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Ok Hear Me Out On This PLEASE

What If For Dead By Daylight They Get The Licence For The One And Only Sweeny Todd The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street
if he comes in and I escape, you might say it was… a close shave
…I’ll see myself out 🪒
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There was a barber and his wife
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First Hellraiser was A tier (for its time) the second was B tier and the rest were garbage tier except for the recent reboot which was a solid B (the acting could have been a little better).
Anyways, I don’t think Sweeny Todd in as a Killer is big enough to warrant attraction or have anything they can do to make him interesting and not another Trapper without Traps. I could see it being a licensed cosmetic chapter.
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And She Was Beautiful
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On A Side Note Why Are We Capitalizing The First Letter Of Every Single Word In The Sentence? This Is A Very Weird Way To Write And Takes Exceptionally More Effort Than If You Were To Just Write The Sentence Out Normally.
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I Mean Your Not Wrong It Isn't The Most Famous Movie But My Idea Would Be His Power Could Be Something Like A Fury State Where He Hits One Survivor And Inflicts Broken Status Effect Until Chase Is Broken Or He Downs The Survivor
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So like Legion?
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I mean isn't the game already at the point of making Killers with the essence of other killers? Why stop now.
His kit could be some ungodly abomination of a match-up like Legion, Trickster, and err..a Pie?
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In A Way But Instead Of Chain Attacks It's 1 Survivor And It Gives Way For Plenty Of Add-ons But A Simple Power Should Suffice. I'm Not Definite On What How Power Could Be And I'm 100% Open To Ideas
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After the Skull Merchants fiasco and incessant whining, do you really think the community would accept another Killer who makes you repeatedly mend throughout the match along with having other abilities?
I’m not against Sweeney Tod being a chapter and I know the game engine is limited in what the Devs can do with it but just want more imaginative powers!
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I Agree I Hate Mending 24/7 But What If Sweeny Todd Had A Power Like (Just An Example) Like A Grab And Stab Similar To Like Myers Mori But It Doesn't Instakill It Puts Status Affects (Similar To Sloppy Butcher) But There's More Variety Like Hindered Or Blindness
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Also I am very sorry that my typing comes out like it does its a bad habit I've been trying to shake off for years but it comes and goes please don't allow it to ruin your day I sincerely apologize🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
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Never apologize unless you hurt someone
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I'd want the pack to be Sweeney Todd as the surv and Amber Turd as the killer honestly. Their imaginative killer power could be…
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lol! It could work as a Cosmetic Pack. Amber Turd could be Hag or Skerchant.
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The hag works perfectly
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WHen I think of Sweeny Todd, I unironically think of Johny Depp as well. And when I think of him, I always think of Willy Wonka... So, yes. I would love that. It would definitely play into DBD's horror theme.