it just chasing the survivor from one strong spot to another with breaking strong filler pallets between or walk five busness day from one generator to another if you play a non mobility killer. In my opinion they should remove Badham 2, 3, 4, and 5 and keep Badham 1 because this one is the most average one and not many players, especially the average ones, can separate all these badhams from each other (If I show you a picture or layout of one of the Badhams, I am pretty sure 90% cannot tell me which Badham this is. This is only confusing and make the game in an unfair way difficult to learn for new players). Then nerf the mainbuilding (give the basement an always spawning hook, make the mainbuilding a bit smaller), replace the house of pain with the Haddonfield one, nerf the double storey house by removing one window and let the killer break only one breakable wall (the other one is open), make the fences shorter, remove the filler pallets around the shack, and make it so that the pallet spread is more fairer.
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We've been waiting for them to change it for Yeaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrssssssssss.
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This is absolutely not true at all. The Game, AKA Pallet Factory? Autohaven Wreckers?
Most maps are vastly survivor-sided. The only two that stand out as being overwhelmingly garbage for survivors are the new Haddonfield and Rotten Fields.
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Well they are part of the second piece of the sentence xD
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Its exactly the opposite. How can you possibly say most maps are survivor sided? If they were the kill rates would not be so ridiculousy high.
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Because the kill rates are across all levels of play, and the vast majority of people playing this game aren't particularly great at it. Most maps have near infinite loops and chainable pallets, you just have to find and know how to use them.
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The lowest the kill rate gets in highest mmr even among 4 person swfs is still only 50% at most. And to say most maps have near infinite loops is absurd. Maybe if you were playing 1 v. 1 against a new killer and didnt have to worry about teammates using resources you could last for awhile but still not near infinite.
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Believe it or not a lot of maps are still survivor sided. Maps that are Survivor favored in my opinion; 4/5Badham, Prenn, Game, 2 MacMillan maps, Hawkins, Eyrie, 1 of the Yamaoka's, Nostromo…..
Maps that favor killer. Haddonfield & Rotten Fields.
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I agree badham could be considered survivor sided, eyrie, garden of joy which you didnt even mention. Your other examples I don't really agree with especially the game, that map can be very killer sided depending on which killer and such.
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To be fair, when we did polls on these maps several months back, most voted in favor the those maps are in fact survivor sided.
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doesn’t a variant still have one of the old house of pain tiles
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Most of them do.
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badham according dev is schedule for an update. so it is just matter of waiting for said update. garden of joy is also said to get an update. so these extremely survivor sided maps have their days numbered. due to these maps, i never want to play m1 killers like Sadako. As much i like maps being weaker, i prefer killer that weak to be stronger so that they're more playable on these survivor sided maps. unfortunately, there are speed-bumps where some killer get nerfed.
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Voting based on population of this forum is a guaranteed outcome.
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When even the survivor mains also agreed in the previous polls, yes, I would guarantee it. Those are a given when it comes to a balance issue.